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Released: 27-Oct-2004 11:20 AM EDT
Problems with Voting Systems Still Require an Engineering Solution
University at Buffalo

Just days before the presidential election, problems with voting systems that were identified in the 2000 election persist because engineering solutions have not been applied, says a University at Buffalo industrial engineer.

Released: 27-Oct-2004 9:20 AM EDT
This Election Could Be an Even Bigger Cliffhanger than 2000
Swarthmore College

If you thought the 2000 election was a mess, wait until you see what next week's presidential contest might have in store. So says Swarthmore College political scientist Carol Nackenoff, who believes weeks could pass before the winner of Tuesday's election is established.

Released: 26-Oct-2004 12:00 AM EDT
Election More About Bush than Kerry
Baylor University

The presidential election is more a referendum on the incumbent George W. Bush, says Dr. David Nichols, associate professor at Baylor University and author of "The Myth of the Modern Presidency".

Released: 18-Oct-2004 3:40 PM EDT
African American Voters Face Sadly Familiar Obstacles to Voting
Swarthmore College

The voting rights of some African Americans are still partially abridged, contrary to the 15th Amendment, now more than 130 years old. The problem will affect the 2004 presidential election and raises the possibility yet again of a presidential election outcome being connected to some rate of minority vote suppression.

Released: 7-Oct-2004 4:10 PM EDT
Presidential Biographer Calls on Americans to Decide War Or Peace
Williams College

"Americans seem to be unaware that they have a remarkable opportunity on election day "“ for the first time in history they can make a decision whether or not to continue to carry the burden of the war in Iraq," says presidential historian James MacGregor Burns.

Released: 7-Oct-2004 1:00 PM EDT
Election 2004 Electronic Newsroom
Grand Valley State University

Grand Valley State University has launched a new election Web page featuring political experts that are available for interviews during the 2004 election season.

Released: 30-Sep-2004 11:30 AM EDT
U-M Leads $4 Million Project to Preserve Poll and Survey Data
University of Michigan

In the thick of a presidential election, the latest findings from surveys and polls are reported on a daily basis. But much of the data behind the news on American public opinion is literally here today and gone tomorrow.

Released: 28-Sep-2004 11:50 AM EDT
Election Experts Discuss Critical Campaign Issues
Wake Forest University

This resource includes experts who can discuss the presidential and vice-presidential debates, voter turnout, manhood in American politics, young people and voting, religion and the 2004 campaign, the role of the economy in the election, and religious liberty and politics.

Released: 21-Sep-2004 1:20 PM EDT
Power of Political Advertising by 527 Groups Influences Voters
Kansas State University

As the November presidential election approaches, political advertisements have increased in the media. Independent interest groups are having a big impact this year.

Released: 20-Sep-2004 2:00 PM EDT
Religion and the 2004 Presidential Election
Swarthmore College

Several issues that could affect the outcome of the presidential election hinge at least in part on religion, says Swarthmore College Visiting Assistant Professor of Religion Amy Lorion, who studies Christianity in American society.

Released: 14-Sep-2004 5:50 PM EDT
Breaking Down the Debates
Kansas State University

Whether you think Presidential debates are vital to deciding which candidate gets your vote or you think they're a waste of time, there's one thing most people agree on -- debates during election time have become an American institution over the past 25 years.

Released: 3-Sep-2004 4:40 PM EDT
Students Host Heavyweight Election-season Series
Cornell University

Politicians, pundits and partisans will visit Cornell University this fall for an election-season debate and lecture series. There will be a Third Party Presidential Debate, a labor outsourcing debate, and lectures by Sandy Berger, Alan Keyes and U.S. Rep. Barney Frank, leading to an online mock election.

Released: 28-Jul-2004 6:30 PM EDT
Election 2004 Online Newsroom
Temple University

"Whether the Democrats can find an answer to the politics of terrorism remains to be seen. It could be an election for the ages," says presidential historian James Hilty. Seek out Professor Hilty and other experts in a newly launched Election 2004 Online Newsroom.

Released: 27-Jul-2004 6:00 PM EDT
Candidates Ignore Youth Vote at Their Own Risk
Michigan State University

Presidential candidates are crisscrossing the nation, but youths aren't on the map in the route to the White House. Experts weigh in on this and other election-related topics.

Released: 26-Jul-2004 5:50 PM EDT
Experts on Election 2004
Florida State University

With the campaign season in full swing for what is sure to be another close presidential election, FSU experts are available to provide analysis, commentary, and historical perspective.

Released: 25-Jul-2004 6:20 AM EDT
Presidential Campaign Sources from Johns Hopkins University
 Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins experts are available to comment on the politics of the presidential election campaign, the issues under debate and the implications of either a Republican or Democratic victory.

Released: 20-Jul-2004 8:50 AM EDT
The Etiquette of Political Conversation
 Johns Hopkins University

Civility expert P.M. Forni offers suggestions for avoiding angry confrontations in election-year political discussions.

Released: 7-Jun-2004 1:50 PM EDT
When Celebrities Take Over the Presidential Election
Northeastern University

According to a professor of journalism, Hollywood is in the thick of the presidential election, but candidates may soon grow weary of the attention.

Released: 19-Apr-2004 6:10 PM EDT
Experts Available on Education Reform and Improving Schools
University of Michigan

Education reform has been well under way for years with the latest federal and state changes hitting classrooms just as reform becomes a top issue in the November elections.

Released: 5-Apr-2004 4:50 PM EDT
Expert on Hispanic Vote, Political Party Outreach Available
 Johns Hopkins University

An expert on Hispanic voters is available to discuss the role of Hispanics in the 2004 presidential election and the efforts that candidates, parties, and special interests are making to reach them.

Released: 3-Mar-2004 6:20 PM EST
Election 2004: Experts Available on Presidential Race, Related Issues
Temple University

From the presidency and presidential personalities to political polling, mass media, foreign policy, media endorsements, campaign finance, national policy-making, and African-American voters, experts are available to analyze the 2004 election.

Released: 26-Feb-2004 10:00 AM EST
Election 2004 Experts
Purdue University

Experts who can discuss a variety of topics related to the upcoming 2004 election, including the presidential election, and congressional campaign, voting and education issues.

Released: 13-Feb-2004 1:30 PM EST
Unions Still Carry Political Clout
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Historically, union support has helped put many candidates over the top in elections, from the local level through the presidency.

Released: 14-Jan-2004 5:20 PM EST
Experts See Politics in State of the Union
University of Maryland, College Park

President Bush travels to Capitol Hill January 20 for his third State of the Union address. With a presidential election year looming, and many in Congress focusing on their own reelection, the question for many is will Mr. Bush deliver more than just a modified campaign speech?
