Latest News from: University of Florida

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Released: 31-May-2007 3:10 PM EDT
Love Still Dominates Pop Song Lyrics, but with Raunchier Language
University of Florida

"Make love not war" may have been a popular slogan of the '60s, but romance still figures prominently "” and perhaps even more so "” in today's hit music, a new University of Florida study finds.

Released: 30-May-2007 12:15 PM EDT
Huge Wind Machine to Simulate Category Three Hurricanes
University of Florida

It will huff, and puff, and blow the house in "” but only for research purposes.

Released: 29-May-2007 2:25 PM EDT
Florida’s Consumer Confidence Hits Lowest Level in 19 Months
University of Florida

Record-high gas prices and a weak housing market caused consumer confidence in Florida to fall three points in May to 82, its lowest level since October 2005, a new University of Florida study finds.

Released: 22-May-2007 5:05 PM EDT
Botanist: Restore Fire-resistant Longleaf Pines, Get Clean Energy
University of Florida

Foresters have known for decades that restoring native Longleaf pine forests would help reduce the risk of the large fires plaguing Florida today.

Released: 17-May-2007 11:30 AM EDT
Positive Self-esteem in Youth Can Pay Big Salary Dividends Later in Life
University of Florida

Believing in yourself may be good for the soul, but it can also be good for the bank account, according to a new University of Florida study that finds self-confidence can translate into earning hundreds of thousands of dollars more over a lifetime.

Released: 14-May-2007 2:25 PM EDT
UF Contributes Nearly $6 Billion to Florida Economy
University of Florida

The University of Florida, the state's largest university and one of the biggest research universities in the nation, contributes nearly $6 billion annually to Florida's economy and is responsible for nearly 75,000 jobs.

Released: 9-May-2007 11:00 AM EDT
Expanded List of Experts Available to Discuss 2007 Hurricane Season
University of Florida

With this summer's hurricane season predicted to be another active one, the following University of Florida sources are available to speak to the news media about a variety of storm- and hurricane-related topics.

7-May-2007 3:10 PM EDT
As Rainfall Changes, Tropical Plants May Acclimate
University of Florida

Tropical plants may be more adaptable than commonly thought to changing rainfall patterns expected to accompany a warming climate, new research shows.

Released: 7-May-2007 2:20 PM EDT
Childless Women Fare as Well Psychologically as Mothers at Mid-life
University of Florida

For one day each year, motherhood brings flowers, cards and Sunday brunches, but a new University of Florida study asks, how important is it for women's happiness in midlife whether and when they had children?

Released: 30-Apr-2007 3:00 PM EDT
Student Engineers Design Environmentally Safe, Portable Bug Trap
University of Florida

An environmentally friendly bug trap designed in part by University of Florida engineering undergraduates uses battery-powered LEDs flashing at different frequencies to attract house flies. The flies make their way through slots in the trap toward the lights, only to become immobilized on a sticky glue strip in a disposable plastic cartridge.

Released: 24-Apr-2007 6:15 PM EDT
Revamped Experiment Could Detect Elusive Particle, Physicists Say
University of Florida

An experiment called "shining light through walls" would seem hard to improve upon.

Released: 19-Apr-2007 5:45 PM EDT
Scientists Discover New Genus of Frogmouth Bird in Solomon Islands
University of Florida

Your bird field guide may be out of date now that University of Florida scientists discovered a new genus of frogmouth bird on a South Pacific island.

Released: 12-Apr-2007 5:25 PM EDT
Church Events a Growing Boon to Local Economies
University of Florida

Communities that host church retreats and conventions can count their blessings and the dollars the faithful pump into local economies, a new University of Florida study finds.

Released: 29-Mar-2007 4:15 PM EDT
Florida Engineers Head Effort to Map California’s San Andreas Fault
University of Florida

A project being completed within the next few weeks to map California's San Andreas Fault could bring the dream of forecasting earthquakes a bit closer to reality.

Released: 20-Mar-2007 3:40 PM EDT
Florida Households Grow Over Last Six Years Despite Hurricanes
University of Florida

Hurricanes failed to dampen Florida's growth, as the number of year-round households in the Sunshine State grew an estimated 15 percent between 2000 and 2006 to more than 7 million residences, a new University of Florida study shows.

Released: 12-Mar-2007 5:05 PM EDT
Engineers Are First to Measure Lightning-caused Polluting Gas
University of Florida

A flash of light, a boom of thunder, a puff of smog? Researchers have long known that lightning produces lots of nitrogen oxide. Power plants and cars also give off the gas, which is a big ingredient in smog. Now, engineering researchers have made the first direct measurements of the amount of nitrogen oxide produced during an actual lightning strike.

Released: 8-Mar-2007 3:00 PM EST
Florida’s Single-family Housing Market Hits Bottom; Market Stabilizes
University of Florida

Hopeful homebuyers in Florida should act now: The price is right as the state's single-family residential housing market bottoms out, according to a University of Florida study released today.

Released: 7-Mar-2007 3:30 PM EST
Abandoning Net Neutrality Discourages Improvements in Service
University of Florida

Charging online content providers such as Yahoo! and Google for preferential access to the customers of Internet service providers might not be in the best interest of the millions of Americans, despite claims to the contrary, a new University of Florida study finds.

5-Mar-2007 2:15 PM EST
Human Pubic Lice Acquired from Gorillas Gives Evolutionary Clues
University of Florida

Humans acquired pubic lice from gorillas several million years ago, but this seemingly seedy connection does not mean that monkey business went on with the great apes, a new University of Florida study finds.

5-Mar-2007 11:50 AM EST
UF Study First to Document Evidence of ‘Mafia’ Behavior in Cowbirds
University of Florida

"The Sopranos" have some competition -- brown-headed cowbirds.

Released: 22-Feb-2007 4:35 PM EST
Inhabitants of Early Settlement Were Desperate to Find Metals
University of Florida

A new study provides evidence that the last inhabitants of Christopher Columbus' first settlement desperately tried to extract silver from lead ore, originally brought from Spain for other uses, just before abandoning the failed mining operation in 1498. It is the first known European extraction of silver in the New World.

Released: 13-Feb-2007 7:00 PM EST
World Shark Attacks Rise Slightly but Continue Long-term Dip
University of Florida

Shark attacks edged up slightly in 2006 but continued an overall long-term decline as overfishing and more cautious swimmers helped take a bite out of the aggressive encounters, new University of Florida research finds.

Released: 7-Feb-2007 4:25 PM EST
At UF, Distance Learning Moves Off the Planet
University of Florida

There's no excuse for being late to Paul Fishwick's class, even though it's held on an island, one that does not appear on the map of the landlocked University of Florida in Gainesville.

5-Feb-2007 3:00 PM EST
Largest North America Climate Change in 65 Million Years Is Revealed
University of Florida

The largest climate change in central North America since the age of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, a temperature drop of nearly 15 degrees Fahrenheit, is documented within the fossilized teeth of horses and other plant-eating mammals, a new study reveals.

Released: 1-Feb-2007 6:25 PM EST
Sexual Stereotypes Influence Behavior in Adult Bookstores
University of Florida

Visits to adult bookstores elicit behavior that ranges from macho swagger to skulking insecurity in men and bold confidence to adolescent giggling in women, a new University of Florida study finds.

Released: 30-Jan-2007 6:50 PM EST
Researchers Probe Health and Safety Impacts of Nanotechnology
University of Florida

University of Florida engineering student Maria Palazuelos is working on nanotechnology, but she's not seeking a better sunscreen, tougher golf club or other product "” the focus of many engineers in the field.

Released: 30-Jan-2007 6:20 PM EST
Housing Slump Likely Culprit in Florida Consumer Confidence Decline
University of Florida

The housing slump "” and not gas prices or the stock market "” is likely to blame for the drop in consumer confidence in Florida by one point to 89 in January, University of Florida economists report.

Released: 25-Jan-2007 4:00 PM EST
No State Completely Open About Convicted Sex Offenders
University of Florida

No state is as open as it could be in informing the public about the presence of convicted sex offenders in the neighborhood, new University of Florida research finds.

Released: 23-Jan-2007 2:35 PM EST
‘Terror Bird’ Arrived in North America Before Land Bridge
University of Florida

A University of Florida-led study has determined that Titanis walleri, a prehistoric 7-foot-tall flightless "terror bird," arrived in North America from South America long before a land bridge connected the two continents.

Released: 22-Jan-2007 1:45 PM EST
Microwave Oven Can Sterilize Sponges, Scrub Pads
University of Florida

Microwave ovens may be good for more than just zapping the leftovers; they may also help protect your family.

Released: 4-Jan-2007 3:00 PM EST
Teacher Merit Pay Boosts Student Standardized Test Scores
University of Florida

A carrot for teachers helps students stick to the books, according to a new University of Florida study that finds merit pay for instructors equates to better test scores for their pupils.

Released: 18-Dec-2006 4:25 PM EST
Five Years Post-9/11, Survey Shows Most Consider Skyscrapers Safe
University of Florida

Five years after terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center, a majority of respondents in a University of Florida study say they felt safe living and working in skyscrapers despite believing they are terrorist targets.

Released: 13-Dec-2006 4:25 PM EST
For Crickets, Parasitic Flies Can Stop the Music
University of Florida

Love hurts "” really bad, for some unlucky crickets, anyway.

Released: 11-Dec-2006 4:30 PM EST
Snowbirds and “Sunbirds” Cause Big Shifts in Florida’s Older Population
University of Florida

Florida's elderly population fluctuates by nearly 20 percent over the course of a year with the winter arrival of "snowbirds" embracing warmer weather and the summer departure of "sunbirds" escaping to cooler climes, a new University of Florida study finds.

Released: 5-Dec-2006 6:00 PM EST
Outlook for Florida Real Estate Market Not Entirely Negative
University of Florida

While the outlook for sales of homes and condos in Florida is bleak, the real estate prognosis for business properties is much better as it rides on a still-strong state economy, according to a University of Florida study released today.

Released: 29-Nov-2006 4:45 PM EST
Staffers Benefit from Single-Room Design for Baby Care
University of Florida

Neonatal intensive care units designed with single-family rooms not only increase patient privacy but also boost staff satisfaction and reduce stress, according to a University of Florida study.

Released: 28-Nov-2006 4:30 PM EST
Upswing in Consumer Confidence Boosts Holiday Retail Sales Outlook
University of Florida

Lower gas prices, high employment levels and possibly the mid-term election results boosted consumer confidence in Florida by three points in November to 93, boding well for holiday shopping sales, University of Florida economists report.

Released: 27-Nov-2006 4:45 PM EST
As Hasidic Population Grows, Jewish Politics May Shift Right
University of Florida

In an era when the Jewish population in America is stable or declining, ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Jewish numbers are growing rapidly "” a trend that may make the Jewish community not only more religiously observant but also more politically conservative.

22-Nov-2006 12:45 PM EST
Lucky Break Gives Scientists Unique View of Underwater Eruption
University of Florida

A combination of luck and being in the right place at the right time allowed a University of Florida geologist and other scientists to capture and record an undersea volcanic eruption for the first time ever.

Released: 20-Nov-2006 3:35 PM EST
Surveys Find Florida Consumers Have Less to Spend for Christmas
University of Florida

Despite falling gasoline prices, most Florida consumers don't plan to spend more this Christmas season than they did last year.

14-Nov-2006 12:00 AM EST
Fires in Far Northern Forests to Have Cooling, Not Warming, Effect
University of Florida

Droughts and longer summers tied to global warming are causing more fires in the Earth's vast northernmost forests, a phenomenon that will spew a steadily increasing amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Released: 2-Nov-2006 6:40 PM EST
New Phylum Sheds Light on Ancestor of Animals, Humans
University of Florida

Genetic analysis of an obscure, worm-like creature retrieved from the depths of the North Atlantic has led to the discovery of a new phylum, a rare event in an era when most organisms have already been grouped into major evolutionary categories.

Released: 31-Oct-2006 5:20 PM EST
Relief at Pump Spurs Hike in Florida Consumer Confidence This Month
University of Florida

Lower gas prices have given low-income customers a break and fueled a seven-point increase in consumer in October to 90, its highest level in seven months, University of Florida economists report.

Released: 30-Oct-2006 4:10 PM EST
Survey: Montana, Florida Give Best Access to Election Information
University of Florida

Next week's elections may change the country's political landscape, but residents of some states will have a much easier time than those of others if they want to examine the results for themselves, according to new University of Florida research.

Released: 26-Oct-2006 5:20 PM EDT
University, Honeywell Engineers Building First Space Supercomputer
University of Florida

HAL may soon be getting some company. But unlike the famous computer companion in Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey," the first space-based supercomputer "” so described because it will be by far the most powerful computer in space "” is already nearing reality.

Released: 19-Oct-2006 9:10 PM EDT
Store’s Interior Design May be Best Front Against Shoplifting
University of Florida

Getting the goods on a thief may not be necessary if a store's interior is designed to deter shoplifting in the first place, a new University of Florida study finds.

Released: 11-Oct-2006 6:15 PM EDT
Hollywood Films Portray Biracial Couples Negatively If Shown at All
University of Florida

Despite growing numbers of mixed couples in America, movie relationships between men and women of different races are most likely to be short-lived, oversexed and downright dangerous, a new University of Florida study finds.

Released: 4-Oct-2006 6:50 PM EDT
Sexual Attitudes Help Explain Narcissists’ Relationship Problems
University of Florida

When Robert Browning wrote "grow old along with me, the best is yet to be," he had no inkling of a future University of Florida study showing that narcissists are more interested in sexual pleasure than lasting intimacy.

Released: 28-Sep-2006 12:45 PM EDT
Live Oak Trees Struggle for Survival in Growth Areas
University of Florida

The majestic live oak is losing its battle for survival to suburban sprawl and the encroachment of taller trees, a new University of Florida study finds.

Released: 26-Sep-2006 7:05 PM EDT
Astronomers Discover Two New Planets, Both Among the Hottest Ever
University of Florida

Astronomers have discovered two new planets outside our solar system, both extremely close to their stars and thus among the hottest ever found.
