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Restaurants and Bars Overserve Alcohol, Despite Policy Designed to Deter Them, Study Finds

A strategy aimed at preventing restaurants and bars from serving alcohol to patrons who are already intoxicated does not appear to be effective, according to a study recently published in Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research.
24-May-2024 6:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Alcohol Use Disorder Amplifies Suicidal Ideation Severity in Military Personnel with PTSD

Heavy alcohol use may be a key factor contributing to suicide among military personnel with untreated post-traumatic stress disorder. A study of active military personnel found that heavy drinking amplifies the relationship between PTSD symptoms and...
23-May-2024 6:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Young Adult Women’s Alcohol Use is Increasingly Driven by Social Reasons, Narrowing the Binge-Drinking Gap by Gender

The narrowing gap between binge drinking among adult women and men has been driven partly by women’s rising use of alcohol for social reasons—to have fun. In addition, women are increasingly using alcohol to relax or relieve tension, a new study...
22-May-2024 5:30 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Removing Positive Social Features From Alcohol Advertisements and Including Health Warnings May Reduce Consumers’ Drinking

Adults react differently to alcohol advertisements depending on how explicit or implicit the messaging is about the social pleasure of drinking and the possible health effects, a new study shows. Exposure to alcohol marketing is consistently linked...
21-May-2024 6:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Stress Activates Brain Regions Linked to Alcohol Use Disorder, Differently for Women Than Men

When exposed to stress, people with alcohol use disorder engage parts of the brain associated with both stress and addiction, which may cause them to drink or crave alcohol after a stressful experience, suggest the authors of a study published in...
20-Apr-2024 7:00 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Low Levels of Alcohol May Not Be Good for Us After All, According to New Analytical Approaches

Low-to-moderate drinking may not be protective against certain health conditions, and “safe” alcohol use guidelines may be substantially off base. These are among the implications of a review of studies that use a novel research method.
18-Apr-2024 7:00 AM EDT Add to Favorites

How Young Adults Perceive the Risk of a Single Drink—Versus Whether They See Risk in Binge Drinking—May Drive Heavy Alcohol Use

When drinking choices are perceived as “just one drink,” with each single drink representing relatively slight risk, it may ironically lead to heavier drinking and alcohol-related harms.
17-Apr-2024 7:00 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Alcohol-Induced Blackouts May Be Linked to How a Person Drinks, Not Just How Much

Certain drinking behaviors beyond just the quantity of alcohol consumed may predict the likelihood a person will experience an alcohol-induced blackout, a condition where someone is conscious and engaging with their surroundings but will be unable...
16-Apr-2024 7:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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The Research Society on Alcoholism (RSA) provides a forum for communication among researchers who share common interests in understanding the disease of alcoholism and alcohol’s various effects, both positive and negative, on the body and behavior. The Society's purpose is to promote research that can lead the way toward prevention and treatment of alcoholism, and a reduction in the harmful effects of alcohol in society. RSA is the leading international society of research scientists working on alcohol problems, with over 1,500 members in the United States and around the world.



Debra Sharp


Marisa Silveri
Public Education Liaison

Robyn Alie
Science Writer

Lucy Berrington
Science Writer

Sherry Wasilow
ACER/Newswise Coordination

Lindsay Squeglia
RSA Outreach Chair
