Geoffrey  Hoffman, PhD, MPH

Geoffrey Hoffman, PhD, MPH

University of Michigan

Assistant professor

Expertise: FallsFallsGerontologyGerontologyOlder AdultsOlder Adults

Dr. Hoffman is a health services researcher with interests in older adult health. His research focuses on quality of care and policies affecting older adults. Specific interests include the prevalence of and outcomes associated with fall injuries, implications of informal and formal caregiving for older adult prevention and health, dyadic relationships between family caregivers and care recipients, and how pay-for-performance programs influence care patterns, injuries, and health outcomes for older adults and their caregivers. Dr. Hoffman's work has been published in leading journals such as JAMA Network Open, the Journal of General Internal Medicine, Medical Care, Medical Care Research and Review, Health Services Research, and The Gerontologist.

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Physically active older veterans fall more, but hurt themselves less

Active older veterans fall more often than their more sedentary peers who never served in the armed forces, but they're less likely to injure themselves when they do, says a University of Michigan researcher.
14-Apr-2020 02:10:24 PM EDT

We know the numbers––they’re pretty bad for the oldest older adults. So, education and support are crucial. Gently and respectfully being supportive of autonomy but acknowledging risk is critical, so I might say more than shaming or talking, it might help to walk the walk. Give older adults information about risk, but also provide help with technology. Deliver medications and groceries; clean door knobs, call nursing homes, provide support to caregivers. It’s a more courteous way to ease older adults into a nonstigmatized safe place to address the virus. If it’s a stigma that’s driving this, we have to have a really nonstigmatic approach.

- Stop Calling Them Elderly: How to Talk to Older Adults About Social Distancing

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