Nancy D. Hanson, PhD, director of Molecular Biology, Center for Research in Anti-Infectives & Biotechnology at Creighton University has spent nearly 20 years on research that may one day lead to less reliance on antibiotics.

In collaboration with Streck, Inc., her lab has developed kits to detect genes associated with resistance to certain antibiotics, potentially giving hospitals and doctors faster information about which drugs might work. “For a long time, no one would pay attention,” she says. “They said they wouldn’t need it.” With the WHO publishing now it’s first-ever list of antibiotic-resistant “priority pathogens,” it’s fair to say times have changed. Typically, hospitals have cultured blood and other fluids to identify the organisms causing infection, then test to see which antibiotics might work. “It can take up to 3 days to do this,” says Hanson, “And meanwhile the patient is not getting optimal therapy.” The tests by Hanson’s team can be run in as little as half an hour, using equipment the hospital already has. “We’re never going to stop resistance,” she says. “But if we can slow it down or prevent the spread, it can make a real difference in the lives of patients.” Hanson can be reached by phone or email; 402-280-5837email: [email protected]. Studio interview available on the LTN Global Network at Creighton University studio.  Nancy D. Hanson, PhDProfessorDepartment of Medical MicrobiologyDirector: Center for Research in Anti-Infectives and BiotechnologyCreighton University School of Medicine2500 California PlazaOmaha, NE 68178Email: [email protected]Phone: 402-280-5837FAX: 402-280-1875