Newswise — This workshop is intended to provide the participants with updated knowledge and skills to serve the OEF/OIF veterans suffering from blast injuries, and related conditions including TBI, PTSD and chronic pain. Specifically, topics will include: "¢ a definition of blast trauma, its characteristics, epidemiology, neuro-anatomy and neuropathology. "¢ mechanisms of explosive blast injury. "¢ the co-morbidity of PTSD, pain, and other psychiatric and somatic symptoms. "¢ neurobiology of PTSD and pain. "¢ neuro-imaging of post-TBI depression. "¢ medical impact and implications for rehabilitation (including involvement of family members). "¢ recovery from PTSD and pain following traumatic brain injury. "¢ a panel discussion on cognitive rehabilitation. "¢ an overview of pharmacological interventions. "¢ the psychophysiology of PTSD and implications for biofeedback. "¢ the use of virtual reality in the assessment, treatment and evaluation of PTSD and TBI. "¢ complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) interventions. "¢ special issues for female veterans (military sexual trauma and beyond).
Speakers will include a host of national and internationally known experts in the field of blast injury, PTSD, and pain:
Ibolja Cernak, MD, ME, PhD Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory Ronald G. Riechers, MDCleveland VA Medical Center Lonnie A. Nelson, PhDDefense and Veteran's Brain Injury Center Carmen V. Russoniello, PhD, LRT, LPC, BCIACEast Carolina University Gabriel Tan, PhD, ABPPMichael E. DeBakery VA Medical Center Kathleen Kortte, PhDJohn Hopkins University School of Medicine Una McCann, MD John Hopkins University School of Medicine Vani Rao, MD John Hopkins University School of Medicine James Fauerbach, PhD John Hopkins University School of Medicine Michael Smith, PhD John Hopkins University School of Medicine
More information on additional speakers will be released when available. We look forward to sharing additional details on the wide array of experts speaking at the Fall Workshop.