Feature Channels: Nuclear Physics

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Released: 11-Jan-2021 2:45 PM EST
Experimental, theoretical physicists can now apply for Rosen Scholar Fellowship to work at Los Alamos Neutron Science Center
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Experimental and theoretical scientists seeking an opportunity to pursue research in neutron scattering, dynamic materials, isotope production, and both applied and basic research in nuclear physics at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) can apply to the Rosen Scholar Fellowship.

Released: 8-Jan-2021 10:45 AM EST
Brookhaven Intern Caroline Sears Analyzes Nuclear Fission Yields
Brookhaven National Laboratory

The Smith College undergraduate is analyzing data relevant to nuclear reactor science.

Released: 6-Jan-2021 11:10 AM EST
First-Person Science: Kawtar Hafidi on the Proton’s Structure
Department of Energy, Office of Science

When Kawtar Hafidi first started researching the structure of the proton, other scientists told her the project she proposed was impossible. Now she and the scientists she’s trained are pursuing the next generation of that “impossible” experiment.

Released: 6-Jan-2021 9:45 AM EST
Brookhaven Lab's Top-10 Stories of 2020
Brookhaven National Laboratory

With all the remarkable changes and challenges that took place in 2020, the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory had a banner year in science.

Released: 5-Jan-2021 9:55 AM EST
Machine Learning Improves Particle Accelerator Diagnostics
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

Operators of Jefferson Lab's primary particle accelerator are getting a new tool to help them quickly address issues that can prevent it from running smoothly. The machine learning system has passed its first two-week test, correctly identifying glitchy accelerator components and the type of glitches they’re experiencing in near-real-time. An analysis of the results of the first field test of the custom-built machine learning system was recently published in the journal Physical Review Accelerators and Beams.

Released: 4-Jan-2021 11:20 AM EST
Experiment to Precisely Measure Electrons Moves Forward
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

The MOLLER experiment at DOE’s Jefferson Lab is one step closer to carrying out an experiment to gain new insight into the forces at work inside the heart of matter through probes of the humble electron. The experiment has just received a designation of Critical Decision 1, or CD-1, from the DOE, which is a greenlight to move forward in design and prototyping of equipment.

Released: 21-Dec-2020 9:50 AM EST
Ettringite Cements Its Potential
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Ettringite, a mineral found in cement, can latch on to and detain the wily and worrisome radioactive contaminant, pertechnetate.

Released: 14-Dec-2020 10:30 AM EST
Righting a wrong, nuclear physicists improve precision of neutrino studies
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Led by the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, a new study clears up a discrepancy regarding the biggest contributor of unwanted background signals in specialized detectors of neutrinos.

Released: 8-Dec-2020 10:55 AM EST
Sandia hosts Education With Industry officer
Sandia National Laboratories

With the resiliency and determination that earned her the U.S. Air Force call sign “Fenix,” Capt. Justine Wolff is using her position as an Education With Industry student at Sandia National Laboratories.

Released: 1-Dec-2020 10:45 AM EST
American Vacuum Society Honors Jefferson Lab Accelerator Scientist
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

Some of the most advanced work to enable research at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility is focused on ensuring that nothing gets in the way of the electron beam produced for nuclear physics experiments. Now, one Jefferson Lab staff scientist is being honored for her work on producing ultra-high to extreme-high vacuum environments to do just that.

Released: 30-Nov-2020 6:00 AM EST
Regional nuclear weapons exchange effects on global climate could range from minimal impact to significant cooling
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

A team of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory researchers has found that the global climatic consequences of a regional nuclear weapons exchange could range from a minimal impact to more significant cooling lasting years.

Released: 25-Nov-2020 1:15 PM EST
JSA Announces 10 New Graduate Fellows
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

Jefferson Science Associates has announced the award of ten graduate fellowships to doctoral students for the 2020-2021 academic year. The fellowships will support students’ advanced studies at their universities and research at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, a U.S. Department of Energy nuclear physics research laboratory managed and operated by JSA.

Released: 16-Nov-2020 10:05 AM EST
Chuck Kessel: Forging Paths for Fusion’s Future
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Chuck Kessel leads the national Blanket and Fuel Cycle program, the national Fusion Energy Systems Studies program and the Virtual Laboratory of Technology and co-leads the Liquid-Metal Plasma-Facing Components program. He's devoted his career to ensuring commercial fusion power is a viable future option.

Released: 12-Nov-2020 11:55 AM EST
Advancing the arrival of fusion energy through improved understanding of fast plasma particles
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

PPPL scientists have developed a unique program to track the zig-zagging dance of hot, charged plasma particles that fuel fusion reactions.

Released: 12-Nov-2020 8:10 AM EST
Students of nuclear security have a problem. Here’s how to help them.
Sandia National Laboratories

Sandia National Laboratories is teaming up with the University of New Mexico to create a new approach to teaching nuclear security.

Released: 6-Nov-2020 9:55 AM EST
When Tiny, Energetic Worlds Collide
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Scientists use collisions of heavy ions moving near the speed of light to recreate and investigate the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). By measuring the attenuation of fast particles travelling through the QGP, physicists learn more about the QGP and the conditions that existed shortly after the Big Bang.

Released: 29-Oct-2020 12:45 PM EDT
Scientists repurpose MRI magnet for new discoveries
Argonne National Laboratory

For five years, a recycled MRI magnet has provided strong magnetic fields for cross-calibration and testing of equipment used in major physics experiments.

Released: 26-Oct-2020 11:20 AM EDT
The Life and Death of Stars: Viewing Nuclear Reactions to Understand the Universe Around Us
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Scientists can now produce extremely precise snapshots of nuclear reactions using Time Projection Chambers to study the interactions of rare nuclei when they collide with gas. Researchers then study the resulting reactions and radioactive decay to better understand the strong nuclear force.

Released: 26-Oct-2020 11:10 AM EDT
New Measurement Fits Another Piece in the Proton Radius Puzzle
Department of Energy, Office of Science

The “proton radius puzzle” arose in 2010, when a then-new experimental method for measuring the size of the proton revealed a value 4 percent smaller than obtained from previous methods. Nuclear physicists may have now solved the proton radius puzzle using a novel electron scattering technique.

Released: 21-Oct-2020 2:10 PM EDT
What A Crystal Reveals About Nuclear Materials Processing
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

PNNL researchers devised a new method to probe the atomic structure of plutonium-containing microcrystals using laboratory-based equipment.
