Articles on the devolving situation in Venezuela have touched on the migration of residents to neighboring countries and how that has contributed to the humanitarian crisis.

Kalim Shah, a professor of energy and environmental policy at the University of Delaware, can expand on the immense pressures on public and social services of the tens of thousands of refugees fleeing to those countries.

Dr. Shah, a faculty member in UD's Biden School of Public Policy, works in several adjacent countries and encounters these discussions and issues, particularly in countries that are becoming overwhelmed: Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Aruba, Curacao and others. 

He can talk about the magnified impacts on the countries that are already seeing upticks in crime, gangs, guns, prostitution, health, ports of entry and immigrant abuse by locals. Dr. Shah said that, arguably, if the situation in these smaller countries is ignored, it will be a difficult problem to root out in the coming years and will present added security problems for the region and the U.S.