November 30, 1999
Contact: Ellen Wilcox 301-657-3000, ext. 1224 or [email protected]

Reporters Invited to Attend Largest International Pharmacists' Meeting: 18,000 Medication-Use Experts To Discuss Newest Health Trends and Breakthroughs

What: Pharmacists and other health care professionals discuss the latest developments in pharmacy practice and patient care, advances in pharmaceutical therapies, and advanced technologies at the ASHP 34th Annual Midyear Clinical Meeting in Orlando.

When: December 5-9, 1999

Where: Orange County Convention Center

Why You'll Want to Attend: As the health care industry continues to experience new challenges and pressures, pharmacists who practice in hospitals, long-term care facilities, and other components of health systems are becoming more involved in direct patient care. As the premier experts in medication use and an integral part of the patient health care team, pharmacists have a unique perspective on reducing medication errors, new drug products, and how medications can interact with over-the-counter remedies.
The 1999 Midyear Clinical Meeting of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists covers a wide range of information about drugs and other health issues including the use of alternative medicines, medication errors, advances in women's health issues, and the latest news in the emerging field of gene therapy.

Story Suggestions:

-- Medication Errors

"Ensuring the Success of Pharmacists on Patient Care Rounds"

Monday, December 6, 1999, 2:00-3:30 p.m.

The co-author of a recent article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) will discuss the ways pharmacists can impact patient care and participate fully on integrated health care teams.

"Creating a Safe Environment: Ways to Minimize the Opportunities for Error"

Thursday, December 9, 8-11:00 a.m.

This session features an in-depth discussion by pharmacy managers about innovative ways to improve safety in the health care environment including, identifying opportunities for errors and the pharmacists' role in error prevention.

"Reducing Geriatric Patient Adverse Drug Reactions in Hospitals and Nursing Facilities"

Wednesday, December 8, 2-5:00 p.m.

Many adverse drug reactions are predictable and preventable. Pharmacists will present ways to determine the primary causes of adverse events and describe ways to prevent them. Pharmacists are playing a growing role in caring for the special needs of elderly patients.

-- Alternative Medicine

"Taking a Closer Look at Botanical Products"

Monday, December 6, 2-5:00 p.m.

This session will feature discussion about the nature and variability of plant products and how to monitor their safe use, provisions of the FDA's Dietary Supplement Act, and liability issues surrounding the use of herbal products.

"Birth to Death: Use of Supplements and Alternative Medicines to Enhance Performance and Quality of Life"

Tuesday, December 7, 8-10:00 a.m.

Doctors and pharmacists will present this lively session on the appropriate use of dietary supplements during pregnancy, lactation, and for children; the potential adverse effects of alternative therapies used to enhance competitive performance; and how to appropriately monitor supplement use to improve quality of life and maximize health.

-- Men's and Women's Health

"Traditional and Alternative Approaches to Menopause"

Thursday, December 9, 8-11:00 a.m.

A thorough evaluation and discussion on traditional treatment options and herbal alternatives for menopause will be offered.

"Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction"

Thursday, December 9, 8-11:00 a.m.

This session will feature up-to-date research and information on the treatment of male sexual dysfunction. In addition, it will address the physiological and psychological aspects of good sexual function for both men and women.

How to Register: Contact Ellen Wilcox at (301) 657-3000, ext. 1224, for your complimentary registration. After December 4, call the ASHP Orlando Press Room at (407) 248-4206.

ASHP is the 30,000-member national professional association that represents pharmacists who practice in hospitals, health maintenance organizations, long-term care facilities, home care, and other components of health care systems. ASHP believes that the mission of pharmacists is to help people make the best use of medications. Assisting pharmacists in fulfilling this mission is ASHP's primary objective. The Society has extensive publishing and educational programs designed to help members improve their delivery of pharmaceutical care, and it is the national accrediting organization for pharmacy residency and pharmacy technician training programs.
