Newswise — Critical for securing water supplies and gauging climate change effects, streamflow modeling often falls short due to the spotty global distribution of gauges and a dearth of data in expansive transboundary basins. The complex interplay of hydrological processes in these areas, further complicated by data scarcity, has long called for a novel modeling approach that can adeptly navigate these constraints.

In a landmark publication (DOI: 10.1007/s11442-024-2235-x10.1007/s11442-024-2235-x) in the Journal of Geographical Sciences on 10 May 2024, a joint research team from Yunnan University and Pennsylvania State University unveils a transfer learning framework. This model excels at predicting daily streamflow in regions like the Dulong-Irrawaddy River Basin, which has been historically overlooked due to data limitations. Marked for its innovation, this study is set to enhance water resource management in areas with constrained hydrological data.

The newly-developed transfer learning framework has been rigorously tested in the Dulong-Irrawaddy River Basin, a transboundary area that has been under-researched due to data constraints. The performance not only surpasses that of conventional process-based models but also demonstrates an impressive adaptability to the basin's distinct hydrological features. The sensitivity analysis of the model reveals its adeptness at capturing intricate, nonlinear interactions among variables, while the integrated gradients analysis underscores its capability to delineate diverse flow patterns and spatial variations. These insights suggest that the model can profoundly deepen our understanding of hydrological processes within large-scale catchments.

Dr. Ma Kai, a principal investigator and co-author of the study, underscores its significance, noting, "This research not only meets the urgent demand for reliable streamflow predictions in regions with limited data but also paves the way for a more profound comprehension of the complex dynamics governing our hydrological systems."

The study's findings are set to have far-reaching implications, presenting a transformative tool for water resource stewardship in transboundary basins. The advent of this transfer learning approach signals a paradigm shift in water resource forecasting and management, offering robust solutions to the challenges posed by data scarcity and climate change, and thereby fortifying water security in vulnerable regions.





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Funding information

National Key Research and Development Program of China, No.2022YFF1302405; National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.42201040; The National Key Research and Development Program of China, No.2016YFA0601601; The China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, No.2023M733006.

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Journal of Geographical Sciences is an international and multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal focusing on human-nature relationships. It publishes papers on physical geography, natural resources, environmental sciences, geographic information, remote sensing and cartography. Manuscripts come from different parts of the world.

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