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    Researchers Win R&D 100 Award for Ethanol Project

    Researchers Win R&D 100 Award for Ethanol Project

    A research team led by Hans van Leeuwen, an Iowa State University professor of civil, construction and environmental engineering, has been awarded a 2008 R&D 100 Award from R&D Magazine. The researchers are using fungi to clean up and improve the dry-grind ethanol production process. This is the 30th R&D 100 Award presented to researchers affiliated with Iowa State.

    Virginia Tech Biofuel Processes to be Developed by French Company

    Virginia Tech Biofuel Processes to be Developed by French Company

    BiomA(c)thodes, a French biotechnology company in Evry, has signed an exclusive and worldwide option-to-license agreement with Virginia Tech Intellectual Properties Inc. (VTIP) for multiple technologies for converting biomass to bioethanol and biohydrogen.

    Iowa State, ConocoPhillips and National Renewable Energy Lab to Cooperate on Biofuels Research

    Iowa State, ConocoPhillips and National Renewable Energy Lab to Cooperate on Biofuels Research

    Iowa State University, ConocoPhillips and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory have agreed to cooperate on research projects designed to advance the conversion of cellulosic biomass into biofuels. The collaboration is expected to produce an initial report by next January.

    Maize Genetics Conference: Genome to be Unveiled and Biofuel Improvements Discussed

    Maize Genetics Conference: Genome to be Unveiled and Biofuel Improvements Discussed

    The 50th Annual Maize Genetics Conference will be held at the Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, D.C., from Feb. 27 to March 2, 2008. Highlights of the conference include announcing the draft sequence of the maize genome, progress on improving maize as a bioenergy crop, and the development of biofortified, nutritionally enhanced corn.

    International Biofuels Effort Seeks Less Barriers, More Trade

    International Biofuels Effort Seeks Less Barriers, More Trade

    Led by the three major biofuels producers (the U.S., Brazil and the European Union), an international effort seeks harmonized standards for bioethanol and biodiesel, two key renewable energy sources and global commodities. A report identifying standards differences is step one. Next: national measurement labs (NIST in this country) will work to bridge the gaps.

    Biofuels Symposium Explores Biology and Business of Green Energy

    Biofuels Symposium Explores Biology and Business of Green Energy

    "The Biology and Business of Biofuels," a three-day meeting on the latest science, business and policy issues about biofuels, will be held Monday, Jan. 28, through Wednesday, Jan. 30, in the Hoffmann Auditorium of The Salk Institute on Torrey Pines Road in La Jolla.

    New Michigan Tech-Michigan State Biofuels Partnership

    New Michigan Tech-Michigan State Biofuels Partnership

    Michigan Technological University and Michigan State University are teaming up to help develop a renewable biofuels industry in Michigan.

    K-State Pools Expertise with Center for Sustainable Energy

    K-State Pools Expertise with Center for Sustainable Energy

    Carbon footprints. The rising cost of gasoline. Coal, wind or solar power. Energy issues are promoting much discussion today, including in Kansas. Researchers at Kansas State University's Center for Sustainable Energy think about these issues a lot.

    Energy Partnership Aimed at Greening Greater Washington D.C.

    Energy Partnership Aimed at Greening Greater Washington D.C.

    The "Energy Efficiency Partnership of Greater Washington" will tackle global warming by retrofitting existing buildings with energy efficiency products designed to decrease energy use and significantly cut carbon emissions.

    Hybrid Solar Lighting Earns National Technology Transfer Award

    Hybrid Solar Lighting Earns National Technology Transfer Award

    An Oak Ridge National Laboratory-developed technology collecting sunlight connected to special indoor light fixtures has earned an Excellence in Technology Transfer Award from the Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer.