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    Carbon Nanotubes Worth Their Salt

    Carbon Nanotubes Worth Their Salt

    Lawrence Livermore scientists, in collaboration with researchers at Northeastern University, have developed carbon nanotube pores that can exclude salt from seawater. The team also found that water permeability in carbon nanotubes (CNTs) with diameters smaller than a nanometer (0.8 nm) exceeds that of wider carbon nanotubes by an order of magnitude.

    Radiological Crimes Investigation

    Radiological Crimes Investigation

    The results of the fifth and latest Collaborative Materials Exercise of the Nuclear Forensics International Technical Working Group, a global network of nuclear forensics experts, will be discussed at the American Chemical Society's national meeting in Washington D.C. on August. 24.

    High-Resolution Modeling Assesses Impact of Cities on River Ecosystems

    High-Resolution Modeling Assesses Impact of Cities on River Ecosystems

    New mapping methods developed by researchers at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory can help urban planners minimize the environmental impacts of cities' water and energy demands on surrounding stream ecologies.

    Avoiding Disruptions that Halt Fusion Reactions

    Avoiding Disruptions that Halt Fusion Reactions

    New supercomputing capabilities help understand how to cope with large-scale instabilities in tokamaks.

    New WVU Study Provides Roadmap to Lower Methane Emissions for Future Heavy-Duty Natural Gas Vehicle Fleet

    New WVU Study Provides Roadmap to Lower Methane Emissions for Future Heavy-Duty Natural Gas Vehicle Fleet

    A new study published today (August 23) in the Journal of Air and Waste Management Association builds upon recent heavy-duty natural gas vehicle methane emission measurements to model methane emissions from a future, much larger vehicle fleet. This study, conducted by researchers at West Virginia University's Center for Alternative Fuels, Engines, and Emissions, comes as the price of natural gas has decreased, leading to interest in natural gas as a cleaner replacement for diesel in heavy-duty vehicles.

    Stretchable Biofuel Cells Extract Energy From Sweat to Power Wearable Devices

    Stretchable Biofuel Cells Extract Energy From Sweat to Power Wearable Devices

    A team of engineers has developed stretchable fuel cells that extract energy from sweat and are capable of powering electronics, such as LEDs and Bluetooth radios. The biofuel cells generate 10 times more power per surface area than any existing wearable biofuel cells. The devices could be used to power a range of wearable devices.

    ShAPEing the Future of Magnesium Car Parts

    ShAPEing the Future of Magnesium Car Parts

    Magnesium -- the lightest of all structural metals -- has a lot going for it in the quest to make ever lighter cars and trucks that go farther on a tank of fuel or battery charge.Magnesium is 75 percent lighter than steel, 33 percent lighter than aluminum and is the fourth most common element on earth behind iron, silicon and oxygen.

    Research Center Established to Explore the Least Understood and Strongest Force Behind Visible Matter

    Research Center Established to Explore the Least Understood and Strongest Force Behind Visible Matter

    Science can explain only a small portion of the matter that makes up the universe, from the earth we walk on to the stars we see at night. Stony Brook University and the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) have established the Center for Frontiers of Nuclear Science to help scientists better understand the building blocks of visible matter. The new Center will push the frontiers of knowledge about quarks, gluons and their interactions that form protons, neutrons, and ultimately 99.9 percent of the mass of atoms - the bulk of the visible universe.

    Cyborg Bacteria Outperform Plants When Turning Sunlight Into Useful Compounds (Video)

    Cyborg Bacteria Outperform Plants When Turning Sunlight Into Useful Compounds (Video)

    Photosynthesis provides energy for the vast majority of life on Earth. But chlorophyll, the green pigment that plants use to harvest sunlight, is relatively inefficient. To enable humans to capture more of the sun's energy than natural photosynthesis can, scientists have taught bacteria to cover themselves in tiny, highly efficient solar panels to produce useful compounds.

    Scientists Create 'Diamond Rain' That Forms in the Interior of Icy Giant Planets

    Scientists Create 'Diamond Rain' That Forms in the Interior of Icy Giant Planets

    In an experiment designed to mimic the conditions deep inside the icy giant planets of our solar system, scientists were able to observe "diamond rain" for the first time as it formed in high-pressure conditions. Extremely high pressure squeezes hydrogen and carbon found in the interior of these planets to form solid diamonds that sink slowly down further into the interior.

    Nanotechnology Moves From the Clean Room to the Classroom

    Nanotechnology Moves From the Clean Room to the Classroom

    The U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory and United Scientific Supplies, Inc. are introducing high school students to nanoscience with a new hands-on product.

    Discovered: A Quick and Easy Way to Shut Down Instabilities in Fusion Devices

    Discovered: A Quick and Easy Way to Shut Down Instabilities in Fusion Devices

    Article describes use of second neutral beam injector to suppress instabilities on the NSTX-U

    Researchers Create Molecular Movie of Virus Preparing to Infect Healthy Cells

    Researchers Create Molecular Movie of Virus Preparing to Infect Healthy Cells

    A research team has created for the first time a movie with nanoscale resolution of the three-dimensional changes a virus undergoes as it prepares to infect a healthy cell. The scientists analyzed thousands of individual snapshots from intense X-ray flashes, capturing the process in an experiment at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.

    Nanotechnology Gives Green Energy a Green Color

    Nanotechnology Gives Green Energy a Green Color

    Solar panels have tremendous potential to provide affordable renewable energy, but many people see traditional black and blue panels as an eyesore. Architects, homeowners and city planners may be more open to the technology if they could install colorful, efficient solar panels, and a new study, published this week in Applied Physics Letters, brings us one step closer. Researchers have developed a method for imprinting existing solar panels with silicon nanopatterns that scatter green light back toward an observer.

    New 3-D Simulations Show How Galactic Centers Cool Their Jets

    New 3-D Simulations Show How Galactic Centers Cool Their Jets

    Scientists at Berkeley Lab and Purdue University developed new theories and 3-D simulations to explain what's at work in the mysterious jets of energy and matter beaming from the center of galaxies at nearly the speed of light.

    Are Your Tweets Feeling Well?

    Are Your Tweets Feeling Well?

    Study finds opinion and emotion in tweets change when you get sick, a method public health workers could use to track health trends.

    "Getting to 80%" on Energy Cutbacks Cannot Occur Unless Behaviors Change

    "Getting to 80%" on Energy Cutbacks Cannot Occur Unless Behaviors Change

    California's plan to cut energy consumption by 80 percent by 2050 cannot be achieved with current proposed policy changes because most solutions focus on changing technologies rather than changing behavior, a new UC Davis study suggests.

    New Battery Material Goes with the Flow

    New Battery Material Goes with the Flow

    Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory have engineered a new material to be used in redox flow batteries, which are particularly useful for storing electricity for the grid. The material consists of carefully structured molecules designed to be particularly electrochemically stable in order to prevent the battery from losing energy to unwanted reactions.

    Simulation Demonstrates How Exposure to Plasma Makes Carbon Nanotubes Grow

    Simulation Demonstrates How Exposure to Plasma Makes Carbon Nanotubes Grow

    PPPL research performed with collaborators from Princeton University and the Institute for Advanced Computational Science at the State University of New York at Stony Brook has shown how plasma causes exceptionally strong, microscopic structures known as carbon nanotubes to grow.

    Night Vision for Bird- & Bat-Friendly Offshore Wind Power

    Night Vision for Bird- & Bat-Friendly Offshore Wind Power

    The ThermalTracker software analyzes video with night vision, the same technology that helps soldiers see in the dark, to help birds and bats near offshore wind turbines.

    Drone Tech Offers New Ways to Manage Climate Change

    Drone Tech Offers New Ways to Manage Climate Change

    An innovation providing key clues to how humans might manage forests and cities to cool the planet is taking flight. Cornell researchers are using drone technology to more accurately measure surface reflectivity on the landscape, a technological advance that could offer a new way to manage climate change.

    Energy Efficiency Takes a 'Village'

    Energy Efficiency Takes a 'Village'

    The city of the future could start with a village - Missouri University of Science and Technology's Solar Village, to be exact. S&T researchers will study the Solar Village and its residents as their living laboratory over the next three years thanks to an $800,000 grant from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, funded as part of the National Science Foundation's Cyber-Physical System initiative. The research team is led by Dr. Simone Silvestri, principal investigator and assistant professor of computer science, and Dr. Denise Baker, co-principal investigator and assistant professor of psychological science

    Updated Computer Code Improves Prediction of Energetic Particle Motion in Plasma Experiments

    Updated Computer Code Improves Prediction of Energetic Particle Motion in Plasma Experiments

    A computer code used by physicists around the world to analyze and predict tokamak experiments can now approximate the behavior of highly energetic atomic nuclei, or ions, in fusion plasmas more accurately than ever.

    Defining Standards for Genomes From Uncultivated Microorganisms

    Defining Standards for Genomes From Uncultivated Microorganisms

    In Nature Biotechnology, an international team led by DOE Joint Genome Institute researchers has developed standards for the minimum metadata to be supplied with single amplified genomes (SAGs) and metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) submitted to public databases.

    Distributed Wind Power Keeps Spinning, Growing

    Distributed Wind Power Keeps Spinning, Growing

    America's use of distributed wind - which is wind power generated near where it will be used - continues to grow, according to the 2016 Distributed Wind Market Report.