Newswise Blog

Friday, May 25, 2012

New “Featured Institutions” Module

All Newswise Premier Members will be featured with a link to their latest news releases each time they have a story posted in a Newswise wire.  Look for the “Featured Institutions” module in the right sidebar of your Newswise wire.

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Posted by Thom Canalichio on 05/25 at 11:46 AM

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Moderate Weight Loss Reduces Hormones Linked to Breast Cancer Risk

Moderate Weight Loss Reduces Hormones Linked to Breast Cancer Risk.jpg

Even a moderate amount of weight loss can significantly reduce risk of breast cancer

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Posted by Thom Canalichio on 05/24 at 10:01 AM

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sugar Makes You Stupid: Study Shows How a High-Fructose Diet Sabotages Learning, Memory

Sugar Makes You Stupid: Study Shows How a High-Fructose Diet Sabotages Learning, Memory.jpg

A new UCLA study is the first to show how a diet steadily high in fructose slows the brain, hampering memory and learning—and how omega-3 fatty acids can minimize the damage.

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Posted by Craig Jones on 05/15 at 04:37 PM

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Archetypal Dispology

Two recent apologies in the news media have caused me to reflect on the communications issues related to apologies.

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Posted by Roger Johnson on 05/15 at 02:57 PM

Friday, May 11, 2012

Public Relations Research Lands A University Client on “The Today Show”

Public Relations Research Lands A University Client on “The Today Show”.jpg

One way students can reduce debt is to chose a quality public university where tuition can be one-fourth that of a private one.  But how does a public school lure away students who are attracted to a brand-name private college? Here’s how.

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Posted by Roger Johnson on 05/11 at 01:05 PM

Thursday, May 03, 2012

New Evidence of Supermassive Black Hole Shredding a Star

New Evidence of Supermassive Black Hole Shredding a Star.jpg

Astronomers have gathered the most direct evidence yet of a supermassive black hole shredding a star that wandered too close.

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Posted by Craig Jones on 05/03 at 10:04 AM

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Link Between an Injectable Contraceptive and Breast Cancer Risk in Young Women Discovered

Link Between an Injectable Contraceptive and Breast Cancer Risk in Young Women Discovered.jpg

The first large-scale U.S.-based study to evaluate the link between an injectable form of progestin-only birth control and breast cancer risk in young women has found that recent use of a year or more doubles the risk. The results of the study, led by breast cancer epidemiologist Christopher I. Li, M.D., Ph.D., of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, are published online ahead of the April 15 print issue of Cancer Research.

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Posted by Craig Jones on 04/04 at 12:44 PM

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Your Mind Will Wander as You Read This Article

A new study investigating the mental processes underlying a wandering mind reports a role for working memory, a sort of a mental workspace that allows you to juggle multiple thoughts simultaneously.

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Posted by Craig Jones on 03/15 at 02:22 PM

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

80% of U.S. Farmland Will Have to Be Devoted to Growing Corn to Meet Current Biofuel Target

Almost 80 percent of current farmland in the U.S. would have to be devoted to raising corn for ethanol production in order to meet current biofuel production targets with existing technology, a new study has found. An alternative, according to a study in ACS’ journal Environmental Science & Technology, would be to convert 60 percent of existing rangeland to biofuels.

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Posted by Craig Jones on 02/29 at 01:00 PM

Friday, February 24, 2012

Migraines Linked to Depression

A new study that will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology’s 64th Annual Meeting in New Orleans in April links migraines with depression in women.

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Posted by Craig Jones on 02/24 at 11:55 AM
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