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    MSU expert helps NASA discover new planet that could support life

    MSU expert helps NASA discover new planet that could support life

    Working with data from NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, or TESS, Michigan State University has helped discover an Earth-sized exoplanet -- a planet outside of our solar system.

    Nanopore-Based Sensing Device Explores Neurodegenerative Diseases

    Nanopore-Based Sensing Device Explores Neurodegenerative Diseases

    In Journal of Applied Physics, researchers present a special silicon nitride nanopore-based sensing device that is designed to provide volume information about tau and tubulin protein molecules and their aggregation states. To create the sensor, the team explored how the proteins change the current and voltage flowing through a nanopore system.

    Hydrogen Masers Reveal New Secrets of a Massive Star to ALMA Scientists

    Hydrogen Masers Reveal New Secrets of a Massive Star to ALMA Scientists

    While using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) to study the masers around oddball star MWC 349A scientists discovered something unexpected: a previously unseen jet of material launching from the star's gas disk at impossibly high speeds. What's more, they believe the jet is caused by strong magnetic forces surrounding the star. The discovery could help researchers to understand the nature and evolution of massive stars and how hydrogen masers are formed in space. The new observations were presented today in a press conference at the 241st meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) in Seattle, Washington.

    Maseres de hidrogeno revelan nuevos secretos de estrella masiva a cientificos de ALMA

    Maseres de hidrogeno revelan nuevos secretos de estrella masiva a cientificos de ALMA

    Mientras usaba el Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) para estudiar los maseres presentes alrededor de la inusual estrella MWC 349A, un equipo cientifico descubrio algo inesperado: un desconocido chorro de material emanando del disco de gas de la estrella a velocidades inverosimiles. Se cree, ademas, que el chorro es generado por intensas fuerzas magneticas presentes alrededor de la estrella. El hallazgo podria ayudar a la comunidad cientifica a entender la naturaleza y la evolucion de las estrellas masivas, y entender como los maseres de hidrogeno se forman en el espacio. Las nuevas observaciones se presentaron hoy durante una conferencia de prensa en la asamblea n.o 241 de la Sociedad Astronomica de Estados Unidos (AAS, en su sigla en ingles) en Seattle (Washington, Estados Unidos).

    ALMA Scientists Find Pair of Black Holes Dining Together in Nearby Galaxy Merger

    ALMA Scientists Find Pair of Black Holes Dining Together in Nearby Galaxy Merger

    While studying a nearby pair of merging galaxies using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA)-- an international observatory co-operated by the U.S. National Science Foundation's National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO)-- scientists discovered two supermassive black holes growing simultaneously near the center of the newly coalescing galaxy. These super-hungry giants are the closest together that scientists have ever observed in multiple wavelengths. What's more, the new research reveals that binary black holes and the galaxy mergers that create them may be surprisingly commonplace in the Universe. The results of the new research were published today in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, and presented in a press conference at the 241st meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) in Seattle, Washington.

    Equipo cientifico de ALMA detecta pareja de agujeros negros cenando juntos en galaxias cercanas en colision

    Equipo cientifico de ALMA detecta pareja de agujeros negros cenando juntos en galaxias cercanas en colision

    Mientras estudiaban una dupla de galaxias en colision cercanas con el Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) --un observatorio internacional coadministrado por el Observatorio Radioastronomico Nacional (NRAO, en su sigla en ingles) de la Fundacion Nacional de Ciencia de Estados Unidos--, un equipo cientifico descubrio dos agujeros negros supermasivos creciendo juntos cerca del centro de la nueva galaxia en ciernes. Es la primera vez que se observa en longitudes de onda multiples a dos mastodontes hambrientos como estos tan cerca el uno del otro. El estudio tambien revelo que los agujeros negros binarios y las galaxias en colision que los originan pueden ser fenomenos sorprendentemente comunes en el Universo. Los resultados de esta investigacion se publicaron hoy en la revista The Astrophysical Journal Letters se presentaron durante una conferencia de prensa en la asamblea n.o 241 de la Sociedad Astronomica de Estados Unidos (AAS, en su sigla en ingles) en Seattle (Washington

    ALMA and JWST Reveal Galactic Shock is Shaping Stephan's Quintet in Mysterious Ways

    ALMA and JWST Reveal Galactic Shock is Shaping Stephan's Quintet in Mysterious Ways

    Shockwaves resulting from the violent collision between an intruder galaxy and Stephan's Quintet are helping astronomers to understand how turbulence influences gas in the intergalactic medium. New observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) and the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have revealed that a sonic boom several times the size of the Milky Way has kickstarted a recycling plant for warm and cold molecular hydrogen gas. What's more, scientists uncovered the break-up of a giant cloud into a fog of warm gas, the possible collision of two clouds forming a splash of warm gas around them, and the formation of a new galaxy. The observations were presented today in a press conference at the 241st meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) in Seattle, Washington.

    ALMA y telescopio James Webb revelan que choque galactico incide de formas misteriosas en Quinteto de Stephan

    ALMA y telescopio James Webb revelan que choque galactico incide de formas misteriosas en Quinteto de Stephan

    Las ondas de choque generadas por la violenta colision entre una galaxia intrusa y el Quinteto de Stephan estan ayudando a la comunidad astronomica a entender como la turbulencia incide en el gas presente en el medio intergalactico. Las nuevas observaciones realizadas con el Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) y el telescopio espacial James Webb revelaron que una explosion sonica varias veces mas grande que la Via Lactea dio origen a un proceso de reciclaje de gas de hidrogeno molecular frio y caliente. Tambien se observo la desintegracion de una nube gigante que se convirtio en una niebla de gas caliente, asi como la posible colision de dos nubes que dejaron una mancha de gas caliente a su alrededor y la formacion de una nueva galaxia. Los resultados de estas observaciones se presentaron hoy durante una conferencia de prensa en la asamblea n.o 241 de la Sociedad Astronomica de Estados Unidos (AAS, en su sigla en ingles) en Seattle (Washington, Estados Unidos).

    Jet engine lubrication oils are a major source of ultrafine particles

    Jet engine lubrication oils are a major source of ultrafine particles

    Ultrafine particles form during combustion processes, for example when wood or biomass is burned, as well as in power and industrial plants.

    Lithium-sulfur batteries are one step closer to powering the future

    Lithium-sulfur batteries are one step closer to powering the future

    An Argonne research team has built and tested a new interlayer to prevent dissolution of the sulfur cathode in lithium-sulfur batteries. This new interlayer increases Li-S cell capacity and maintains it over hundreds of cycles.

    Physicists confirm effective wave growth theory in space

    Physicists confirm effective wave growth theory in space

    A team from Nagoya University in Japan has observed, for the first time, the energy transferring from resonant electrons to whistler-mode waves in space.

    Organelles grow in random bursts

    Organelles grow in random bursts

    New experiments that show that eukaryotic cells can robustly control average fluctuations in organelle size. By demonstrating that organelle sizes obey a universal scaling relationship that the scientists predict theoretically, their new framework suggests that organelles grow in random bursts from a limiting pool of building blocks.

    Cooling 100 million degree plasma with a hydrogen-neon mixture ice pellet

    Cooling 100 million degree plasma with a hydrogen-neon mixture ice pellet

    At ITER - the world's largest experimental fusion reactor, currently under construction in France through international cooperation - the abrupt termination of magnetic confinement of a high temperature plasma through a so-called "disruption" poses a major open issue.

    Brookhaven Postdoc Adrien Florio Explores the Next Phase of the Quantum Revolution

    Brookhaven Postdoc Adrien Florio Explores the Next Phase of the Quantum Revolution

    Meet Adrien Florio, a postdoctoral research associate and fellow in Brookhaven Lab's Nuclear Theory Group that is contributing his unique perspective and experience to the Co-design Center for Quantum Advantage's theory and applications subthrust.

    Ohio University Simulations on PSC Supercomputer Transform Coal-Like Material to Amorphous Graphite and Nanotubes

    Ohio University Simulations on PSC Supercomputer Transform Coal-Like Material to Amorphous Graphite and Nanotubes

    A team at Ohio University used the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center's Bridges-2 system to carry out a series of simulations showing how coal might eventually be converted to valuable -- and carbon-neutral -- materials like graphite and carbon nanotubes.

    Protected: Science Results From NRAO Facilities to Be Presented at Multiple AAS 241 Press Conferences

    Protected: Science Results From NRAO Facilities to Be Presented at Multiple AAS 241 Press Conferences

    Five new scientific results from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), the Very Large Array (VLA), and the Green Bank Observatory (GBO) will be revealed at multiple press conferences during the 241st meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) from January 8 to 12, 2023, in Seattle, Wash.

    Argonne researchers win defense programs award for nuclear safety work

    Argonne researchers win defense programs award for nuclear safety work

    Argonne researchers receive award for work securing America's stockpile.

    New Type of Entanglement Lets Scientists 'See' Inside Nuclei

    New Type of Entanglement Lets Scientists 'See' Inside Nuclei

    Nuclear physicists have found a new way to use the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC)--a particle collider at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory--to see the shape and details inside atomic nuclei. The method relies on particles of light that surround gold ions as they speed around the collider and a new type of quantum entanglement that's never been seen before.

    High-performance Visible-light Lasers that Fit on a Fingertip

    High-performance Visible-light Lasers that Fit on a Fingertip

    Researchers at Columbia Engineering's Lipson Nanophotonics Group have created visible lasers of very pure colors from near-ultraviolet to near-infrared that fit on a fingertip. The colors of the lasers can be precisely tuned and extremely fast - up to 267 petahertz per second, which is critical for applications such as quantum optics. The team is the first to demonstrate chip-scale narrow-linewidth and tunable lasers for colors of light below red -- green, cyan, blue, and violet.

    Catalytic switch-ON by light

    Catalytic switch-ON by light

    Catalysts boost chemical reactions from our bodies to the industrial production of compounds and controlled fuel combustion in the car. From solid to gaseous, no matter their formula, their role is to enhance the rate of chemical reactions making many processes easier.

    Electronic bridge allows rapid energy sharing between semiconductors

    Electronic bridge allows rapid energy sharing between semiconductors

    As semiconductor devices become ever smaller, researchers are exploring two-dimensional materials for potential applications in transistors and optoelectronics. Controlling the flow of electricity and heat through these materials is key to their functionality, but first we need to understand the details of those behaviors at atomic scales. Now, researchers have discovered that electrons play a surprising role in how energy is transferred between layers of 2D semiconductor materials tungsten diselenide and tungsten disulfide.

    Playing all the angles: A high-contrast grating structure for direction-tunable lasing

    Playing all the angles: A high-contrast grating structure for direction-tunable lasing

    Lasers find applications across several fields ranging from telecommunications and remote sensing to medicine.

    Berkeley Lab Scientists Develop a Cool New Method of Refrigeration

    Berkeley Lab Scientists Develop a Cool New Method of Refrigeration

    Researchers at Berkeley Lab have developed a new kind of heating and cooling method that they have named the ionocaloric refrigeration cycle. They hope the technique will someday help phase out refrigerants that contribute to global warming and provide safe, efficient cooling and heating for homes.

    High-Pressure Systems Favor Sea-Breeze Convection Over Southeastern Texas

    High-Pressure Systems Favor Sea-Breeze Convection Over Southeastern Texas

    In the summer, sea- and bay-breeze circulations are important drivers of the weather in southeastern Texas. This research used machine learning techniques to unpack how these circulations interact with larger-scale weather systems to affect how thunderstorms form in the Houston area. These insights are helping researchers focus their study of aerosol and cloud life cycle, aerosol-cloud interactions, and air quality during the TRACER field campaign in the Houston area in 2021 and 2022.

    Was That Explosion Chemical or Nuclear?

    Was That Explosion Chemical or Nuclear?

    New PNNL research makes it easier to differentiate between chemical and nuclear explosions.