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Newswise: Study Identifies Potential New Treatment Target for Sleep Apnea
Released: 31-Oct-2022 10:00 AM EDT
Study Identifies Potential New Treatment Target for Sleep Apnea
Johns Hopkins Medicine

In a new study with obese mice, Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers say they have added to evidence that specialized channel proteins are possible therapeutic targets for sleep apnea and similar abnormally slow breathing disorders in obese people.

Released: 16-Jun-2022 11:40 AM EDT
Physical Activity, Diet Improve After Bariatric Surgery, but Do Not Meet Recommended Levels
University of Florida

Researchers found participants’ physical activity and diet quality improved after weight-loss bariatric surgery, but fell short of federal physical activity guidelines.

Released: 13-Jan-2022 12:55 PM EST
Being overweight may cause more UK hospital admissions than previously thought, finds new study
University of Bristol

Being overweight may cause more hospital admissions and higher incidences of disease and mortality than previous studies report, according to new University of Bristol research. The study, published in Economics and Human Biology, used a genetic technique to identify the sole impact of body composition on hospital admissions from over 300,000 people.

Released: 29-Dec-2021 12:55 PM EST
New Study Shows Weight-Loss Surgery Significantly Cut Risk of Severe Complications From COVID-19 in Patients with Obesity
American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS)

Adults with obesity who had weight-loss surgery and achieved substantial weight loss prior to contracting COVID-19 reduced their risk for developing severe outcomes from the infection by 60% compared to those who did not have surgery, according to a new Cleveland Clinic study published online today in the journal JAMA Surgery.

Newswise:Video Embedded common-weight-loss-operation-is-safe-and-effective-in-children-and-adolescents-10-years-on
22-Sep-2021 3:45 PM EDT
Common weight loss operation is safe and effective in children and adolescents 10 years on
American College of Surgeons (ACS)

Results from a 10-year study of children and adolescents who underwent a common weight loss operation to treat severe obesity show they safely have long-lasting major weight loss and improvement of their obesity-related medical problems without stunting their growth in height. The study, involving the longest known follow-up of pediatric patients after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, is published online by the Journal of the American College of Surgeons ahead of print.

Released: 3-Mar-2021 8:00 AM EST
Drug Found Effective For Weight Loss in Patients With Obesity And Diabetes, International Study Shows
UT Southwestern Medical Center

A drug approved for diabetes has now been shown to also help patients with diabetes lose on average 10 percent of their body weight, UT Southwestern reports in a landmark international study.

Released: 22-Feb-2021 12:40 PM EST
Toddler Sleep Patterns Matter
University of Delaware

Lauren Covington, assistant professor in the University of Delaware School of Nursing, found that children with inconsistent sleep schedules have higher body mass index (BMI) percentiles. Her research also found that children from households with greater poverty had more overall inconsistent sleep onset times. For families living in poverty, consistent sleep scheduling may not be so easily done, especially if a caregiver is the only parent, juggling multiple jobs, parenting multiple children or dealing with a tenuous housing situation.

Released: 12-Feb-2021 12:05 PM EST
UTEP Professor’s Study May Lead to Solutions for Overeating
University of Texas at El Paso

The 10-member team made discoveries about a specific area of the brain tied to recollection and the desire to seek and consume food. It could lead to a way to inhibit the desire to overeat.

Released: 5-Feb-2021 12:00 PM EST
Pandemic Increases Substance Abuse, Mental Health Issues For Those Struggling With Obesity
UT Southwestern Medical Center

DALLAS – Feb. 5, 2021 – The COVID-19 pandemic is having a detrimental impact on substance use, mental health, and weight-related health behaviors among people with obesity, according to a new study by researchers at UT Southwestern and the UTHealth School of Public Health.

Released: 24-Nov-2020 4:35 PM EST
Cleveland Clinic Research Shows Bariatric Surgery May Reduce Severity of COVID-19 in Patients with Obesity
Cleveland Clinic

CLEVELAND: A Cleveland Clinic study shows that among patients who have obesity and who tested positive for COVID-19, a past history of bariatric surgery was significantly associated with a lower risk of hospital and intensive care unit admission. The results were published in the journal of Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases.

23-Nov-2020 1:00 PM EST
Pitt Scientists Identify Predictors of Satisfaction after Bariatric Surgery and Demonstrate Positive Effects of Physical Activity in Patients
Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh

While most patients are at least somewhat satisfied with their surgery long-term, satisfaction decreased from 85% to 77% three to seven years post-surgery. Most patients also continue to lead sedentary lives, which contributes to weight regain and negatively affects their mental well-being.

Released: 9-Nov-2020 4:00 PM EST
All Weight Loss Isn’t Equal For Reducing Heart Failure Risk
UT Southwestern Medical Center

DALLAS – Nov. 9, 2020 – Reducing the level of body fat and waist size are linked to a lower risk of heart failure in patients with type 2 diabetes, a study led by UT Southwestern researchers indicates. The findings, reported today in Circulation, suggest that all weight loss isn’t equal when it comes to mitigating the risk of heart disease.

21-Oct-2020 10:35 AM EDT
Kid Influencers Are Promoting Junk Food Brands on YouTube—Garnering More Than a Billion Views
New York University

Kids with wildly popular YouTube channels are frequently promoting unhealthy food and drinks in their videos, warn researchers at NYU School of Global Public Health and NYU Grossman School of Medicine in a new study published in the journal Pediatrics.

Released: 28-Sep-2020 9:30 AM EDT
Genetic differences in fat shape men and women's health risks
University of Virginia Health System

New findings about body fat help explain the differing health risks men and women face – and set the stage for better, more targeted treatments.

Released: 21-Sep-2020 3:35 PM EDT
Prevent Severe COVID Symptoms With Lifestyle Changes

Obesity is contributing to worse outcomes in people with COVID-19. Dr. Naomi Parrella, medical director of the Rush Center for Weight Loss and Bariatric Surgery, explains how managing your weight can lower your risk for severe COVID symptoms and help you prevent other chronic diseases.

Released: 24-Aug-2020 12:55 PM EDT
Excessive Fructose Consumption May Cause a Leaky Gut, Leading to Fatty Liver Disease
UC San Diego Health

Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine report that fructose only adversely affects the liver after it reaches the intestines, where the sugar disrupts the epithelial barrier protecting internal organs from bacterial toxins in the gut.

8-Jun-2020 3:40 PM EDT
People Who Eat a Late Dinner May Gain Weight
Endocrine Society

Eating a late dinner may contribute to weight gain and high blood sugar, according to a small study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

Released: 23-Jan-2020 6:05 AM EST
Queen’s Research Develop Tool to Tackle Diet Epidemic in India
Queen's University Belfast

New research led by Queen’s University Belfast aims to better understand the link between diet and disease in India.

Released: 20-Jan-2020 11:05 PM EST
Parent Confidence Is Key to Keeping Kids From Unhealthy Foods
University of South Australia

As the countdown to a new school year begins, many parents will soon find themselves facing the often-arduous task of filling the school lunchbox which, despite the best of intentions, often ends up containing more junk food than nutrition. Cutting kids’ consumption of unhealthy food is the focus on a new study by the University of South Australia and Flinders University, where lead researcher and PhD candidate Brittany Johnson says there is clear connection between parents’ motivations, and their children’s intake of unhealthy foods.

4-Nov-2019 8:00 AM EST
NAFLD Patients Less Likely to Lose Weight, Need More Effective Weight Loss Strategies
American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD)

Data from a new study presented this week at The Liver Meeting® – held by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases – found that obese individuals with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) were less likely to achieve a medically recommended five percent loss of body weight at three months

Released: 28-Aug-2019 8:05 AM EDT
High-Protein Bedtime Snacks No Problem for Active Women
Florida State University

In a study of women weight lifters, nutrition scientists at FSU showed that protein consumption before bed compared to protein consumption during the day does not disturb overnight belly fat metabolism or whole-body fat burn.

Released: 23-Aug-2019 11:05 AM EDT
The fat of the land: Estimating the ecological costs of overeating

With every unfinished meal since Band Aid, you've heard it: "people are starving in Africa, y'know". True, the UN estimates that rich countries throw away nearly as much food as the entire net production of sub-Saharan Africa - about 230 million tonnes per year.

Released: 22-Aug-2019 12:05 PM EDT
Researchers Find Genetic Links to Child Obesity across Diverse Ethnic Groups
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

An international team of researchers who analyzed data across multiple ethnicities has produced the largest genetic study to date associated with common childhood obesity. The Early Growth Genetics Consortium added to evidence that genetic influences on obesity operate across the lifespan.

Released: 22-Aug-2019 9:50 AM EDT
Weight Loss Before Knee Replacement Improves Some Outcomes in Severely Obese Patients
Wolters Kluwer Health: Lippincott

In patients with morbid obesity, losing 20 pounds before knee replacement surgery (arthroplasty) leads to fewer hospital days and other outcome improvements, reports a study in the August 21, 2019 issue of The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery. The journal is published in the Lippincott portfolio in partnership with Wolters Kluwer.

Released: 9-Aug-2019 11:05 AM EDT
Abundant screen time linked with overweight among children
University of Helsinki

A recently completed study indicates that Finnish children who spend a lot of time in front of screens have a heightened risk for overweight and abdominal obesity, regardless of the extent of their physical activity.

23-May-2019 11:00 AM EDT
Scientists Bioengineer Human Liver Disease in the Lab to Find New Treatments
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Scientists successfully bioengineered human liver organoids that faithfully mimic key features of fatal liver disease in the laboratory. This allowed them to uncover underlying disease biology in the organoids and test a potential therapy that in preclinical lab tests reversed an often-fatal childhood condition called Wolman disease.

Released: 1-May-2019 2:05 PM EDT
Is Captain America Obese? New Study Highlights Exaggerated Physical Differences Between Male and Female Superheroes
Binghamton University, State University of New York

Superheroes like Thor and Black Widow may have what it takes to save the world in movies like Avengers: Endgame, but neither of their comic book depictions has a healthy body mass index (BMI). New research from Binghamton University and SUNY Oswego found that, within the pages of comic books, male superheroes are on average obese, while females are on average close to underweight.

Released: 21-Dec-2018 8:05 AM EST
A New Year, a New You: RDNs Share Their Top Health Tips
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

CHICAGO –Many people view the start of a new year as an opportunity to accomplish big goals: losing 20 pounds, running a marathon or hitting the gym every day at dawn. Such lofty goals, especially without a game plan on how to accomplish them, often fade from memory by spring.

Released: 20-Dec-2018 10:30 AM EST
New research shows how a diet high in fat and cholesterol can lead to life-threatening liver disease
Keck Medicine of USC

A new USC study provides new insight on how dietary fat and cholesterol drive the development of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), a serious form of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Released: 12-Oct-2018 3:05 PM EDT
Are Popular Diets Safe?
Texas A&M University

Many of the latest popular diets make wild claims while imposing drastic changes to what you can eat.

Released: 25-Jul-2018 12:05 PM EDT
The Medical Minute: Small Changes Can Make Big Progress in Preventing Childhood Obesity
Penn State Health

In the United States, the percentage of children and adolescents with obesity has more than tripled since 1970. Today, approximately one in five school-aged children (ages 6 to 19) is obese.

Released: 17-Jul-2018 9:00 AM EDT
Bariatric Surgery Is Effective Under the Right Circumstances
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Obesity is a medical problem that can have wide-ranging mental and physical effects on a person. Pamela Bass knows that firsthand, but thanks to University of Alabama at Birmingham surgeons, she has a new lifestyle and a new state of mind. For years, Bass struggled with weight gain and the adverse health effects that come with obesity, such as high cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Released: 31-May-2018 2:05 PM EDT
A New Understanding of How Glucose Makes You Fat
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Glucose is the energy that fuels cells, and the body likes to store glucose for later use. But too much glucose can contribute to obesity, and scientists have long wanted to understand what happens within a cell to tip the balance.

Released: 1-May-2018 8:00 AM EDT
Researchers Call for Tougher Standards for Studies on Obesity Policies
Johns Hopkins Medicine

When a new park is built, a tax is instituted on fast food or a ban put in place against soft drinks in a school, public health researchers must often rely on “after the fact” observational studies to evaluate the impact of such efforts on rates of obesity in a particular population and try to clearly identify and measure the factors that worked or didn’t.

19-Feb-2018 9:00 AM EST
Clues to Obesity’s Roots Found in Brain’s Quality Control Process
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Around the clock, cells deep in the brain produces a “grandfather” form of several hormones that help us regulate our appetite and eating. Now, a new discovery sheds new light on how that grandfather molecule gets produced – and more important, what can go wrong and raise the risk of overeating and obesity. The findings could pave the way for new approaches to treating forms of obesity, especially those with genetic roots.

5-Feb-2018 2:05 PM EST
Enzyme Plays a Key Role in Calories Burned Both During Obesity and Dieting
UC San Diego Health

Ever wonder why obese bodies burn less calories or why dieting often leads to a plateau in weight loss? In both cases the body is trying to defend its weight by regulating energy expenditure. In a paper publishing in Cell on February 8, University of California San Diego School of Medicine researchers identify the enzyme TANK-binding kinase 1 (TBK1) as a key player in the control of energy expenditure during both obesity and fasting.

Released: 22-Jan-2018 4:25 PM EST
Dietary Fiber Protects Against Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome, Study Finds
Georgia State University

Consumption of dietary fiber can prevent obesity, metabolic syndrome and adverse changes in the intestine by promoting growth of “good” bacteria in the colon, according to a study led by Georgia State University.

Released: 22-Jan-2018 5:30 AM EST
Study: Weight Loss Reduces Pain Far Beyond Load-Bearing Joints
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

A small new study examining widespread pain relief after weight loss could have new implications for treating pain in people with obesity.

Released: 16-Jan-2018 9:00 AM EST
Evening Hours May Pose Higher Risk for Overeating, Especially When Under Stress, Study Finds
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Experiments with a small group of overweight men and women have added to evidence that “hunger hormone” levels rise and “satiety (or fullness) hormone” levels decrease in the evening. The findings also suggest that stress may increase hunger hormone levels more in the evening, and the impact of hormones on appetite may be greater for people prone to binge eating.

18-Dec-2017 4:30 PM EST
Junk Food Tax is Legally and Administratively Viable, Finds New Analysis
New York University

An original analysis by researchers at New York University College of Global Public Health and the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University finds that a federal tax on junk food is both legally and administratively feasible.

27-Dec-2017 9:00 AM EST
Study Explores Impact of Obesity on Bone Marrow Cells
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

New research published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine highlights the pernicious effect of obesity on the long-term health of blood-making stem cells (hematopoietic stem cells). Published Dec. 27 and conducted largely in genetic models of obese mice, the study shows obesity causes durable and harmful changes to the hematopoietic stem cell compartment – the blood-making factory in our bodies.

Released: 21-Dec-2017 8:05 AM EST
Why the Y? Older Adults Need Support for Healthy Weight Loss in 2018
Wake Forest University

Researchers at Wake Forest University say adults 60+ whose New Year’s resolution is to lose weight succeed with an inexpensive and accessible solution: classes at community fitness centers such as the YMCA.

Released: 15-Nov-2017 2:45 PM EST
Does this One Gene Fuel Obesity?
University of North Carolina Health Care System

New research from the Research Triangle suggests that variants in a gene called ankyrin-B – carried by millions of Americans – could cause people to put on pounds through no fault of their own.

Released: 1-Nov-2017 3:50 PM EDT
Eating More Like Our Ancestors Would Improve Human Health
Washington University in St. Louis

Malnutrition problems can be traced to poor-quality diets lacking in diversity, a recent phenomenon in evolutionary history, according to a new paper from the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis.“Earlier diets were highly diverse and nutrient dense, in contrast to modern food systems in which monotonous diets of staple cereals and ultra-processed foods play a more prominent role,” wrote Lora Iannotti, associate professor and senior author of the paper, “Genome–nutrition Divergence: Evolving Understanding of the Malnutrition Spectrum,” published in the journal Nutrition Reviews.

Released: 11-Oct-2017 11:05 AM EDT
UTSW/THR Study Investigates Fitness of Obese Children
UT Southwestern Medical Center

A study underway at the Institute for Exercise and Environmental Medicine is investigating the respiratory effects of obesity in children, including obese children who may be misdiagnosed with asthma.

2-Oct-2017 5:00 PM EDT
A Need for Bananas? Dietary Potassium Regulates Calcification of Arteries
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Researchers have shown, for the first time, that reduced dietary potassium promotes elevated aortic stiffness in a mouse model. Such arterial stiffness in humans is predictive of heart disease and death from heart disease, and it represents an important health problem for the nation.

Released: 27-Sep-2017 5:05 AM EDT
Brain Cells That Control Appetite Identified for First Time
University of Warwick

Dieting could be revolutionised, thanks to the ground-breaking discovery by the University of Warwick of the key brain cells which control our appetite.

Showing results 1 – 50 of 74
