Feature Channels: Economics

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Released: 3-Feb-2010 4:05 PM EST
Monetary Policy Forum at Washington Univ. in St. Louis
Washington University in St. Louis

"Monetary Policy Amid Economic Turbulence" is the focus of a public conference to be held Feb. 5 in the Bryan Cave Moot Court Room. Anheuser-Busch Hall, Danforth Campus, Washington University in St. Louis. Experts from around the country and the St. Louis Federal Reserve will discuss the Fed's role during the recent recession and future directions for policy.

Released: 2-Feb-2010 3:30 PM EST
UD to Administer Research Fellowships in Eastern Europe, Central Asia
University of Delaware

The University of Delaware has been selected by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, to implement a $308,000 Title VIII grant program that will fund economics and business research by 12 American scholars on the continuing transition of Eastern Europe and Central Asia to a free-market economy.

Released: 1-Feb-2010 11:00 AM EST
Researchers Offer First Projections of 2009, 2010 Charitable Giving by U.S. Households
Boston College

Researchers at Boston College's Center on Wealth and Philanthropy have developed the first model designed to estimate future charitable giving by households on a quarterly basis, and have issued first projections for 2009 and 2010.

Released: 29-Jan-2010 1:00 PM EST
Olympics Won’t Bring the Gold to Vancouver’s Economy
Temple University

Temple University sport management professor Emily Sparvero says three major challenges – a struggling economy, decreased interest in the Olympics and disputes among social welfare groups – could hinder the Canadian host city from recouping its investment.

Released: 28-Jan-2010 10:45 AM EST
Government Financial Support of News Media Continues Steep Decline
University of Southern California (USC)

Government financial support that has bolstered this country's commercial news business since its colonial days is in sharp decline and is likely to fall further, according to a report released today by the University of Southern California’s Center on Communication Leadership & Policy. Because these cutbacks are occurring at the height of the digital revolution, they will have an especially powerful impact on a weakened news industry.

Released: 27-Jan-2010 2:15 PM EST
Expert: Toyota’s Shutdown of Eight Popular Vehicles Could Impact Company’s Long-term Sales
Cornell University

Art Wheaton, Cornell University automotive industry expert, comments on the impact of accelerator-part problems in several Toyota cars and trucks.

25-Jan-2010 1:30 PM EST
New Formula Helps Gauge the Winds of Change
University of Washington

Researchers devise formula to examine just what types of change occur over time among complex and integrated structures.

Released: 26-Jan-2010 10:20 AM EST
Family Demographer Available to Comment on State of the Union
University of New Hampshire

Kristin Smith, a family demographer with extensive knowledge of child care costs and women’s rising contributions to family incomes, is available to comment on President Obama’s State of the Union address.

Released: 22-Jan-2010 3:25 PM EST
At Home on the Street: First-Person Look At Homelessness
University of Alabama at Birmingham

In their new book At Home on the Street: People, Poverty and a Hidden Culture of Homelessness, University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Associate Professor of Sociology Jeffrey Michael Clair, Ph.D., and UAB alumnus Jason Wasserman, Ph.D., give readers an in-depth look at long-term homelessness and show the true meaning of life on the street.

Released: 22-Jan-2010 2:00 PM EST
Study Looks at Welfare Reform from the Viewpoint of Most Needy
University of Chicago

Providing a street-level perspective on welfare reform, a new study reveals a world of struggle for people living in Philadelphia row houses, where many residents contend with long histories of drug addiction and alcoholism and where their lives did not improve.

Released: 22-Jan-2010 11:10 AM EST
Value of Well-Prepared Interviews Cannot be Underestimated
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)

Untrained interviewers and too much small talk can result in poor hires and promotions.

Released: 21-Jan-2010 2:15 PM EST
Marketing Experts Recommend Two Strategies in This Fragile Economy
Dick Jones Communications

Consumer demand for value will persist after economic recovery, leading to bankruptcy for some firms if they don’t adjust positioning. But firms can thrive with two strategies--"just good enough" and "altered amotization" say marketing experts at TCU and LSU.

Released: 21-Jan-2010 12:05 PM EST
Sociologist’s New Book Uncovers Nationwide Problem with How Homelessness Is Handled
Texas Tech University

Jason Wasserman uncovers one of the biggest problems with how social assistance programs deal with the problem across the country.

Released: 21-Jan-2010 12:00 AM EST
Leading Index for Indiana Continues "Unenergetic Climb," but Better than a Year Ago
Indiana University

While the Leading Index for Indiana (LII) for December continues "its unenergetic climb," for the first time since its release in October of last year, the state economic indicator was higher than it was a year earlier.

Released: 19-Jan-2010 5:00 AM EST
Expert Says Fixing America’s Infrastructure is More Important Than We Thought
Geospatial Corporation

The nation’s top lobbyist remarked recently that America’s infrastructure is “running out of capacity,” and that it is time to boost public investment in infrastructure, including the world beneath, to help catapult the country out of the worst recession in 70 years. To upgrade existing lines in need of repair, companies must have a precise map of where they run.

Released: 14-Jan-2010 11:00 AM EST
Consumer Behavior and Lifestyle Traits Influence Foreclosure Rates
University of Alabama at Birmingham

A homeowner’s station in life and personal spending beliefs and habits are important indicators of the borrower’s potential for home-mortgage default, say researchers in the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) School of Business.

Released: 13-Jan-2010 2:00 PM EST
2010: The US Housing, Mortgage and Commercial Real Estate Markets
University of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business

UC Berkeley real estate expert Kenneth Rosen discusses his policy and reform proposals at the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission’s first public hearing.

Released: 12-Jan-2010 3:40 PM EST
Lack of Enthusiasm for Slated Directors in Uncontested Elections Can Lead to Ousted CEOs
Indiana University

As shareholders of publicly traded companies look ahead to corporate board elections this spring, new research at Indiana University's Kelley School of Business suggests that a lack of enthusiasm for slated directors can affect stock prices and lead to management turnovers.

Released: 12-Jan-2010 3:05 PM EST
Small Rise in Consumer Debt Stress Not Worrying, Economist Says
Ohio State University

Consumers – especially women -- felt slightly more stress concerning their debt during December, but the increase was relatively small considering their holiday shopping spree, a new survey suggests.

Released: 12-Jan-2010 2:40 PM EST
Beat Business Burn-Out
Loyola Medicine

With job satisfaction rates at a record low Loyola University Health System expert helps individuals and businesses stay healthy during difficult times.

Released: 8-Jan-2010 1:40 PM EST
Walmart Does Not Boost Employment or Retail Sales
University of Illinois Chicago

The opening of a Walmart store in Chicago's Austin neighborhood in early 2006 has not increased retail activity or employment opportunities, according to a study by researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago and Loyola University Chicago.

Released: 8-Jan-2010 1:00 PM EST
How Much Can the President Influence the Economy? Only a Little, Economic Historian Says
Wake Forest University

How much can the president influence the economy? Not as much as many people think, says Robert Whaples, chair and professor of economics at Wake Forest University. “It is important to realize that economic growth and unemployment trends are determined by the decisions and interactions of billions of individuals around the globe."

Released: 8-Jan-2010 1:00 PM EST
What Will Liberals Be Looking for from President Obama’s State of the Union Address?
Wake Forest University

“Liberals will be remembering that the President was elected on a mandate of change and a promise of bipartisanship,” says David Coates, professor of political science at Wake Forest University and the author of “A Liberal Tool Kit: Progressive Answers to Conservative Arguments.”

Released: 23-Dec-2009 2:00 PM EST
Financial Resolutions Should Include Four Savings Goals
Baylor University

As Americans start thinking about New Year’s resolutions, such as getting physically fit, a Baylor University consumer behavior expert suggests Americans resolve to get in good financial shape, as well. Jim Roberts's advice includes focusing on four savings goals in 2010.

Released: 21-Dec-2009 11:00 AM EST
K-State Financial Planning Expert Offers Tips on Making Next Holiday Season More Affordable
Kansas State University

The bills now rolling in for the holiday season can be a good incentive to start budgeting for next Christmas, according to a Kansas State University personal financial planning expert.

Released: 18-Dec-2009 2:00 PM EST
States and Economic Freedom to Benefit From Natural Resources
Florida State University

States with small governments, low taxes and labor market freedom enjoy greater benefits from natural resource development than states with large and intrusive government policies, according to a new study by a Florida State University researcher.

Released: 18-Dec-2009 10:30 AM EST
Investing In Troubled Times? Best To Bet On Entrepreneurs
Babson College

Studied over an extended period of time, publicly traded stocks of companies led by entrepreneurs consistently outperform non-entrepreneurs by a wide margin, according to research by Babson Associate Professor Joel M. Shulman published in the November issue of The Investment Professional.

14-Dec-2009 11:05 AM EST
Health Care Spending Spurs Economic Growth
North Carolina State University

As the national discussion of health care focuses on costs, a new study from North Carolina State University shows that it might be more accurate to think of health care spending as an investment that can spur economic growth. The study also shows that government projections of health care costs and financing may be unduly pessimistic.

Released: 11-Dec-2009 8:00 PM EST
Economist Says the Great Moderation Is Not Over; Technology Is Key to Economic Stability
Washington University in St. Louis

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke coined the phrase "the Great Moderation" back in 2004 to refer to the relative stability of the U.S. economy over the previous two decades. Many believe "The Great Recession" of the past two years has jolted the economy out of its moderate mode and back into a state of high volatility. Washington University in St. Louis economist James Morley disagrees. He argues the Great Moderation is alive and well and will help the economy recovery from this latest financial shock.

Released: 10-Dec-2009 10:00 AM EST
Action on Climate Change Compatible with Long-Term U.S. Economic Growth
RTI International

Measures being proposed by the U.S. Climate Action Partnership to curb greenhouse gas emissions are unlikely to affect potential long-term economic growth in the United States, according to a study by RTI International.

Released: 9-Dec-2009 3:55 PM EST
Creating Jobs with University-Based Research Parks and Incubators
University of Maryland, College Park

Changes in federal policy can increase the effectiveness of a key national asset in job creation: university-based research parks and technology incubators, according to U.S. Senate testimony today by Brian Darmody, president of the Association of University Research Parks and a University of Maryland associate vice president. He offered a 5-point plan.

Released: 9-Dec-2009 3:00 PM EST
Tips for Hard Times: When the Health Care Crisis Gets Personal
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

As 2009 winds down, the nation continues to struggle with a brutal economy, leading to a rise in the number of patients who are unemployed and overwhelmed by medical bills. Experts at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center offer these tips for coping.

Released: 9-Dec-2009 10:15 AM EST
Infrastructure Investment Critical to Success of Nation’s Economic Stability
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

Statement from ASCE President, Blaine D. Leonard, P.E., D.GE, F.ASCE.

Released: 9-Dec-2009 10:00 AM EST
Dropping Consumer Debt Stress is Good News for Holiday Shopping Season
Ohio State University

Retailers have reason for good cheer during the last weeks of this holiday shopping season: Americans continued to feel less stress about their debts in November, according to a new survey.

Released: 8-Dec-2009 4:00 PM EST
World Bank Conference Looks at Surveys of Developing Economies
University of Chicago

Leading experts will discuss ways to improve survey design and data collection in developing economies when they meet Dec. 10-11 at the World Bank in Washington, D.C. for “Survey Design and Measurement in Development Economics,” a conference presented by the University of Chicago, the World Bank and Yale University.

Released: 8-Dec-2009 3:15 PM EST
Research Finds That Even After the Bubble, Real Estate Remains Part of a Strong Portfolio
University of Iowa

Home prices have been in a funk since 2006, but a new study by University of Iowa researchers shows that real estate is still an important part of a diversified and stable long-term investment portfolio, even after the bubble burst.

Released: 8-Dec-2009 1:20 PM EST
Senate Commerce Committee to Hear Testimony on Research Parks and Job Creation
Association of University Research Parks (AURP)

Research parks’ role in job creation will be the focal point this Wednesday, December 9th as the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation hears testimony on Senate Bill 583 Building A Stronger America Act.

Released: 7-Dec-2009 4:50 PM EST
New York Fed to Hear New Theory on Financial Meltdown Dec. 8
Washington University in St. Louis

Anjan Thakor, finance professor at the Olin Business School, Washington University in St. Louis, will present a new theory on the causes of the financial crisis to a meeting of the New York Federal Reserve Bank on Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2009.

6-Dec-2009 8:00 PM EST
New 'State of Our Unions' Report Focuses on Money and Marriage During Great Recession
University of Virginia

It's a bad time to be a working-class man with no college education. Such men have borne the brunt of job losses since 2007, and new research finds that men are 61 percent less likely to be happy in a marriage if they work fewer hours than their wives.

Released: 4-Dec-2009 4:20 PM EST
Philanthropic, Higher Ed Leaders Spur Civic Engagement Trend
Tufts University

A summit of leaders in international philanthropy and higher education reflects an emerging, under-recognized trend: Increased efforts by major foundations to accelerate social and economic development by funding civic engagement at global colleges and universities.

Released: 4-Dec-2009 10:15 AM EST
In Recession, Wives Are Winning More of Families’ Bread
University of New Hampshire

Women’s contributions to family earnings leapt during the first year of the recession, marking the largest single-year increase in the past decade, a new report from the Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire has found.

Released: 3-Dec-2009 8:30 PM EST
National Project Homeless Connect Celebrates Individual Success Stories
California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute

This December 9th Project Homeless Connect will give people experiencing homelessness a chance to turn their lives around. The event is part of National Project Homeless Connect Week (December 7-13) which is being marked in San Francisco and dozens of other cities around the U.S.

Released: 3-Dec-2009 6:50 AM EST
To Avoid Foreclosure, Homeowners and Banks Must Harness 21st-Century Technology Says Home Loan Expert
We Save Homes

Nearly 60 percent of the 375,000 borrowers who qualify to have their loan modifications completed by the end of 2009 have either submitted incomplete paperwork or none at all. Technology may be needed to help curb this problem.

Released: 1-Dec-2009 12:00 PM EST
Double Dip Recession a Possibility for Mid-America Region
Creighton University

The November Business Conditions Index for the Mid-America region, a leading economic indicator from a survey of supply managers in a nine-state area, slumped to its lowest level since May of this year.

Released: 1-Dec-2009 10:30 AM EST
Student-Run Investment Club Weathers Poor Economy
Moravian College

Even after the stock market plunged in 2008, Moravian College's student-run, Amrhein Fund's losses were not catastrophic, unlike many college endowment funds.

Released: 30-Nov-2009 12:00 AM EST
Leading Index for Indiana Edges Up for October, but Is Seen as Anemic Improvement
Indiana University

The Leading Index for Indiana (LII) for October edged up from the month before, due largely to the relatively large up-tick in the Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) and a rise in the value of unfilled orders in the auto sector. Additional evidence from the auto industry shows a sector still in the doldrums.

Released: 23-Nov-2009 3:00 PM EST
2009 Holiday Discounts Won’t be as Deep Or Numerous, Say UAB Experts
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Retail experts in the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) School of Business are forecasting fewer deep discounts this holiday shopping season and encouraging value seekers to hit their favorite stores early.

Released: 23-Nov-2009 3:00 PM EST
2010 Economic Forecast: Slow Growth with Chance of Stagnation
Washington University in St. Louis

The key issue is not whether the official recession is over, argues economics professor Steve Fazzari, but whether the economy can generate the growth necessary to put many of the unemployed back to work again.

Released: 23-Nov-2009 10:35 AM EST
National Economy Threatened by Baby Boomer Retirement Boom
Ithaca College

As millions of baby boomers prepare to retire, “the inevitable talent drain threatens to alter the national economy,” said Ithaca College sociologist Stephen Sweet.

Released: 23-Nov-2009 10:00 AM EST
Being a CEO Is No Cakewalk And Boards Need to Get CEO Search Right
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)

Succession planning should be an ongoing process for boards of directors, not a periodic activity.
