Juscelino   Colares, PhD

Juscelino Colares, PhD

Case Western Reserve University

Schott-van den Eynden Professor of Business Law, School of Law

Expertise: Business LawBusiness LawFederalismFederalismInternational LawInternational LawInternational TradeInternational Trade

Before joining the CWRU faculty, Juscelino Colares, clerked for the Hon. Jean-Louis Debré, chief justice of France’s Constitutional Court (2008-09 term) and practiced at Dewey Ballantine, LLP in Washington, D.C., where he litigated trade cases before federal agencies, federal courts, and NAFTA panels. Colares has served as chair of the University Faculty Senate and associate dean for Global Legal Studies. 

A native of Brazil and naturalized citizen of the United States, Colares has been appointed by the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) to serve on the U.S. Roster of North American Free Trade Agreement (Chapter Nineteen) Panelists since 2013. This spring, USTR appointed him to the first U.S. Roster of United States-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement Panelists. For the last six years, Colares has organized a series of Trade Law Fall Updates, a practitioner-oriented gathering of leading trade lawyers, federal judges, and trade agency officials that has attracted much visibility to CWRU Law, as well as opportunities for his students and recent graduates.  Besides trade law, Colares teaches civil procedure, conflict of laws, and a variety of courses on business and regulatory law.  

Winner of the 2018 Faculty Research Award, Colares is the author of more than 35 articles and book chapters, and, more recently, the book, titled Restructuring Trade Agreements (Wolters Kluwer 2021).  His work has appeared in leading peer-review journals and law reviews, including the American Law and Economics Review, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, Journal of International Economic Law, Journal of World Trade, Jurimetrics, Columbia Journal of European Law, Cornell International Law Journal; Georgetown Journal of International Law; and Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law.  Colares enjoys running, riding motorcycles, and eating with friends wherever he may find them. 

View CV.




Colares, Juscelino F. Restructuring Trade Agreements, Wolters Kluwer/KLI Business (Aug. 2021) (with Mustafa Durmus). Available for purchase at: https://lrus.wolterskluwer.com/store/product/restructuring-trade-agreements/

Colares, Juscelino F. "The Extraterritorial Impact of the EU and Australian Carbon-Restricting Reforms," in Market-Based Instruments-National Experiences in Environmental Sustainability 1, 106 (Larry Kreiser, David Huff, Janet E. Milne and Hope Ashiabor, eds., Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd.) (2013) (peer reviewed).


Colares, J.F. and Durmus, Mustafa T. Turkey as a WTO Litigant: A Case of Waived Leverage and Mismatched Policy Ends and Means, 51.4 Georgetown Journal of International Law 854 (2020), available at https://www.law.georgetown.edu/international-law-journal/wp-content/uploads/sites/21/2020/11/TURKEY-AS-A-WTO-LITIGANT.-A-CASE-OF-WAIVED-LEVERAGE-AND-MISMATCHED-POLICY-ENDS-AND-MEANS.pdf.
Colares, J.F. and Durmus, Mustafa T. TURK-SWITCH: The Tariff-Leverage and Legal Case for Turkey's Shift from Customs Union to FTA with the European Union and Beyond, 22.1 Journal of International Economic Law 99 (2019) (peer reviewed), available at https://academic.oup.com/jiel/advance-article/doi/10.1093/jiel/jgy050/5272522.

Colares, J.F. and Rode, Ashwin. The Opportunities and Limitations of Neutral Carbon Tariffs, 19(2) American Law and Economics Rev. 423 (2017) (peer reviewed), available at: https://academic.oup.com/aler/article/19/2/423/3868721/The-Opportunities-and-Limitations-of-Neutral?guestAccessKey=3c4accf2-53af-4807-8364-e89647ebadd5.

Colares, J.F. Canada, United States and European Union—Out of Synch on Trade Agreements? Or Are We Sympatico? 41 Canada-United States L. J. 46 (2017) (requested submission).

Colares, J.F. and Canterberry, William. Not COOL: How the Appellate Body Misconstrued the National Treatment Principle, Severely Restricting Agency Discretion to Promulgate Pro-Consumer, Labeling Rules, 51:1 Journal of World Trade 105 (2017) (peer reviewed).

Colares, J.F. & Ristovski, K. Pleading Patterns and the Role of Litigation as a Driver of Federal Climate Change Legislation, 54.4 Jurimetrics 329 (2015) (peer-reviewed), available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2456277.

Colares, J.F. The Dynamics and Global Implications of Subglobal Carbon-Restricting Regimes, 25.3 Georgetown International Environmental Law Review 417 (2013), available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2386137.

Colares, J.F. Paths to Carbon Stabilization: How Foreign Carbon-Restricting Reforms Will Affect US Industry, Climate Policy and the Prospects of a Binding Emission Reduction Treaty, 47.2 Journal of World Trade 281 (2013) (peer-reviewed), available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2268167.

Colares, J.F. The Reality of EU-Conformity Litigation in France, 18.3 Columbia Journal of European Law 369 (2012) (peer-reviewed), available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2038452.

Colares, J.F. The Limits of WTO Adjudication: Is Compliance the Problem?, 14.2 Journal of International Economic Law 403 (2011) (peer-reviewed), available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2038445


Juris Doctor
Cornell University
Doctor of Philosophy 
Political Economy
University of Tennessee
Master of Arts
Political Economy
University of Tennessee
Bachelor of Laws
Universidade de Brasília/Universidade Federal do Ceará

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