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    Valerie Taylor Named Argonne National Laboratory's Mathematics and Computer Science Division Director

    Valerie Taylor Named Argonne National Laboratory's Mathematics and Computer Science Division Director

    Computer scientist Valerie Taylor has been appointed as the next director of the Mathematics and Computer Science division at Argonne, effective July 3, 2017.

    Three SLAC Employees Awarded Lab's Highest Honor

    Three SLAC Employees Awarded Lab's Highest Honor

    At a March 7 ceremony, three employees of the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory were awarded the lab's highest honor ­- the SLAC Director's Award.

    Dan Sinars Represents Sandia in First Energy Leadership Class

    Dan Sinars Represents Sandia in First Energy Leadership Class

    Dan Sinars, a senior manager in Sandia National Laboratories' pulsed power center, which built and operates the Z facility, is the sole representative from a nuclear weapons lab in a new Department of Energy leadership program that recently visited Sandia.

    ORNL, HTS International Corporation to Collaborate on Manufacturing Research

    ORNL, HTS International Corporation to Collaborate on Manufacturing Research

    HTS International Corporation and the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory have signed an agreement to explore potential collaborations in advanced manufacturing research.

    Jefferson Lab Director Honored with Energy Secretary Award

    Jefferson Lab Director Honored with Energy Secretary Award

    Hugh Montgomery, director of the Department of Energy's Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab), was awarded The Secretary's Distinguished Service Award by the Secretary of Energy earlier this year.

    New Projects to Make Geothermal Energy More Economically Attractive

    New Projects to Make Geothermal Energy More Economically Attractive

    Geothermal energy, a clean, renewable source of energy produced by the heat of the earth, provides about 6 percent of California's total power. That number could be much higher if associated costs were lower. Now scientists at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have launched two California Energy Commission-funded projects aimed at making geothermal energy more cost-effective to deploy and operate.

    Southern Research Project Advances Novel CO2 Utilization Strategy

    Southern Research Project Advances Novel CO2 Utilization Strategy

    The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Fossil Energy has awarded Southern Research nearly $800,000 for a project that targets a more cost-efficient and environmentally friendly method of producing some of the most important chemicals used in manufacturing.

    Harker School Wins 2017 SLAC Regional Science Bowl Competition

    Harker School Wins 2017 SLAC Regional Science Bowl Competition

    After losing its first match of the day to the defending champions, The Harker School's team won 10 consecutive rounds to claim victory in the annual SLAC Regional DOE Science Bowl on Saturday, Feb. 11.

    Francis Alexander Named Deputy Director of Brookhaven Lab's Computational Science Initiative

    Francis Alexander Named Deputy Director of Brookhaven Lab's Computational Science Initiative

    Alexander brings extensive management and leadership experience in computational science research to the position.

    Kalinin, Paranthaman Elected Materials Research Society Fellows

    Kalinin, Paranthaman Elected Materials Research Society Fellows

    Two researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Sergei Kalinin and Mariappan Parans Paranthaman, have been elected fellows of the Materials Research Society.

    Two PNNL Researchers Elected to Membership in the National Academy of Engineering

    Two PNNL Researchers Elected to Membership in the National Academy of Engineering

    Two scientists at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory will become members of the prestigious National Academy of Engineering.

    Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Receives Two Awards for Its Green Programs

    Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Receives Two Awards for Its Green Programs

    The U.S. Department of Energy's Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory has received two awards from national agencies for its green buying practices and its composting and recycling program, the latest in a long list of honors the Lab has received for its environmental programs over the past several years.

    ORNL Wins Four FLC Technology Transfer Awards

    ORNL Wins Four FLC Technology Transfer Awards

    Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers win four Federal Laboratory Consortium awards.

    Ourmazd to Join Advisory Committee of U.S. Department of Energy

    Ourmazd to Join Advisory Committee of U.S. Department of Energy

    Abbas Ourmazd, a UWM distinguished professor of physics, has been appointed to serve on the Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (BESAC) of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

    Berkeley Lab Gets $4.6M in Functional Genomics Catalog Project

    Berkeley Lab Gets $4.6M in Functional Genomics Catalog Project

    Berkeley Lab is set to receive nearly $4.6 million over four years as part of an ongoing, federally funded project to create a comprehensive catalog for fundamental genomics research. This latest expansion of the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) project, or ENCODE 4, is funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute.

    Livermore Meets Key Milestone for Delivery of World's Highest Average Power Petawatt Laser System

    Livermore Meets Key Milestone for Delivery of World's Highest Average Power Petawatt Laser System

    The High-Repetition-Rate Advanced Petawatt Laser System (HAPLS), being developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), recently completed a significant milestone: demonstration of continuous operation of an all diode-pumped, high-energy femtosecond petawatt laser system. With completion of this milestone, the system is now ready for delivery and integration at the European Extreme Light Infrastructure Beamlines facility project (ELI Beamlines) in the Czech Republic.

    Berkeley Lab Breaks Ground on Integrative Genomics Building

    Berkeley Lab Breaks Ground on Integrative Genomics Building

    Extending the roots of team science at its birthplace, Berkeley Lab will soon bring together researchers from the DOE Joint Genome Institute with those from the Systems Biology Knowledgebase (KBase) under one roof. The groundbreaking for the Integrative Genomics Building celebrates the future colocation of two partnering scientific user community resources and launches construction of the first building in the long-term vision for a consolidated biosciences presence on Berkeley Lab's main site.

    Taking Down a Giant: 699 Tons of SLAC's Accelerator Removed for Upgrade

    Taking Down a Giant: 699 Tons of SLAC's Accelerator Removed for Upgrade

    For the first time in more than 50 years, a door that is opened at the western end of the historic linear accelerator at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory casts light on four empty walls stretching as far as the eye can see. This end of the linac - a full kilometer of it - has been stripped of all its equipment both above and below ground.

    Haslam Visits ORNL to Highlight State's Role in Discovering Tennessine

    Haslam Visits ORNL to Highlight State's Role in Discovering Tennessine

    UT-Battelle, managing contractor of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, is marking the discovery of element 117 by providing more than 1,000 public middle schools and high schools in Tennessee with new charts of the periodic table. Tennessine--the element's official name--completes the table's seventh row and the column of elements classified as halogens.

    Art Rosenfeld, California's Godfather of Energy Efficiency, Dies at 90

    Art Rosenfeld, California's Godfather of Energy Efficiency, Dies at 90

    Art Rosenfeld, a Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Distinguished Scientist Emeritus who is also known as California's "godfather" of energy efficiency and who has been credited with being personally responsible for billions of dollars in energy savings, died Friday at his home in Berkeley, California. He was 90.

    Turning Research Data Into Scientific Discoveries

    Turning Research Data Into Scientific Discoveries

    Information scientist Line Pouchard just joined Brookhaven Lab's Center for Data-Driven Discovery, where she will help scientists discover, integrate, and re-use data.

    Six From DOE JGI on 2016 Highly Cited Researchers List

    Six From DOE JGI on 2016 Highly Cited Researchers List

    Six of the DOE Joint Genome Institute's researchers are among the most highly cited in the world.

    $5M Foundation Gift to Help Support US-China Energy Center at Berkeley Lab

    $5M Foundation Gift to Help Support US-China Energy Center at Berkeley Lab

    In 2015, Berkeley Lab, UC Berkeley, and Tsinghua University in Beijing formed the Berkeley Tsinghua Joint Research Center on Energy and Climate Change to develop scientifically based clean energy solutions and the next generation of leaders to champion those solutions. Now, that effort has received welcome support from Jim and Marilyn Simons in the amount of a $5 million donation.

    CERN Ramps Up Neutrino Program

    CERN Ramps Up Neutrino Program

    CERN is accelerating its neutrino program, contributing for the first time to an experiment (the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, based at Fermilab) outside of CERN itself.

    New Director Named to Lead U.S. Department of Energy's Jefferson Lab

    New Director Named to Lead U.S. Department of Energy's Jefferson Lab

    Jefferson Science Associates, LLC today announced that Stuart Henderson will become the new Director of the U.S. Department of Energy's Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Newport News, Virginia. Currently serving as the Director of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project at DOE's Argonne National Laboratory, Henderson will assume his responsibilities at Jefferson Lab on April 3.