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    Seven ORNL Researchers Elected AAAS Fellows

    Seven ORNL Researchers Elected AAAS Fellows

    Seven researchers at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory have been elected fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

    Five Berkeley Lab Scientists Named AAAS Fellows

    Five Berkeley Lab Scientists Named AAAS Fellows

    Five scientists from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have been named Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Election as a AAAS Fellow is an honor bestowed upon AAAS members by their peers.

    Jefferson Lab's Newest Cluster Makes Top500 List of Fastest Supercomputers

    Jefferson Lab's Newest Cluster Makes Top500 List of Fastest Supercomputers

    For the third time in its history, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility is home to one of the world's 500 fastest supercomputers. The SciPhi-XVI supercomputer was just listed as a TOP500 Supercomputer Site on November 14, placing 397th on the 48th edition of the list of the world's top supercomputers.

    Hill Named a Fellow of the American Nuclear Society

    Hill Named a Fellow of the American Nuclear Society

    Bob Hill, technical director of advanced nuclear energy R&D at Argonne, was honored last week as a Fellow of the American Nuclear Society.

    Brookhaven Lab to Lead Software Development Project and Partner on Data Co-Design Center for DOE's Exascale Computing Project

    Brookhaven Lab to Lead Software Development Project and Partner on Data Co-Design Center for DOE's Exascale Computing Project

    Brookhaven Lab is leading one of the 35 software development projects (SOLLVE) and partnering on one of the four co-design centers (CODAR) recently funded by DOE's Exascale Computing Project. SOLLVE will focus on OpenMP functionality for exascale computing; CODAR will concentrate on online data analysis and reduction at the exascale.

    Five Los Alamos Innovations Win R&D 100 Awards

    Five Los Alamos Innovations Win R&D 100 Awards

    Five Los Alamos National Laboratory technologies won R&D 100 Awards last week at R&D Magazine's annual ceremony in Washington, D.C.

    Exascale Computing Project Announces $48 Million to Establish Four Exascale Co-Design Centers

    Exascale Computing Project Announces $48 Million to Establish Four Exascale Co-Design Centers

    DOE's Exascale Computing Project is announcing it has selected four co-design centers as part of a 4-year $48 million funding award, including one to be led by Argonne.

    The Exascale Computing Project Announces $48 Million to Establish Four Exascale Co-Design Centers

    The Department of Energy's Exascale Computing Project (ECP) today announced that it has selected four co-design centers as part of a 4 year, $48 million funding award. The first year is funded at $12 million, and is to be allocated evenly among the four award recipients.

    World-Leading HPC Centers Partner to Form Accelerated Computing Institute

    World-Leading HPC Centers Partner to Form Accelerated Computing Institute

    Leaders in hybrid accelerated high-performance computing in the United States, Japan, and Switzerland have signed a memorandum of understanding establishing an international institute dedicated to common goals, the sharing of HPC expertise, and forward-thinking evaluation of computing architecture.

    Two ORNL Researchers Elected Fellows of American Nuclear Society

    Two ORNL Researchers Elected Fellows of American Nuclear Society

    Two researchers from the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory have been elected fellows of the American Nuclear Society. Alan S. Icenhour and Jess C. Gehin were recognized for their outstanding scientific and technical leadership in nuclear energy research and development.

    The Exascale Computing Project Awards $34 Million for Software Development

    The Department of Energy's Exascale Computing Project (ECP) today announced the selection of 35 software development proposals representing 25 research and academic organizations.

    PPPL Physicist Richard Hawryluk to Chair the Nuclear Fusion Editorial Board

    PPPL Physicist Richard Hawryluk to Chair the Nuclear Fusion Editorial Board

    Article describes appointment of PPPL Physicist Richard Hawryluk as chair of the Nuclear Fusion editorial board.

    Argonne Researchers Win Three 2016 R&D 100 Awards

    Argonne Researchers Win Three 2016 R&D 100 Awards

    Innovative technologies developed by researchers at Argonne and their partners earned three R&D 100 Awards on Thursday, November 3.

    Brookhaven Lab's Robert McGraw Receives AS&T's Outstanding Publication Award from the American Association for Aerosol Research

    Brookhaven Lab's Robert McGraw Receives AS&T's Outstanding Publication Award from the American Association for Aerosol Research

    The award recognizes the novel method he developed nearly 20 years ago to mathematically characterize how the distribution of tiny atmospheric particles called aerosols evolves over time.

    Brookhaven Lab Wins Three 2016 R&D 100 Awards

    Brookhaven Lab Wins Three 2016 R&D 100 Awards

    Innovations in microscopy, catalysis, and nanomaterials are among the 100 technologies and services of the past year selected by R&D Magazine to receive awards.

    Alice Cialella Named Chair of Brookhaven Lab's Environmental and Climate Sciences Department

    Alice Cialella Named Chair of Brookhaven Lab's Environmental and Climate Sciences Department

    Alice Cialella leads a department whose research is focused on aerosol chemistry and microphysics, aerosol-related infrastructure, climate and process modeling, cloud processes, data management and software engineering, terrestrial ecosystems, meteorological services, and tracer technologies.

    PNNL Wins 2 R&D 100 Awards for Underground Cleanup, Carbon Capture

    PNNL Wins 2 R&D 100 Awards for Underground Cleanup, Carbon Capture

    Tools that track underground contaminants and speed carbon capture technology development are among R&D Magazine's 100 most innovative scientific breakthroughs of the year.

    Argonne Nanoscientist Honored as Fellow of the American Physical Society

    Argonne Nanoscientist Honored as Fellow of the American Physical Society

    Gary Wiederrecht, a senior nanoscientist at Argonne National Laboratory, has been elected a fellow of the American Physical Society.

    2017 DOE Joint Genome Institute Community Science Program Allocations Announced

    2017 DOE Joint Genome Institute Community Science Program Allocations Announced

    The 37 projects selected for the 2017 Community Science Program (CSP) of the U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (DOE JGI), a DOE Office of Science User Facility, "exploit DOE JGI's experimental and analytical 'omics' capabilities and build our portfolio in key focus areas."

    State's Three Largest Public Research Institutions to Increase Collaboration

    State's Three Largest Public Research Institutions to Increase Collaboration

    The state's three largest public research institutions have signed a Memorandum of Understanding, which expresses the intent of the parties to increase research collaborations on complex challenges and provide additional research and training opportunities for students in the state. The memorandum was signed recently by leaders at the University of Washington, Washington State University and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

    Collaboration Yields Open Source Technology for Computational Science

    Collaboration Yields Open Source Technology for Computational Science

    The gap between the computational science and open source software communities just got smaller - thanks to an international collaboration among national laboratories, universities and industry.

    Brookhaven Lab 'Higgs Hunter' Sally Dawson Receives J.J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics

    Brookhaven Lab 'Higgs Hunter' Sally Dawson Receives J.J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics

    UPTON, NY -- Sally Dawson, a theoretical physicist at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory, has been named a recipient of the 2017 J.J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics. The award, given by the American Physical Society (APS), recognizes Dawson and her three co-authors of The Higgs Hunter's Guide, a seminal book first published in 1989 on the physics of Higgs bosons--fundamental particles predicted by the accepted theory of particle physics as essential to generating the mass of fundamental particles, and discovered in experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2012.

    Ames Laboratory to Receive $3 Million to Develop Instrument to Study Plant Cell Walls

    Ames Laboratory to Receive $3 Million to Develop Instrument to Study Plant Cell Walls

    A team of scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory will be developing new instrumentation aimed at determining the chemical and structural makeup of plant cell walls. The group is receiving $1 million a year for three years from the DOE's Office of Science to develop a subdiffraction Raman imaging platform that will provide an unprecedented look at the specific chemical structures of plant cell walls and then determine how best to deconstruct plant material as a source of biofuels.

    Argonne's Curry-Nkansah Wins Egretha Award

    Argonne's Curry-Nkansah Wins Egretha Award

    The Egretha Foundation, which was formed 10 years ago to celebrate the successes of African-American women in the Chicago area, will honor Maria Curry-Nkansah, chief operations officer of the Physical Sciences and Engineering directorate at Argonne National Laboratory, with their annual award on October 21.