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    PNNL Researchers Part of 2016 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics

    PNNL Researchers Part of 2016 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics

    Hot on the tail of this year's Nobel prize in physics, another prize came to the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory Collaboration -- the 2016 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics. The honor went to researchers -- six of whom are now at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory -- "for the fundamental discovery of neutrino oscillations, revealing a new frontier beyond, and possibly far beyond, the standard model of particle physics."

    Adam Cohen Becomes Deputy Under Secretary for Science and Energy in Washington

    Adam Cohen Becomes Deputy Under Secretary for Science and Energy in Washington

    Adam Cohen becomes Deputy Under Secretary for Science and Energy in Washington

    ORNL Tires-to-Carbon Technology Licensed to RJ Lee Group

    ORNL Tires-to-Carbon Technology Licensed to RJ Lee Group

    RJ Lee Group has signed an agreement to license an invention developed at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory that converts waste rubber into a valuable energy storage material.

    National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center taps PNNL

    National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center taps PNNL

    PNNL's data analytics capabilities and advanced computer modeling capabilities will support the Department of Homeland Security's National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center.

    Stanford and SLAC Celebrate Arthur Bienenstock

    Stanford and SLAC Celebrate Arthur Bienenstock

    Arthur "Artie" Bienenstock, professor emeritus at Stanford University and the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, was honored with an all-day symposium in recognition of his outstanding contributions to science, academia, graduate student education and U.S. science policy.

    SLAC's Claudio Pellegrini Receives Fermi Award at White House

    SLAC's Claudio Pellegrini Receives Fermi Award at White House

    President Obama welcomed SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory's Claudio Pellegrini into the Oval Office Tuesday morning as a recipient of the Enrico Fermi Award, one of the highest honors the U.S. government can give to a scientist.

    Building Off Known Genomes to Advance Systems and Ecosystems Biology

    Building Off Known Genomes to Advance Systems and Ecosystems Biology

    The DOE Joint Genome Institute has selected 27 new projects for the 2016 Community Science Program that, DOE JGI User Programs Deputy Susannah Tringe said, "build our portfolio in key focus areas including sustainable bioenergy production, plant microbiomes and terrestrial biogeochemistry."

    Paul Fuoss Receives Lytle Award for Developing X-Ray Technique to Better Explore Materials

    Paul Fuoss Receives Lytle Award for Developing X-Ray Technique to Better Explore Materials

    Paul H. Fuoss has received the Farrel W. Lytle Award for developing a pioneering X-ray technique that is now used worldwide to explore the structure of complex materials. The award was presented during an Oct. 8 ceremony at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.

    Jonathan Dorfan and David Hitlin Receive 2016 Panofsky Prize

    Jonathan Dorfan and David Hitlin Receive 2016 Panofsky Prize

    The American Physical Society has honored two key figures of the BABAR particle physics experiment at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory with the 2016 W.K.H. Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics: SLAC Director Emeritus Jonathan Dorfan and California Institute of Technology Professor David Hitlin. They share the award with Stephen Olsen and Fumihiko Takasaki, two lead researchers of the Belle experiment in Japan.

    Ming Yi Awarded L'Oreal USA For Women in Science Fellowship

    Ming Yi Awarded L'Oreal USA For Women in Science Fellowship

    Former Stanford University graduate student Ming Yi has been awarded the $60,000 L'Oreal USA For Women in Science Fellowship, which is given to five U.S.-based women each year as part of an effort to raise awareness of women's contributions to science and identify exceptional female researchers to serve as role models.

    Berkeley Lab's Yelick Lauded for Advances in Programmability of High Performance Computing Systems

    Berkeley Lab's Yelick Lauded for Advances in Programmability of High Performance Computing Systems

    ACM and IEEE Computer Society have named Katherine Yelick as the recipient of the 2015 ACM/IEEE Computer Society Ken Kennedy Award for innovative research contributions to parallel computing languages that have been used in both the research community and in production environments. She was also cited for her strategic leadership of the national research laboratories and for developing novel educational and mentoring tools. The award will be presented at SC 15: the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis November 17, in Austin, Texas.

    PPPL Honors Engineer Charles Neumeyer and Physicist Rajesh Maingi

    PPPL Honors Engineer Charles Neumeyer and Physicist Rajesh Maingi

    PPPL presented its 2015 outstanding research awards to engineer Charles Neumeyer and physicist Rajesh Maingi following Stewart Prager's October 5 State of the Laboratory address.

    ORNL, Strangpresse LLC Sign Additive Manufacturing Patent License Agreement

    ORNL, Strangpresse LLC Sign Additive Manufacturing Patent License Agreement

    Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Strangpresse LLC have signed a non-exclusive patent licensing deal to a portfolio of ORNL patents related to large-scale additive manufacturing that enable the production of parts much larger than the current standards--a potentially game-changing niche.

    200-Terawatt Laser Brings New Extremes in Heat, Pressure to X-Ray Experiments

    200-Terawatt Laser Brings New Extremes in Heat, Pressure to X-Ray Experiments

    A newly upgraded high-power laser at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory will blaze new trails across many fields of science by recreating the universe's most extreme conditions, such as those at the heart of stars and planets, in a lab.

    DOE Announces Funding for New Center for Computational Materials Sciences at Brookhaven Lab

    DOE Announces Funding for New Center for Computational Materials Sciences at Brookhaven Lab

    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced $12 million in funding over the next four years for a new Center for Computational Design of Functional Strongly Correlated Materials and Theoretical Spectroscopy at Brookhaven National Laboratory and Rutgers University. Center scientists will develop next-generation methods and software to accurately describe electronic properties in complex strongly correlated materials, as well as a companion database to predict targeted properties with energy-related application to thermoelectric materials.

    Brookhaven Lab Scientist Veljko Radeka Shares Inaugural American Physical Society Division of Particles and Fields Instrumentation Award

    Brookhaven Lab Scientist Veljko Radeka Shares Inaugural American Physical Society Division of Particles and Fields Instrumentation Award

    The inaugural American Physical Society (APS) Division of Particles and Fields Instrumentation Award has been presented jointly to David Nygren of the University of Texas at Arlington and Veljko Radeka of the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory. Nygren and Radeka received the award during the APS "New Technologies for Discovery" Workshop on October 5, 2015, at the University of Texas at Arlington.

    Three Questions With: Ames Laboratory Cybersecurity Manager and Researcher Chris Strasburg

    Three Questions With: Ames Laboratory Cybersecurity Manager and Researcher Chris Strasburg

    Ames Laboratory's Chris Strasburg discovered an interest in research while working in systems support and cybersecurity. He's now the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory's cybersecurity manager and working toward a Ph.D. in computer science at Iowa State University, studying artificial intelligence approaches, automation of computer languages, and network security.

    Arizona State University and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Sign Agreement to Develop Solutions to Global Challenges

    Arizona State University and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Sign Agreement to Develop Solutions to Global Challenges

    A new memorandum of understanding between PNNL and Arizona State University formalizes the institutions' research collaboration on topics involving energy security, climate science and sustainability and other aspects of global security.

    New York Cybersecurity Company Licenses ORNL's Data Diode

    New York Cybersecurity Company Licenses ORNL's Data Diode

    Lock Data Solutions has licensed a technology from the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory designed to protect a company's data from internal and external threats.

    Feng Lin Wins Spicer Award for Smart Window, Battery Research

    Feng Lin Wins Spicer Award for Smart Window, Battery Research

    Feng Lin, a former postdoctoral researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, has been selected to receive the annual William E. and Diane M. Spicer Young Investigator Award for X-ray experiments at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory that led to new approaches in the design of energy-efficient, color-changing "smart" windows and high-capacity lithium-ion batteries.

    Enrico Fermi Awards Ceremony

    Enrico Fermi Awards Ceremony

    Details for the Awards ceremony, including how to RSVP to the event

    New DOE Office of Science Support for CAMERA to Develop Computational Mathematics for Experimental Facilities Research

    New DOE Office of Science Support for CAMERA to Develop Computational Mathematics for Experimental Facilities Research

    Department of Energy has announced approval of a grant of $10.5 million over three years to expand the Center for Advanced Mathematics for Energy Research Applications (CAMERA). CAMERA's mission is to develop fundamental mathematics and algorithms, delivered as data analysis software that can accelerate scientific discovery.

    Roopali Kukreja Wins 2015 Klein Award for X-Ray Work

    Roopali Kukreja Wins 2015 Klein Award for X-Ray Work

    Roopali Kukreja, a former researcher at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory who received her PhD in materials science at Stanford University last year, will be honored during a SLAC conference next month with the Melvin P. Klein Scientific Development Award for her X-ray studies of nanoscale magnetic and electrical properties of materials.

    ORNL-Developed Building Efficiency Software Now Available

    ORNL-Developed Building Efficiency Software Now Available

    A set of automated calibration techniques for tuning residential and commercial building energy efficiency software models to match measured data is now available as an open source code. The Autotune code is available on GitHub.

    Four Brookhaven Lab Projects Selected as R&D 100 Award Finalists

    Four Brookhaven Lab Projects Selected as R&D 100 Award Finalists

    Four Brookhaven National Laboratory projects have been selected as finalists for the 2015 R&D 100 awards, which honor the top 100 proven technological advances of the past year as determined by a panel selected by R&D Magazine.