Latest News
    Barbara Chapman Named Head of Brookhaven Lab's Computer Science and Mathematics Group

    Barbara Chapman Named Head of Brookhaven Lab's Computer Science and Mathematics Group

    Barbara Chapman, a leading researcher in programming languages, programming models, and compilers, has been named head of the Computer Science and Mathematics Group under the new Computational Science Initiative at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory

    SLAC's Stanley Brodsky Shares Pomeranchuk Prize for Theoretical Physics

    SLAC's Stanley Brodsky Shares Pomeranchuk Prize for Theoretical Physics

    Stan Brodsky, a professor of particle physics and astrophysics at Stanford University and the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, has received the 2015 Pomeranchuk Prize from the Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP) in Moscow, Russia. He shares the award with Russian physicist Victor Fadin.

    Four Ames Laboratory Physicists Named "Highly Cited" by Thomson Reuters

    Four Ames Laboratory Physicists Named "Highly Cited" by Thomson Reuters

    Four Ames Laboratory physicists -- Paul Canfield, Sergey Bud'ko, Thomas Koschny, and Costas Soukoulis -- were recently named to Thomson Reuters' Highly Cited Researchers 2015.

    Dawson Award Recognizes SLAC X-Ray Laser Experiment That Probed 3.6-Million-Degree Matter

    Dawson Award Recognizes SLAC X-Ray Laser Experiment That Probed 3.6-Million-Degree Matter

    Eight scientists have shared the 2015 John Dawson Award for Excellence in Plasma Physics Research for an experiment that used the world's most powerful X-ray laser to create and probe 3.6-million-degree matter in a controlled way for the first time.

    PPPL Physicists Win Torkil Jensen Award to Conduct Key Experiments on DIII-D

    PPPL Physicists Win Torkil Jensen Award to Conduct Key Experiments on DIII-D

    PPPL physicists win Torkil Jensen Award to conduct key experiments on DIII-D

    Six PNNL Scientists Among Select Group of Highly Cited Authors

    Six PNNL Scientists Among Select Group of Highly Cited Authors

    Six scientists at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory are included in a new analysis of scientists whose work is cited most often by their peers. Their research is in disciplines where PNNL is highly regarded internationally - climate science, energy storage, materials science, and chemistry.

    Enlisting Distributed Energy Devices to Balance the Power Grid

    Enlisting Distributed Energy Devices to Balance the Power Grid

    Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and its partners are developing a unique way to balance the increasingly complex power grid: an incentive-based coordination and control system for distributed energy devices such as rooftop solar panels, batteries and electric vehicles.

    Mr. Rare Earth Easing Into Retirement

    Mr. Rare Earth Easing Into Retirement

    When Karl A. Gschneidner Jr. began work on his Ph.D. at Iowa State University and hired on as an Ames Laboratory graduate researcher in metallurgy, Dwight Eisenhower was serving his first term in the White House. Now, more than six decades later, Gschneidner is formally retiring effective Jan. 5, 2016 after a distinguished career that led him to become internationally recognized as Mr. Rare Earth.

    Need Rare-Earths Know-How? The Critical Materials Institute Offers Lower-Cost Access to Experts and Research

    Need Rare-Earths Know-How? The Critical Materials Institute Offers Lower-Cost Access to Experts and Research

    The Critical Materials Institute, a U.S. Department of Energy Innovation, is looking to strengthen its network of industrial, commercial, educational and government partners through a newly revamped and lower-cost affiliate membership program.

    Get Schooled in Rare-Earth Metals: CMI, Iowa State to Offer Unique Materials Science Class

    Get Schooled in Rare-Earth Metals: CMI, Iowa State to Offer Unique Materials Science Class

    The U.S. Department of Energy's Critical Materials Institute and Iowa State University are offering a unique educational opportunity to get an in-depth overview of the rare-earth metals in a senior and graduate level course offered online spring semester 2016.

    Three New Technologies to Make Energy Cleaner, More Efficient

    Three New Technologies to Make Energy Cleaner, More Efficient

    PNNL and its partners are developing three new technologies to improve the power grid, make biofuel from seaweed and produce hydrogen with grants from DOE's Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy, or ARPA-E.

    Climate-Friendly Rice Recognized as a Top Science Development of 2015

    Climate-Friendly Rice Recognized as a Top Science Development of 2015

    The creation of a new kind of rice which gives off nearly zero greenhouse gas emissions during its growth has earned kudos for a team of scientists from three continents. The new kind of rice grows in a manner that nearly eliminates the production of methane, a potent greenhouse gas.

    ORNL's  Zacharia, Paranthaman Named AAAS Fellows

    ORNL's Zacharia, Paranthaman Named AAAS Fellows

    The American Association for the Advancement of Science has named Thomas Zacharia and Mariappan Parans Paranthaman of Oak Ridge National Laboratory as new AAAS fellows. The two are honored for their achievements in science administration and materials chemistry, respectively.

    ORNL, Solid Power Sign Exclusive License for Lithium-Sulfur Battery Tech

    ORNL, Solid Power Sign Exclusive License for Lithium-Sulfur Battery Tech

    The Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Solid Power Inc. of Louisville, Colo., have signed an exclusive agreement licensing lithium-sulfur materials for next-generation batteries.

    $13.5M Moore Grant to Develop Working 'Accelerator on a Chip' Prototype

    $13.5M Moore Grant to Develop Working 'Accelerator on a Chip' Prototype

    The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation has awarded $13.5 million to Stanford University for an international effort, including key contributions from the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, to build a working particle accelerator the size of a shoebox based on an innovative technology known as "accelerator on a chip."

    Four ORNL Researchers Elected Fellows of American Physical Society

    Four ORNL Researchers Elected Fellows of American Physical Society

    Four researchers from the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory have been elected fellows of the American Physical Society (APS), one of the nation's top professional organizations for scientists.

    Brookhaven Lab Wins Two R&D 100 Awards

    Brookhaven Lab Wins Two R&D 100 Awards

    Two technologies developed at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory have received 2015 R&D 100 awards, which honor the top 100 proven technological advances of the past year as determined by a panel selected by R&D Magazine. The Brookhaven winners are the Active Superconducting Fault Current Limited for Electric Grid and Binary Pseudo-Random Calibration Tool, a test surface for determining imaging and profiling instrument modulation transfer functions.

    Rob Goldston Wins 2015 Nuclear Fusion Award for Best Paper Published in 2012

    Rob Goldston Wins 2015 Nuclear Fusion Award for Best Paper Published in 2012

    Rob Goldston wins 2015 Nuclear Fusion Award for best paper published in 2012

    SLAC's Helen Quinn to Receive 2016 Compton Medal

    SLAC's Helen Quinn to Receive 2016 Compton Medal

    Helen Quinn, a professor emerita at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford University, will receive the 2016 Karl Taylor Compton Medal for Leadership in Physics for her contributions to science education and theoretical physics.

    Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Scientists Win Five R&D 100 Awards

    Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Scientists Win Five R&D 100 Awards

    Technologies that impact cyber security, increase our ability to detect trace amounts of chemicals, convert sewage into fuel, view energy processes under real-world conditions and forecast future electric needs are among the newest R&D 100 award winners at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

    Rare Earths for Life: An 85th Birthday Visit with Mr. Rare Earth

    Rare Earths for Life: An 85th Birthday Visit with Mr. Rare Earth

    While scientists often talk about their life's work, few lives have been fuller than that of Ames Laboratory's Karl A. Gschneidner, Jr. who's being honored for over six decades of research in the rare-earth metals.

    ORNL Wins Six R&D 100 Awards

    ORNL Wins Six R&D 100 Awards

    Researchers at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory have received six R&D 100 awards, increasing the lab's total to 193 since the award's inception in 1963.

    INCITE Grants Awarded to 56 Computational Research Projects

    INCITE Grants Awarded to 56 Computational Research Projects

    The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science announced 56 projects aimed at accelerating discovery and innovation to address some of the world's most challenging scientific questions. The projects will share 5.8 billion core hours on America's two most powerful supercomputers dedicated to open science.

    Berkeley Lab Opens State-of-the-Art Facility for Computational Science

    Berkeley Lab Opens State-of-the-Art Facility for Computational Science

    A new center for advancing computational science and networking at research institutions and universities across the country opened today at Berkeley Lab. Named Wang Hall, the facility will house the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), one of the world's leading supercomputing centers for open science, and will be the center of operations for DOE's Energy Sciences Network (ESnet), the fastest network dedicated to science.

    Susan Pepper Named Chair of Brookhaven Lab's Nonproliferation and National Security Department

    Susan Pepper Named Chair of Brookhaven Lab's Nonproliferation and National Security Department

    Susan Pepper, a professional with extensive experience in nuclear nonproliferation science, programs, and policies, has been named Chair of the Nonproliferation & National Security Department (NNS) at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory, effective October 1, 2015.