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    ORNL Licenses Rare Earth Magnet Recycling Process to Momentum Technologies

    ORNL Licenses Rare Earth Magnet Recycling Process to Momentum Technologies

    The Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Momentum Technologies have signed a non-exclusive licensing agreement for an ORNL process designed to recover rare earth magnets from used computer hard drives.

    Yijin Liu Receives 2016 Spicer Award for Substantial Research Contributions Using X-Ray Microscopy

    Yijin Liu Receives 2016 Spicer Award for Substantial Research Contributions Using X-Ray Microscopy

    Yijin Liu is the winner of Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource's (SSRL) 2016 William E. and Diane M. Spicer Young Investigator Award. The award is given each year to early-career X-ray scientists who perform research at SSRL, a DOE Office of Science user facility at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.

    3D Printed Tool for Building Aircraft Achieves GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS Title

    3D Printed Tool for Building Aircraft Achieves GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS Title

    A 3D printed trim-and-drill tool, developed by researchers at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory to be evaluated at The Boeing Company, has received the title of largest solid 3D printed item by GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS(tm).

    Energy Department Awards Five New Argonne-Business Collaborations

    Energy Department Awards Five New Argonne-Business Collaborations

    The U.S. Department of Energy announced last week that 43 small businesses will participate in the second round of the Small Business Vouchers (SBV) pilot.

    Aleksandra Vojvodic Named MIT Tech Review Innovator Under 35

    Aleksandra Vojvodic Named MIT Tech Review Innovator Under 35

    Aleksandra Vojvodic has been named one of MIT Technology Review's 2016 Innovators Under 35, which honors exceptionally talented technologists whose work has great potential to transform the world. A staff scientist at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, she has spent the past six years working at the SUNCAT Center for Interface Science and Catalysis, where she uses theory and computation to help design better catalysts for reactions that generate and store clean energy.

    PNNL Helping Make Hydropower Cheaper, More Fish-Friendly

    PNNL Helping Make Hydropower Cheaper, More Fish-Friendly

    Helping fish migrate past dams could cost a fraction of conventional fish ladders with the help of PNNL's upcoming study of Whooshh Innovations' so-called Salmon Cannon.

    Eight Small Businesses Awarded Vouchers to Work with Berkeley Lab on Clean Energy Technologies

    Eight Small Businesses Awarded Vouchers to Work with Berkeley Lab on Clean Energy Technologies

    Eight small businesses have been awarded vouchers to work with the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) to bring their next-generation clean energy technologies to the marketplace faster.

    ORNL Collaborates with Six Small Businesses on Clean Energy Tech

    ORNL Collaborates with Six Small Businesses on Clean Energy Tech

    Six small companies will tap the expertise of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory to move their manufacturing, fuel cell, geothermal and vehicle technologies closer to the marketplace.

    Jefferson Lab 2015 Thesis Prize Awarded for Research on Interacting Protons and Neutrons

    Jefferson Lab 2015 Thesis Prize Awarded for Research on Interacting Protons and Neutrons

    Or Hen has been awarded the 2015 Jefferson Science Associates Thesis Prize for the thesis he wrote about his research on how protons and neutrons interact inside the nucleus of the atom at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility.

    Energy Department to Invest $16 Million in Computer Design of Materials

    Energy Department to Invest $16 Million in Computer Design of Materials

    The U.S. Department of Energy announced today that it will invest $16 million over the next four years to accelerate the design of new materials through use of supercomputers.

    DOE Approves Construction of 3-D Galaxy-Mapping Project 'DESI'

    DOE Approves Construction of 3-D Galaxy-Mapping Project 'DESI'

    A 3-D sky-mapping project that will measure the light of 35 million cosmic objects has received formal approval from the Department of Energy to move forward with construction. Installation of the project, called Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), is set to begin next year at the Mayall 4-meter telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory near Tucson, Arizona, with observations starting up in January 2019.

    Physicist Trio Amplifies SLAC Research on Mysterious Forms of Matter

    Physicist Trio Amplifies SLAC Research on Mysterious Forms of Matter

    All material things appear to be made of elementary particles that are held together by fundamental forces. But what are their exact properties? Questions with cosmic implications like these drive many of the scientific efforts at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. Three distinguished particle physicists have joined the lab over the past months to pursue research on two particularly mysterious forms of matter: neutrinos and dark matter.

    Eric Lancon Named Director of Brookhaven Lab's Scientific Data and Computing Center

    Eric Lancon Named Director of Brookhaven Lab's Scientific Data and Computing Center

    As director, Eric Lancon--a physicist who has played major roles in computing efforts for the Large Hadron Collider in Europe--oversees an integrated computing, data storage, and networking infrastructure.

    Stanford, SLAC Play Key Role in New DOE Battery Consortium

    Stanford, SLAC Play Key Role in New DOE Battery Consortium

    A newly formed Battery500 consortium, including researchers from Stanford University and the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, will receive up to $10 million each year for the next five years to develop a new battery technology that could make electric vehicles go two to three times farther and make them less expensive.

    Battery500 Consortium to Spark EV Innovations

    Battery500 Consortium to Spark EV Innovations

    The PNNL-led Battery500 consortium aims to significantly improve upon the batteries that power today's electric vehicles by nearly tripling the specific energy in lithium batteries.

    Ames Laboratory PhD Student Is Awarded Margaret Butler Fellowship

    Ames Laboratory PhD Student Is Awarded Margaret Butler Fellowship

    U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Ames Laboratory and Iowa State University PhD student Colleen Bertoni has been named this year's recipient of the Margaret Butler Fellowship in Computational Science.

    American Physical Society Names ORNL's Holifield Facility Historic Physics Site

    American Physical Society Names ORNL's Holifield Facility Historic Physics Site

    The American Physical Society (APS) on Monday honored the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility, located at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory, as an APS Historic Physics Site.

    Ames Laboratory Scientists Receive DOE Award to Help Commercialize Promising Technology

    Ames Laboratory Scientists Receive DOE Award to Help Commercialize Promising Technology

    U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Ames Laboratory senior metallurgist Iver Anderson and postdoctoral research associate Emma White have been awarded a $325,000 grant from the DOE's Technology Commercialization Fund (TCF).

    SLAC, Stanford Scientists Work with Startup to Get Tabletop Laser Through the 'Valley of Death'

    SLAC, Stanford Scientists Work with Startup to Get Tabletop Laser Through the 'Valley of Death'

    Scientists at Stanford University and the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory have collaborated with a local startup company to turn a novel tabletop laser - one that produces extreme ultraviolet light at unprecedented energies and pulse rates for studies of complex materials - into a commercial product.

    "Dream Team" Chosen to Study Basic Science of Nuclear Waste

    "Dream Team" Chosen to Study Basic Science of Nuclear Waste

    PNNL's "Dream Team" has been selected to lead one of four new Energy Frontier Research Centers to accelerate scientific breakthroughs needed to support the Department of Energy's cleanup mission.

    Terry Brog, PPPL's New Deputy Director for Operations, Has Focus on Excellence

    Terry Brog, PPPL's New Deputy Director for Operations, Has Focus on Excellence

    Terry Brog is the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory's new deputy director for operations. Brog has decades of experience in senior leadership, most recently as manager of the Strategic Projects Division within the Facilities and Operations division at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in Richland, Washington.

    Entrepreneur Application Opens for New $4.4 Million Energy Incubator at Argonne National Laboratory

    Entrepreneur Application Opens for New $4.4 Million Energy Incubator at Argonne National Laboratory

    Argonne National Laboratory's new innovation accelerator program for science and energy entrepreneurs, called Chain Reaction Innovations (CRI), opens the application period for its first cohort.

    Research Begins at SLAC's Newest X-ray Laser Experimental Station

    Research Begins at SLAC's Newest X-ray Laser Experimental Station

    A new X-ray laser experimental station at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory recently welcomed its first research group, scientists from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

    Siemann Graduate Fellowships Help Advance Accelerator Research

    Siemann Graduate Fellowships Help Advance Accelerator Research

    Four graduate students working on innovative accelerator technologies at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford University have been awarded Robert H. Siemann Graduate Fellowships in Physics. Established in memory of long-time SLAC accelerator physicist and Stanford faculty member Robert Siemann, the fellowship provides funding to outstanding graduate students doing accelerator research at the lab.

    Jefferson Lab Director Awarded Glazebrook Medal

    Jefferson Lab Director Awarded Glazebrook Medal

    The director of the Department of Energy's Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility and president of Jefferson Science Associates, LLC, Hugh E. Montgomery, has just been awarded the prestigious Glazebrook Medal by the Institute of Physics. The Glazebrook medal is one of four Gold medals awarded annually by the Institute of Physics, a society based in the United Kingdom with a worldwide membership of more than 50,000 who work to advance physics education, research and application.