Newswise — Rockville, Md. (March 27, 2019)—Leading physiology and pharmacology researchers will speak in a four-part series centered on the gut microbiome—the microbe population living in the digestive tract—and its role in wound recovery, hypertension and nervous system function. The symposia series is organized by American Physiological Society (APS) President Jeff Sands, MD, and American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET) President Edward T. Morgan, PhD, both of Emory University School of Medicine. The APS-ASPET Presidential Symposia Series will be part of the APS and APSET annual meetings at Experimental Biology 2019 in Orlando, Fla.

Workshop on Microbiome Research: What You Need to Know

Saturday, April 6, 1 p.m. — Orange County Convention Center (OCCC) Room W311EF

Chair: Andrew D. Patterson, PhD, Pennsylvania State University; Co-chair: Meredith Hullar, PhD, University of Washington


“Experimental design for mouse studies” Cathryn R. Nagler, PhD, University of Chicago

“Experimental design for human studies” Meredith Hullar, PhD, University of Washington

“Bioinformatics: sequencing and metagenomics” Mehrbod Estaki, MS, University of British Columbia

“Defining the chemical complexity of the microbiome through metabolomics”

Andrew D. Patterson, PhD, Pennsylvania State University

Microbiome. Gut Microbiome and Metabolic Disorders

Sunday, April 7, 8:30 a.m. — OCCC Room W314

Chair: Jeff M. Sands, MD, Emory University School of Medicine; Co-chair: Edward T. Morgan, MD, Emory School of Medicine


“Acetate mediates a gut microbiome-brain-beta-cell axis: implications for obesity and cancer” Rachel J. Perry, PhD, Yale University

“Antibiotic use and the gut microbiome” Martin J. Blaser, MD, New York University

“The role of diet and small bowel microbiota in health and metabolic diseases” Eugene B. Chang, MD, University of Chicago

Microbiome. Gut Microbiota: A Chemical Factory

Monday, April 8, 8:30 a.m. — OCCC Room W314

Chair: Hyunyoung Jeong, PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago; Co-chair: Jennifer Pluznick, PhD, Johns Hopkins Medical School


“Modeling and measuring the human gut metabonome in vitro” Emma Allen-Vercoe, PhD, University of Guelph

“Molecular control of the gut microbiome” Matthew Redinbo, PhD, University of North Carolina

“Chemical discovery in the human microbiota” Emily P. Balskus, PhD, Harvard University

Microbiome. Microbiota in Action: The Gut and Beyond

Tuesday, April 9, 8:30 a.m. — OCCC Room W314

Chair: Laura McCabe, PhD, Michigan State University; Co-chair: Julia Cui, PhD, University of Washington School of Public Health

Speakers: “Microbiota and wound recovery” Andrew Neish, MD, Emory University School of Medicine

“Salt-sensitive hypertension and the gut microbiota”

Dominik Mueller, PhD, Max Delbruck Center for Molecular Medicine

“Microbiota and the nervous system”

Elaine Y. Hsaio, PhD, University of California, Los Angeles


NOTE TO JOURNALISTS: To schedule an interview with a member of the research team, please contact the APS Communications Office or 301-634-7314. Find more research highlights in the APS Press Room.

About APS

Physiology is the study of how molecules, cells, tissues and organs function in health and disease. Established in 1887, the American Physiological Society (APS) was the first U.S. society in the biomedical sciences field. The Society represents more than 10,500 members and publishes 15 peer-reviewed journals with a worldwide readership.


The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET) is a 5,000-member scientific society whose members conduct basic and clinical pharmacological research within the academic, industrial and government sectors. ASPET members discover and develop new medicines and therapeutic agents that fight existing and emerging diseases, as well as increase our knowledge regarding how therapeutics affects humans.

About Experimental Biology 2019

Experimental Biology is an annual meeting comprised of more than 14,000 scientists and exhibitors from five sponsoring societies and multiple guest societies. With a mission to share the newest scientific concepts and research findings shaping clinical advances, the meeting offers an unparalleled opportunity for exchange among scientists from across the United States and the world who represent dozens of scientific areas, from laboratory to translational to clinical research.


Meeting Link: Experimental Biology 2019