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Released: 8-Jul-2024 8:00 AM EDT
Why some abusive bosses get a pass from their employees
Ohio State University

Why do employees sometimes accept working for an abusive boss? A new study suggests that when a leader is seen as a high performer, employees are more likely to label abuse as just “tough love.”

Newswise: Pulsed Field Ablation Procedures Found Safe and Effective for Atrial Fibrillation Patients
Released: 8-Jul-2024 8:00 AM EDT
Pulsed Field Ablation Procedures Found Safe and Effective for Atrial Fibrillation Patients
Mount Sinai Health System

Mount Sinai-led study demonstrates significant safety outcomes and could lead to more frequent use of this new technology

Newswise: Unlocking the frost-defying secrets of the white water lily
Released: 8-Jul-2024 7:05 AM EDT
Unlocking the frost-defying secrets of the white water lily
Chinese Academy of Sciences

In a recent discovery poised to enhance agricultural resilience, scientists have demystified the elaborate cold resistance mechanisms of the white water lily—a plant that flourishes in the frigid climes of Xinjiang's lofty terrains. A thorough investigation into the lily's morphological adaptations, strategic resource distribution, and metabolic reactions has unveiled an intricate regulatory framework encompassing phytohormone signaling, amino acid metabolism, and circadian rhythms. This revelation provides invaluable insights for bolstering the cold resistance of crops.

Newswise: New technique offers unprecedented control over light at terahertz frequencies
Released: 8-Jul-2024 7:05 AM EDT
New technique offers unprecedented control over light at terahertz frequencies
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Scientists have developed a new method to generate and control terahertz radiation, a type of light useful for various applications. Their device employs magnetic multilayers with programmable magnetization to create different patterns of terahertz waves, including beams with specific twists and rotations.

Newswise: Time-of-flight resolved stimulated Raman scattering microscopy using counter-propagating ultraslow Bessel light bullets generation
Released: 8-Jul-2024 7:05 AM EDT
Time-of-flight resolved stimulated Raman scattering microscopy using counter-propagating ultraslow Bessel light bullets generation
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Scientists led by Prof Zhiwei Huang at National University of Singapore have developed a novel time-of-flight resolved Bessel light bullet-enabled stimulated Raman scattering microscopy for deeper tissue 3D chemical imaging with high resolution.

Newswise: Improving safety of AI research for engineering biology
Released: 8-Jul-2024 6:05 AM EDT
Improving safety of AI research for engineering biology
University of Bristol

Hazards posed by using data-centric methods to engineer biology, have been identified by experts at the University of Bristol with the aim of making future research safer.

Newswise: From plant to pharma: decoding the synthesis of BaiJi's potent polysaccharides
Released: 8-Jul-2024 6:05 AM EDT
From plant to pharma: decoding the synthesis of BaiJi's potent polysaccharides
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A pioneering study has shed light on the biosynthesis of glucomannan in Bletilla striata, a plant known as BaiJi with profound medicinal properties. The research meticulously maps the conversion process from sucrose to bioactive glucomannan polysaccharides, pinpointing key genes that orchestrate this transformation.

Newswise: Decoding disease defenses: miRNAs and the battle against apple pathogens
Released: 8-Jul-2024 6:05 AM EDT
Decoding disease defenses: miRNAs and the battle against apple pathogens
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A pivotal study illuminates the genetic dynamics in tissue-specific interactions between apple trees and Valsa mali, a fungus causing severe disease. By examining the adaptive regulation of miRNAs and milRNAs, researchers uncover distinct expression profiles crucial for understanding and potentially manipulating the plant's defense mechanisms against pathogens.

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Newswise: Measuring the doughnut: A good and ecological life is possible for all
Released: 8-Jul-2024 2:05 AM EDT
Measuring the doughnut: A good and ecological life is possible for all
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

Sustainability and quality of life – a contradiction? Not necessarily, shows a new study by Empa researchers. According to their calculations, an ecologically and socially just life is possible for over ten billion people. It will, however, require a paradigm shift.
