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Released: 10-Oct-2024 6:00 AM EDT
Checking Out the Boundaries: Milestone in Lipidomics Achieved
University of Vienna

Results of the first phase of a Ceramide Ring Trial have just been published in the renowned journal Nature Communications, representing a significant landmark in the field of lipidomics.

9-Oct-2024 12:00 PM EDT
High-Voltage Gun Accelerates Electrons from Zero to 80 … Percent the Speed of Light
Brookhaven National Laboratory

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory have designed and tested the world’s highest voltage polarized electron gun, a key piece of technology needed for building the world’s first fully polarized Electron-Ion Collider (EIC).

Newswise:Video Embedded inspired-by-spider-man-a-lab-recreates-web-slinging-technology
Released: 9-Oct-2024 8:05 PM EDT
Inspired by Spider-Man, a Lab Recreates Web-Slinging Technology
Tufts University

Researchers at Tufts University took the imaginary scenes from Spider-Man seriously and created the first web-slinging technology in which a fluid material can shoot from a needle, immediately solidify as a string, and adhere to and lift objects.

Newswise: Dr. Mark Bicket Named ASRA Pain Medicine Presidential Scholar
Released: 9-Oct-2024 6:30 PM EDT
Dr. Mark Bicket Named ASRA Pain Medicine Presidential Scholar
American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA)

Described as an “internationally recognized academic figure in the field of pain medicine,” Dr. Mark Bicket is a Presidential Scholar Award recipient.

Newswise: The New Fashion: Clothes That Help Combat Rising Temperatures
Released: 9-Oct-2024 6:05 PM EDT
The New Fashion: Clothes That Help Combat Rising Temperatures
University of South Australia

A team of international researchers has developed a natural fabric that urban residents could wear to counter rising temperatures in cities worldwide, caused by buildings, asphalt, and concrete.

Newswise: Excitement About New QSA Studies Propel Quantum Research Into a Higher Energy Orbit
Released: 9-Oct-2024 5:05 PM EDT
Excitement About New QSA Studies Propel Quantum Research Into a Higher Energy Orbit
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

QSA is breaking new ground in particle physics and promoting interdisciplinary teamwork to address critical scientific challenges.

Newswise: Se Necesitan Urgentemente Nuevos Enfoques Para Erradicar La Crisis Del Vih/Sida en La PoblacióN Latina
9-Oct-2024 12:00 PM EDT
Se Necesitan Urgentemente Nuevos Enfoques Para Erradicar La Crisis Del Vih/Sida en La PoblacióN Latina
Johns Hopkins School of Nursing

En un nuevo artículo de investigación publicado {hoy/esta semana} en la revista médica New England Journal of Medicine, los expertos en el tema recomiendan encarecidamente que todos los sectores de la comunidad de atención de la salud actualicen sus enfoques para poder enfrentar la crisis permanente del VIH/SIDA en la población latina. Este llamado a la acción surge en un momento en el que se refleja un progreso general en el esfuerzo realizado por varias décadas para erradicar la epidemia en los Estados Unidos.

Newswise: Urgent New Approaches Needed to End HIV/AIDS Crisis Among Latinos
9-Oct-2024 12:00 PM EDT
Urgent New Approaches Needed to End HIV/AIDS Crisis Among Latinos
Johns Hopkins School of Nursing

In a new paper published on October 9 in the New England Journal of Medicine, experts are urging all sectors of the health care community to urgently evolve their approaches to meet the continuing HIV/AIDS crisis among Latinos. This call-to-action comes at a time when the decades-long effort to end the epidemic in the U.S. is showing overall progress.

Newswise: St. Jude ranks in top 10 of U.S. News Best Children's Hospitals for Cancer
Released: 9-Oct-2024 4:30 PM EDT
St. Jude ranks in top 10 of U.S. News Best Children's Hospitals for Cancer
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital was recognized as one of the top 10 pediatric cancer hospitals for the 17th straight year by U.S. News & World Report. Every year since 2008, the publication has evaluated about 100 hospitals with pediatric oncology programs and ranked the top 50 as part of its annual list of Best Children’s Hospitals.

Newswise: Teresa Bowman, Ph.D., Named Chair of Developmental & Molecular Biology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Released: 9-Oct-2024 4:05 PM EDT
Teresa Bowman, Ph.D., Named Chair of Developmental & Molecular Biology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Stem cell researcher Teresa Bowman, Ph.D., has been appointed chair of the department of developmental & molecular biology (DMB) at Albert Einstein College of Medicine after a comprehensive national search. Dr. Bowman will begin her new role on December 1, following the longtime leadership of Richard Stanley, Ph.D.

Released: 9-Oct-2024 4:05 PM EDT
تنبيه من الخبراء: نصائح للوقاية من سقوط الأطفال
Mayo Clinic

تحدث العديد من حالات سقوط الأطفال في المنزل أو في الملعب، لكن الوقاية ممكنة. يؤكد توم هلادا، الممرض المسجل ومنسق صدمات الأطفال في مايو كلينك بروتشستر، مينيسوتا، أن بعض هذه الإصابات يمكن تجنبها.

3-Oct-2024 3:05 PM EDT
Do People with MS Have an Increased Risk of Cancer?
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

A new study has found some cancers to be slightly more frequent in people with multiple sclerosis (MS) than in people without MS. The study is published in the October 9, 2024, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. Types of cancers found to have a small increased risk include bladder, brain and cervical cancers. The study does not prove that MS increases a person’s risk of cancer. It only shows an association.

Newswise: Penn Nursing Receives $3.3 Million NIH Grant to Support Families with Gay and Bisexual Sons
Released: 9-Oct-2024 3:30 PM EDT
Penn Nursing Receives $3.3 Million NIH Grant to Support Families with Gay and Bisexual Sons
University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing

The University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing (Penn Nursing) has been awarded a $3.3 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to develop and evaluate a new intervention designed to improve communication between parents and their gay or bisexual adolescent sons.

Released: 9-Oct-2024 3:05 PM EDT
COVID-19 Recommendations for Fall 2024
Corewell Health

Fall is here and with it, comes cold and flu season. With schools back in session and people gathering inside more, COVID will also be a player in this year’s circulating respiratory viruses. Corewell Health’s infectious disease experts Dr. Russ Lampen and Dr. Nick Gilpin teamed up to answer the most frequently asked questions when it comes to this year’s COVID vaccine. You can download an edited package HERE: Or, put together your own story using raw footage HERE: Thank you for your consideration. Please feel free to reach out with any questions.

Released: 9-Oct-2024 3:05 PM EDT
In Studying the Mating Rituals of Fruit Flies, Scientists May Have Learned Something About How Brains Evolve
Rockefeller University

Researchers have identified how the architecture of brain circuits helps different species flexibly adapt to new mating signals across evolutionary timeframes.
