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Released: 15-Jul-2020 10:35 AM EDT
Danforth Center Scientist Receives $1.4M Grant To Develop Smart Farm Technology
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center

The National Institute for Food and Agriculture and the National Science Foundation has awarded Nadia Shakoor, Ph.D., senior research scientist at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, a three-year, $1.4 million grant to develop FieldDock, an integrated smart farm system.

Released: 15-Jul-2020 6:00 AM EDT
Geoengineering’s Benefits Limited for Apple Crops in India
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Geoengineering – spraying sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere to combat global warming – would only temporarily and partially benefit apple production in northern India, according to a Rutgers co-authored study. But abruptly ending geoengineering might lead to total crop failure faster than if geoengineering were not done, according to the study – believed to be the first of its kind – in the journal Climatic Change.

Released: 14-Jul-2020 2:35 PM EDT
Pesticide mixtures a bigger problem than previously thought
University of Queensland

New research led by The University of Queensland has provided the first comprehensive analysis of pesticide mixtures in creeks and rivers discharging to the Great Barrier Reef.

Released: 13-Jul-2020 5:45 PM EDT
Iowa State University joins the international APSIM Initiative
Iowa State University

The Iowa State University Department of Agronomy is the first North American entity to join the Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM) Initiative. The computer modeling tools predict crop production in light of climate, genotype, soil and management factors.

Released: 13-Jul-2020 1:50 PM EDT
Social media inspired models show winter warming hits fish stocks
University of Queensland

Mathematical modelling inspired by social media is identifying the significant impacts of warming seas on the world's fisheries.

Released: 13-Jul-2020 1:05 PM EDT
Parasite infestations revealed by tiny chicken backpacks
University of California, Riverside

Blood-feeding livestock mites can be detected with wearable sensor technology nicknamed "Fitbits for chickens."

Released: 10-Jul-2020 2:40 PM EDT
USDA grant to support Cornell indoor ag training programs
Cornell University

Thanks to a grant from the USDA, horticulture experts at Cornell University will help design new training programs for workers in controlled environment agriculture.

Released: 10-Jul-2020 11:05 AM EDT
FSU workshop on maize genome profiling leads to new study on corn flowering
Florida State University

A genomic mapping technique developed in part at Florida State University has played a crucial role in a new study aimed at understanding growth in corn, a major U.S. crop.

Released: 10-Jul-2020 10:55 AM EDT
Farmers’ climate change conundrum: Low yields or revenue instability
Cornell University

Climate change will leave some farmers with a difficult conundrum, according to a new study by researchers from Cornell University and Washington State University: either risk more revenue volatility or live with a more predictable decrease in crop yields.

Released: 10-Jul-2020 9:00 AM EDT
Discovery reveals how plants make cellulose for strength and growth
University of Virginia Health System

The new discovery unveils the molecular machinery that plants use to weave cellulose chains into cable-like structures called "microfibrils."

Released: 9-Jul-2020 4:10 PM EDT
Food safety investments open new markets, boost revenue for small farmers
Cornell University

A new Cornell University study finds that when small-scale farmers are trained in food safety protocols and develop a farm food safety plan, new markets open up to them, leading to an overall gain in revenue.

Released: 9-Jul-2020 8:00 AM EDT
Water-Saving Alternative Forage Crops for Texas Livestock
American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Crop Science Society of America (CSSA), Soil Science Society of America (SSSA)

With increasing drought conditions in the Texas High Plains, researchers test sorghum and pearl millet as alternatives to corn

Released: 8-Jul-2020 11:45 AM EDT
Applying rock dust to croplands could absorb up to 2 billion tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere, research shows
University of Sheffield

Major new study shows adding rock dust to farmland could remove carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent to more than the current total emissions from global aviation and shipping combined - or around half of Europe’s current total emissions

Released: 8-Jul-2020 9:30 AM EDT
Where Did the Asian Longhorned Ticks in the U.S. Come From?
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

The invasive population of Asian longhorned ticks in the United States likely began with three or more self-cloning females from northeastern Asia, according to a Rutgers-led study. Asian longhorned ticks outside the U.S. can carry debilitating diseases. In the United States and elsewhere they can threaten livestock and pets. The new study, published in the journal Zoonoses and Public Health, sheds new light on the origin of these exotic ticks and how they are spreading across the United States.

Released: 7-Jul-2020 1:35 PM EDT
1.5 billion people will depend on water from mountains
University of Zurich

Global water consumption has increased almost fourfold in the past 100 years, and many regions can only meet their water demand thanks to essential contributions from mountain regions.

Released: 7-Jul-2020 12:30 PM EDT
Tree rings show unprecedented rise in extreme weather in South America
Earth Institute at Columbia University

Scientists have filled a gaping hole in the world's climate records by reconstructing 600 years of soil-moisture swings across southern and central South America.

Released: 7-Jul-2020 10:10 AM EDT
New Research Reveals Regulatory Features Of The Maize Genome During Early Reproductive Development
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center

A team of researchers led by Andrea Eveland, Ph.D., assistant member, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, has mapped out the non-coding, ‘functional’ genome in maize during an early developmental window critical to formation of pollen-bearing tassels and grain-bearing ears.
