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Released: 2-May-2022 8:00 AM EDT
Host-microbe interactions and outcomes in multiple myeloma and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Cancer and Metastasis Reviews

… of the gut microbiota correlate with superior outcomes after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Correlative data support the impact of … discuss data describing the key role of microbiota in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for …

Released: 2-May-2022 8:00 AM EDT
ATR activity controls stem cell quiescence via the cyclin F–SCF complex
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)

… Stem cell quiescence is regulated by multiple factors including p53, Rb, cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors, such as p21 and p27, and Notch signaling (5–10). How these pathways may integrate to maintain stem cell … Dysregulation or loss of quiescence …

Released: 2-May-2022 8:00 AM EDT
Biomaterials to enhance stem cell transplantation
Cell Stem Cell

… In this review, biomaterial-based advances to improve the physiological outcome of stem cell transplantation are described. The review does not aim to provide a comprehensive list of all biofunctional materials described in the literature but …

Released: 2-May-2022 8:00 AM EDT
Metabolically driven maturation of human-induced-pluripotent-stem-cell-derived cardiac microtissues on microfluidic chips
Nature Biomedical Engineering

… Human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) technology can be used for disease … Culturing hiPSC-CM or human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hESC-CM) within … sufficient to induce full maturation of pluripotent stem cell-derived …

Newswise: Study Helps Determine Light Sedation Levels Among ICU Patients
27-Apr-2022 4:05 PM EDT
Study Helps Determine Light Sedation Levels Among ICU Patients
American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN)

A pilot study at Maine Medical Center found that scores on the RAS and SASS sedation scales that were best associated with a patient's ability to follow at least three commands are higher than the commonly recommended thresholds for each assessment tool.

Newswise: Hydroponic native plants to detox PFAS-contaminated water
Released: 1-May-2022 9:05 PM EDT
Hydroponic native plants to detox PFAS-contaminated water
University of South Australia

New research from the University of South Australia is helping to remediate the ‘indestructible’ PFASs as scientists show that Australian native plants can significantly remediate PFAS pollutants through floating wetlands to create healthier environments for all.

Newswise: May 2022 Issue of Neurosurgical Focus: “Neurocutaneous Disorders”
25-Apr-2022 9:40 AM EDT
May 2022 Issue of Neurosurgical Focus: “Neurocutaneous Disorders”
Journal of Neurosurgery

Announcement of contents of the May 2022 issue of Neurosurgical Focus

Newswise: UCI Researchers Harness the Power of Mathematical Modeling to Understand the Effectiveness of Aspirin on Colorectal Cancer Prevention
Released: 29-Apr-2022 7:05 PM EDT
UCI Researchers Harness the Power of Mathematical Modeling to Understand the Effectiveness of Aspirin on Colorectal Cancer Prevention
University of California, Irvine

Aspirin can significantly reduce the incidence of colorectal cancer, and this protection can be the result of changed evolutionary processes of cells within patients, according to mathematical models produced by UCI researchers and partners. Results from the study were published in eLife Sciences. Colorectal cancer affects about 5% of the U.

Released: 29-Apr-2022 4:10 PM EDT
Climate Change Will More Than Double the Risk of Intense Tropical Cyclones by 2050
University of Southampton

Human-caused climate change will make strong tropical cyclones twice as frequent by the middle of the century, putting large parts of the world at risk, according to a new study published in Scientific Advances.

Released: 29-Apr-2022 3:45 PM EDT
Skeptics of welfare schemes don’t increase with more immigrants
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Some studies suggest that support for the welfare state decreases as immigration diversifies the population. However, recent research from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) shows that the story is probably not that simple.

Released: 29-Apr-2022 3:45 PM EDT
Stress, Anxiety and Depression During Pregnancy May Hinder Toddler’s Cognitive Development
Children's National Hospital

Women’s elevated anxiety, depression and stress during pregnancy altered key features of the fetal brain, which subsequently decreased their offspring’s cognitive development at 18 months.

Released: 29-Apr-2022 3:35 PM EDT
Pitt research helps explain how Ritalin sharpens attention
University of Pittsburgh

Even half a century after a drug comes on the market, scientists can still learn new things about how it works.

Newswise: April Research Highlights
Released: 29-Apr-2022 3:10 PM EDT
April Research Highlights

This tipsheet highlights the latest medical discoveries and faculty news at Cedars-Sinai. Links to full news releases are included with each item.

Released: 29-Apr-2022 3:00 PM EDT
Methods to Establish Race or Ethnicity of Twitter Users: Scoping Review
Journal of Medical Internet Research

Background: A growing amount of health research uses social media data. Those critical of social media research often cite that it may be unrepresentative of the population; however, the suitability of social media data in digital ep...

Released: 29-Apr-2022 2:45 PM EDT
Social Networking Service, Patient-Generated Health Data, and Population Health Informatics: National Cross-sectional Study of Patterns and Implications of Leveraging Digital Technologies to Support Mental Health and Well-being
Journal of Medical Internet Research

Background: The emerging health technologies and digital services provide effective ways of collecting health information and gathering patient-generated health data (PGHD), which provide a more holistic view of a patient’s health ...

Newswise: Research discovers new bacteria that stick to plastic in the deep sea to travel around the ocean
Released: 29-Apr-2022 2:35 PM EDT
Research discovers new bacteria that stick to plastic in the deep sea to travel around the ocean
Newcastle University

Newcastle University scientists have found new types of plastic loving bacteria that stick to plastic in the deep sea that may enable them to ‘hitchhike’ across the ocean.

Released: 29-Apr-2022 2:30 PM EDT
Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia Comorbid With Chronic Pain: Randomized Controlled Trial
Journal of Medical Internet Research

Background: Patients with chronic pain often experience insomnia symptoms. Pain initiates, maintains, and exacerbates insomnia symptoms, and vice versa, indicating a complex situation with an additional burden for these patients. Hen...

Newswise: The Source of the Aurora Borealis: Electrons Surfing on Alfvén Waves
Released: 29-Apr-2022 2:10 PM EDT
The Source of the Aurora Borealis: Electrons Surfing on Alfvén Waves
Department of Energy, Office of Science

New experiments have shown the source of the aurora borealis. Researchers have demonstrated Alfvén waves accelerating electrons under conditions that correspond to Earth’s magnetosphere. The new experiments show that electrons “surf” on the electric field of the Alfvén wave in a plasma. These electrons are the ultimate source of the light we call the aurora borealis.

Released: 29-Apr-2022 2:05 PM EDT
More women electrophysiologists needed to address significant gender disparity in this male-dominated field

Cardiovascular medicine is ranked among the lowest in terms of female representation in the United States, and cardiac electrophysiology is a predominantly male field.

