Feature Channels: Arthritis

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Released: 26-Aug-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Loyola Medicine Unveils Innovative Shoulder Replacement Surgery Utilizing Groundbreaking Mixed Reality Technology
Loyola Medicine

Loyola Medicine, a leader in medical innovation and technology, is proud to announce a revolutionary step forward in orthopaedic surgery. Patrick Lacey, a 49-year-old patient with a 15-year history of shoulder pain underwent a pioneering shoulder arthroplasty procedure under the skilled care of Dane Salazar, MD, a renowned shoulder and elbow specialist at Loyola Medicine.

Released: 24-Jul-2024 1:05 PM EDT
Older adults want to cut back on medication, but study shows need for caution
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

More than 82% of Americans age 50 to 80 take one or more kinds of prescription medication, and 80% of them say they’d be open to stopping one or more of those drugs -- with major differences among people with different health conditions.

Released: 8-Apr-2024 12:05 PM EDT
MSU researchers find more action needed to prevent arthritis
Michigan State University

The prevalence of early knee osteoarthritis (OA) symptoms faced by patients after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction is staggering — but not much is being done to address it according to new research published by scholars from Michigan State University’s Department of Kinesiology.

Released: 25-Mar-2024 5:05 AM EDT
Regenative Labs, With Advanced Medicine of the Ozarks, Publishes Case Study Demonstrating Utilization of Wharton's Jelly Allografts in Supplementing Connective Tissue Defects Associated With Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
Regenative Labs

Regenative Labs (Regenative), a leading HCT/P manufacturer, announces the publication of a case study demonstrating the utilization of its Wharton's Jelly allografts in supplementing connective tissue defects associated with tarsal tunnel syndrome.

Released: 21-Feb-2024 2:05 PM EST
Long COVID can happen to anyone. Keep up with the latest research on Long COVID on Newswise

Stay informed! These are the latest research articles on "Long COVID" from the Coronavirus News Source on Newswise.

Released: 15-Feb-2024 7:00 AM EST
Alerta para los expertos: salud y células zombis en el envejecimiento
Mayo Clinic

Con la edad, las células pueden experimentar senescencia, un estado en el que dejan de crecer, pero continúan liberando moléculas inflamatorias que degradan los tejidos. Cuando una persona es joven, el sistema inmunitario responde y elimina las células senescentes, a menudo llamadas células zombis. Sin embargo, las células zombis persisten y contribuyen a varios problemas de salud y enfermedades que se asocian con la edad. En dos estudios, los investigadores de Mayo Clinic explicaron la biología de las células que envejecen.

Released: 13-Feb-2024 11:05 AM EST
Life doesn't stop at age 65. Get the latest on seniors and healthy aging in the Seniors channel

Below are some of the latest research and features on this growing population of older adults in the Seniors channel on Newswise.

Released: 8-Feb-2024 7:00 AM EST
Perguntas e respostas da Mayo Clinic: Você trabalha com as mãos? Fique atento com a síndrome do túnel do carpo
Mayo Clinic

ESTIMADA MAYO CLINIC: Trabalho com construções e comecei a sentir dormência e formigamento nas mãos. Às vezes, derrubo objetos porque não consigo segurar com firmeza. Um amigo sugeriu que posso estar com a síndrome do túnel do carpo.

Released: 8-Feb-2024 7:00 AM EST
Preguntas y respuestas de Mayo Clinic: ¿Trabaja con las manos? Esté atento al síndrome del túnel carpiano
Mayo Clinic

ESTIMADA MAYO CLINIC: Soy obrero y comencé a sentir entumecimiento y hormigueo en las manos. A veces, se me caen cosas porque no puedo sostenerlas bien.

Released: 8-Feb-2024 7:00 AM EST
أسئلة وأجوبة مايو كلينك: هل يعتمد عملك على يديك؟ احترس من متلازمة النفق الرسغي
Mayo Clinic

الأعزاء في مايو كلينك: أعمل في بناء المنازل، وبدأت أشعر بخدر ووخز في اليدين. وفي بعض الأحيان تسقط الأشياء من يدي لأنني لا أستطيع الإمساك بها جيداً. ونبهني أحد الأصدقاء إلى أنني ربما أكون مصاباً بمتلازمة النفق الرسغي. ولكن ألا تُصيب هذه المتلازمة الأشخاص الذين يعملون على الحاسوب طوال اليوم؟ هل يمكنكم تقديم مزيد من الشرح حول هذه الحالة؟

Released: 30-Jan-2024 2:05 PM EST
Our winter of discontent: Get the latest news on the flu in the Influenza channel

The latest research and expertise on the flue can be found in the Influenza channel on Newswise.

Released: 19-Jan-2024 1:05 PM EST
Don't wait for an emergency to get the latest emergency medicine news

Find the latest research and features on emergency medicine in the Emergency Medicine channel on Newswise.

Released: 4-Jan-2024 2:00 PM EST
Starting a family with the help of science: The latest research in Fertility

Find the latest research and features on fertility in the Fertility News Source on Newswise.

Released: 6-Dec-2023 2:05 PM EST
Could anti-obesity medications affect survival in people with knee or hip osteoarthritis?

New research published in Arthritis & Rheumatology suggests that for people overweight or with obesity who also have knee or hip osteoarthritis, a slow-to-moderate—but not fast—rate of weight loss caused by anti-obesity medications may lower their risk of premature death.

Released: 22-Nov-2023 12:05 PM EST
Anti-rheumatic drugs could prevent thyroid disease
Karolinska Institute

New study finds that anti-rheumatic drugs used for rheumatoid arthritis might prevent the development of autoimmune thyroid disease.

Released: 21-Nov-2023 3:45 PM EST
It's not over until it's over. Keep up with the latest COVID research in the Coronavirus channel.

Stay informed! Keep up with the latest research on the COVID-19 virus in the Coronavirus channel on Newswise.

Released: 17-Nov-2023 9:00 AM EST
Annual Awards at Harvard Medical School to Propel Basic Discoveries Into Clinic
Harvard Medical School

The Harvard Medical School’s Blavatnik Therapeutics Challenge Awards, now in their fourth year, have been bestowed to five research projects that promise to push promising early discoveries toward clinic.

13-Nov-2023 1:05 PM EST
New Study Shows Perception of Aging is Linked to Level of Physical Activity in Arthritis Patients
Hospital for Special Surgery

People with arthritis who report more negative feelings about how they are aging tend to get less physical activity and perceive themselves as less healthy, according to a new study by researchers at Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) and Weill Cornell Medicine.

Released: 13-Nov-2023 12:05 PM EST
Study Finds People with Inflammatory Arthritis Face Significant Psychological Challenges in Maintaining Employment
Hospital for Special Surgery

Study reveals significant psychological impact of maintaining employment while coping with inflammatory arthritis.
