Feature Channels: Behavioral Science

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Released: 21-Oct-2009 11:05 AM EDT
Extremists More Willing to Share Their Opinions
Ohio State University

People with relatively extreme opinions may be more willing to publicly share their views than those with more moderate views. The key is that the extremists have to believe that more people share their views than actually do, the research found.

Released: 18-Oct-2009 7:00 AM EDT
Violence Between Couples Is Usually Calculated
University of Haifa

Violence between couples is usually the result of a calculated decision-making process and the partner inflicting violence will do so only as long as the price to be paid is not too high. This is the conclusion of a new study by Dr. Eila Perkis at the University of Haifa.

Released: 16-Oct-2009 1:35 PM EDT
Stereotypes Can Fuel Teen Misbehavior
Wake Forest University

Drinking. Drugs. Caving into peer pressure. When parents expect their teenagers to conform to negative stereotypes, those teens are in fact more likely to do so.

Released: 16-Oct-2009 5:00 AM EDT
‘Me Generation’ Baby Boomers Find Fulfillment through Volunteerism, Family Ties
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Baby boomers may be popularly portrayed as whiners, complainers and narcissists, but a new study by University of Massachusetts Amherst psychology Professor Susan Krauss Whitbourne says the 50-somethings are getting a bad rap.

Released: 15-Oct-2009 4:40 PM EDT
Confronting Bad Behavior: Is There a Social Payoff?
Washington State University

In “The Rewards of Punishment: A Relational Theory of Norm Enforcement,” WSU sociologist Christine Horne develops her theory that people sanction because they want to look good to others. Further, her research indicates that the more cohesive or interdependent the group, the more likely people are to sanction bad behavior.

Released: 15-Oct-2009 2:15 PM EDT
Psychology Student Finds Less Automation Better for Air Traffic Controllers
Texas Tech University

Too much automation could lead to fatal mistakes when automated programs fail.

Released: 14-Oct-2009 8:30 PM EDT
Products Aren't Contagious, but Research Shows We Act as If They Are
University of Iowa

Urban legend has it that Las Vegas casinos hire "coolers," mopes who ease up next to players on a hot streak hoping their bad luck cools the table down. A new study by a University of Iowa business professor suggests people make choices in ways that show we think such a thing is possible, despite our reason telling us it isn't.

Released: 14-Oct-2009 10:15 AM EDT
Bosses Who Feel Inadequate Can Turn Into Bullies
Association for Psychological Science

In a new twist on the adage "power corrupts," researchers at UC Berkeley and USC have found a direct link among supervisors and upper management between self-perceived incompetence and aggression.

Released: 13-Oct-2009 12:30 PM EDT
For SAD Sufferers, Cognitive Behavior Better Than Light Therapy at Preventing Recurrence
University of Vermont

In the first published research study of the long-term effects of different treatments for seasonal affective disorder, cognitive behavior therapy proved significantly more effective than light therapy in decreasing depression the following winter.

Released: 7-Oct-2009 12:45 PM EDT
While Adolescents May Reason as Well as Adults, Their Emotional Maturity Lags
American Psychological Association (APA)

A 16-year-old might be quite capable of making an informed decision about whether to end a pregnancy – a decision likely to be made after due consideration and consultation with an adult – but this same adolescent may not possess the maturity to be held to adult levels of responsibility if she commits a violent crime, according to new research into adolescent psychological development.

22-Sep-2009 2:00 PM EDT
Traumatic Childhood Might Take Years Off Adult Life
Health Behavior News Service

Many U.S. children face a terrible burden of stressors that can harm the development of their brains and nervous systems, ultimately causing some to die prematurely, a CDC study finds.

Released: 5-Oct-2009 11:30 AM EDT
Body Posture Affects Confidence in Your Own Thoughts
Ohio State University

Sitting up straight in your chair isn’t just good for your posture – it also gives you more confidence in your own thoughts, according to a new study.

Released: 2-Oct-2009 3:50 PM EDT
Where's the Science? The Sorry State of Psychotherapy
Association for Psychological Science

The prevalence of mental health disorders in this country has nearly doubled in the past 20 years. Who is treating all of these patients? Clinical psychologists and therapists are charged with the task, but many are falling short by using methods that are out of date and lack scientific rigor.

Released: 1-Oct-2009 3:00 PM EDT
Color Plays Musical Chairs in the Brain
University of Chicago

The brain’s neural mechanisms keep straight which color belongs to what object, so one doesn’t mistakenly see a blue flamingo in a pink lake. But what happens when a color loses the object to which it is linked? Research shows for the first time, that instead of disappearing along with the lost object, the color latches onto a region of some other object in view.

Released: 30-Sep-2009 5:00 PM EDT
Nature Makes Us More Caring
University of Rochester

Want to be a better person? Commune with nature. Paying attention to the natural world not only makes you feel better, it makes you behave better, finds a new study to be published October 1 in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

Released: 28-Sep-2009 1:45 PM EDT
Study Suggests Link Between Psychosis and Creativity
Association for Psychological Science

Van Gogh cut off his ear. Sylvia Plath stuck her head in the oven. Were they simply mad or brilliant? According to new research, maybe both: Volunteers with a specific variant of neuregulin 1 scored higher on a creativity assessment than volunteers with a different form of neuregulin 1.

Released: 24-Sep-2009 10:45 AM EDT
Study Suggests Brain Remembers a “Forgotten” Language
Association for Psychological Science

Does “use it or lose it” apply to foreign languages? Although it may seem we have absolutely no memory of a neglected language, new research suggests this “forgotten” language may be more deeply engraved in our minds than we realize.

Released: 22-Sep-2009 1:00 PM EDT
New Links Between Alcohol Abuse, Depression, Obesity in Young Women
University of Washington

There is new evidence that depression, obesity and alcohol abuse or dependency are interrelated conditions among young adult women but not men.

Released: 22-Sep-2009 8:45 AM EDT
Study Reveals Distinct Differences Between Truthful and False Handwriting
University of Haifa

A new study analyzes differences between truthful and false content in the flow of writing, height and length of strokes and pressure of the pen on the page. "This method can improve our ability to identify lies in handwriting," the researchers noted.

Released: 17-Sep-2009 4:00 PM EDT
Gratitude and Financial Virtue
Northeastern University

Study by Northeastern psychologist finds feelings of gratitude prompt people to share their financial resources.
