Feature Channels: Environmental Science

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Newswise: Poplars' Genetic Adaptation: Unlocking Drought Resistance with miR159a
Released: 19-Sep-2024 12:30 PM EDT
Poplars' Genetic Adaptation: Unlocking Drought Resistance with miR159a
Chinese Academy of Sciences

In a significant advancement for plant biology, researchers have discovered that manipulating miR159a, a key microRNA, enhances drought tolerance in poplar trees. By boosting water-use efficiency and minimizing stomatal opening, this study could revolutionize forestry management in arid regions, offering new strategies for breeding drought-resistant trees to tackle water scarcity challenges.

Newswise: Sweet Success: Genomic Insights Into the Wax Apple's Flavor and Fertility
Released: 19-Sep-2024 12:05 PM EDT
Sweet Success: Genomic Insights Into the Wax Apple's Flavor and Fertility
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A recent study has successfully decoded the autotetraploid genome of the wax apple, uncovering its genetic evolution and key factors driving fruit diversity. The research highlights the fruit’s rich antioxidant profile, with promising implications for human health and breeding strategies aimed at enhancing nutritional value.

Newswise: Light Up Your Tomatoes: Optimal Spectral Mix for Enhanced Growth
Released: 19-Sep-2024 12:05 PM EDT
Light Up Your Tomatoes: Optimal Spectral Mix for Enhanced Growth
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A recent study reveals that strategically combining specific light wavelengths can significantly boost tomato plant growth and improve fruit quality. By optimizing the balance of red, blue, and white light, researchers achieved higher chlorophyll levels and enhanced photosynthetic activity, suggesting a sustainable method to increase agricultural productivity.

Newswise: Seeds of Innovation: Targeted Gene Mutations Boost Crop Hybridization
Released: 19-Sep-2024 12:05 PM EDT
Seeds of Innovation: Targeted Gene Mutations Boost Crop Hybridization
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Scientists have developed a groundbreaking two-line system that uses CRISPR/Cas9 (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat) technology to control pollination in rapeseed by targeting the Oxophytodienoic acid reductase 3 (OPR3) gene. This innovation offers a more stable and efficient approach to hybrid breeding, bypassing the environmental vulnerabilities of traditional methods and promising higher crop yields and enhanced agricultural productivity.

Newswise: Simulated Construction of Plant-Based Fish Meat with Composite Structure via 3D Printing
Released: 19-Sep-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Simulated Construction of Plant-Based Fish Meat with Composite Structure via 3D Printing
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Researchers used dual-nozzle 3D printing technology to construct plant-based yellow croaker tissue analogs by soy protein isolate–xanthan gum-starch complex (as simulated muscle ink) and nanostarch-carrageenan emulsion gel (as simulated fat ink). Successfully, indicators of testing demonstrated that 3D-printed plant-based yellow croaker flesh with a composite structure had a good simulation quality.

Newswise: Complex Dynamics of the 2024 M7.6 Noto Hanto Earthquake in Japan — the Long-lasting Swarm and Its Immediate Foreshocks
Released: 19-Sep-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Complex Dynamics of the 2024 M7.6 Noto Hanto Earthquake in Japan — the Long-lasting Swarm and Its Immediate Foreshocks
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A newly published study sheds light on the intricate relationship between the 2024 M 7.6 Noto Hanto earthquake and a significant earthquake swarm that began beneath Japan's Noto Peninsula in November 2020. This research, conducted by a team of international experts including Professor Zhigang Peng and his student Phuc Mach at Georgia Tech, Dr. Xinglin Lei at National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Japan, Dr. Qing-Yu Wang at Université Grenoble Alpes, France, and other researchers in China, Japan and France, offers a detailed analysis of the seismic activity leading up to and following the devastating earthquake.

Newswise: Storing the Sun's Heat at 1200 Degrees
Released: 19-Sep-2024 3:05 AM EDT
Storing the Sun's Heat at 1200 Degrees
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

The ETH spin-off Synhelion has recently inaugurated the world's first industrial plant for the production of solar fuels in Germany. The heart of the plant contains a piece of Empa technology: Together with Synhelion, Empa researchers have developed a material for the high-temperature thermal energy storage system that allows the plant to remain in operation 24/7.

Newswise: Decoding 'Chachi' Citrus: Unveiling the Secrets of Flavorful Phytonutrients
Released: 19-Sep-2024 2:05 AM EDT
Decoding 'Chachi' Citrus: Unveiling the Secrets of Flavorful Phytonutrients
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A pivotal study has revealed the gap-free genome of Citrus reticulata 'Chachi' (CRC), providing new insights into the biosynthetic pathways of flavonoids that contribute to the fruit’s distinct flavor and health benefits. By mapping the metabolic changes of these compounds across various stages of fruit development, the research paves the way for enhancing the nutritional value of citrus fruits.

Newswise: Plant Pathogen Battle: Slsyta Protein's Dual Role in Defense and Susceptibility
Released: 18-Sep-2024 11:05 PM EDT
Plant Pathogen Battle: Slsyta Protein's Dual Role in Defense and Susceptibility
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A pivotal study has uncovered the dual role of the Solanum lycopersicum Synaptotagmin A (SYTA) SlSYTA protein in regulating tomato plants' immune response. Researchers found that while SlSYTA overexpression heightens vulnerability to pathogens, its suppression through genetic modification enhances resistance. This discovery paves the way for developing disease-resistant crops, potentially revolutionizing sustainable agriculture and food security.

Newswise: The Memory in Seeds: How Plants Carry Environmental Clues Across Generations
Released: 18-Sep-2024 10:05 PM EDT
The Memory in Seeds: How Plants Carry Environmental Clues Across Generations
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A recent study has revealed the genetic mechanisms behind transgenerational phenotypic plasticity—a crucial factor in plant adaptation to environmental changes. By investigating Arabidopsis thaliana grown under different light conditions across generations, researchers demonstrated how maternal environments shape offspring traits. These findings could inform new strategies for crop improvement and ecological conservation.

Newswise: Graft Union Mastery: Unveiling the Secrets of Plant Tissue Mending
Released: 18-Sep-2024 9:05 PM EDT
Graft Union Mastery: Unveiling the Secrets of Plant Tissue Mending
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A recent review offers critical insights into the graft healing process in plants, a key aspect of successful asexual reproduction. By examining the complex interactions between phytohormones, environmental factors, and molecular mechanisms, researchers have unveiled new strategies to strengthen plant unions, potentially boosting crop yields and resilience to environmental stress.

Newswise: Explaining Dramatic Planetwide Changes After World’s Last ‘Snowball Earth’ Event
Released: 18-Sep-2024 5:05 PM EDT
Explaining Dramatic Planetwide Changes After World’s Last ‘Snowball Earth’ Event
University of Washington

Some of the most dramatic climatic events in our planet’s history are “Snowball Earth” events that happened hundreds of millions of years ago, when almost the entire planet was encased in ice up to 0.6 miles thick. New research from the University of Washington provides a more complete picture for how the last Snowball Earth event ended, and suggests why it preceded a dramatic expansion of life on Earth, including the emergence of the first animals.

Released: 18-Sep-2024 2:05 PM EDT
Humboldt and California Insurance Commission to Create Nation’s First Public Wildfire Catastrophe Model
Cal Poly Humboldt

The strategy group will draw from California’s research and higher education communities to recommend a new, publicly accessible data source to predict future wildfire losses. This effort will support California’s goals of building safer communities and expanding access to insurance coverage.  “We can’t keep our Department and Californians in the dark ages when it comes to the use of technology and climate science.

Newswise: Texas a&M AgriLife Home to World’s Top Animal Science Researchers, According to research.com
Released: 18-Sep-2024 12:05 PM EDT
Texas a&M AgriLife Home to World’s Top Animal Science Researchers, According to research.com
Texas A&M AgriLife

Texas A&M AgriLife home to world’s top animal science researchers, according to Research.com

Newswise: The Wildlife Conservation Society Launches Digitized Department of Tropical Research Film Collection
Released: 18-Sep-2024 10:05 AM EDT
The Wildlife Conservation Society Launches Digitized Department of Tropical Research Film Collection
Wildlife Conservation Society

The WCS Library and Archives, based at the Bronx Zoo, released its newly digitized Department of Tropical Research (DTR) Film Collection. The project was funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources’ (CLIR) Recordings at Risk grant, supported by the Mellon Foundation.

Newswise: Harnessing Nature's Rhythm: Piezocatalysis for Organic Pollutant Degradation
Released: 18-Sep-2024 7:05 AM EDT
Harnessing Nature's Rhythm: Piezocatalysis for Organic Pollutant Degradation
Chinese Academy of Sciences

In a pivotal advancement for environmental conservation, researchers have pioneered piezoelectric techniques to efficiently degrade organic pollutants in water. This green approach converts mechanical stress into catalytic action, offering a sustainable and efficient method for water purification without relying on external energy sources.

Newswise: Groundwater Cleanup Boost: Tailoring 3D Media for DNAPL Contaminant Removal
Released: 18-Sep-2024 6:05 AM EDT
Groundwater Cleanup Boost: Tailoring 3D Media for DNAPL Contaminant Removal
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Groundwater serves as a vital resource, yet dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) contaminants pose a significant threat to its quality. New research delves into how the 3D microstructures of porous media influence DNAPL migration and the efficacy of surfactant-enhanced aquifer remediation (SEAR), offering promising solutions for subsurface clean-up.

Newswise: Scientists Urge New Conservation Approach to Save Vulnerable Species From Climate Change Impacts
Released: 17-Sep-2024 9:05 PM EDT
Scientists Urge New Conservation Approach to Save Vulnerable Species From Climate Change Impacts
University of South Australia

A team of international scientists alarmed by the loss of biodiversity across the world due to climate change has proposed a new approach to managing vulnerable landscapes, focusing on sites that are least impacted by changing weather.

Newswise:Video Embedded scuba-diving-lizards-use-bubble-to-breathe-underwater-and-avoid-predators
12-Sep-2024 1:05 PM EDT
‘Scuba-Diving’ Lizards Use Bubble to Breathe Underwater and Avoid Predators
Binghamton University, State University of New York

A species of semi-aquatic lizard produces a special bubble over its nostrils to breathe underwater and avoid predators, according to new research from Binghamton University, State University of New York.

Newswise: one-of-the-fastest-ocean-currents-is-remarkably-stable-study-finds-940x529.jpeg
Released: 17-Sep-2024 4:05 PM EDT
One of the World's Fastest Ocean Currents Is Remarkably Stable, Study Finds
University of Miami

New study challenges previous assertions of Gulf Stream slowdown
