Feature Channels: Fusion

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Released: 31-May-2023 6:10 PM EDT
DOE Announces $46 Million for Commercial Fusion Energy Development
Department of Energy, Office of Science

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced $46 million in funding to eight companies advancing designs and research and development for fusion power plants, representing a major step in President Biden’s commitment to a pilot-scale demonstration of fusion within a decade. Fusion reactions power the stars, and research is underway to make fusion energy production on Earth possible, providing an abundant, inherently safe, non-carbon-emitting energy source for the planet. This funding from the Milestone-Based Fusion Development Program will solidify U.S. leadership in fusion commercialization, a gamechanger that would help the United States meet the President’s goal of reaching a net-zero economy by 2050.

Newswise: Small Fusion Experiment Hits Temperatures Hotter than the Sun’s Core
Released: 30-May-2023 9:50 AM EDT
Small Fusion Experiment Hits Temperatures Hotter than the Sun’s Core
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Future commercial fusion power plants will need to achieve temperatures of 100 million degrees C, which requires careful control of the plasma. Researchers have now achieved these temperatures on a compact spherical tokamak called ST40. The results are a step toward fusion pilot plants and the development of more compact, and potentially more economical, fusion power sources.

Released: 25-May-2023 3:05 PM EDT
RSICC, ORNL’s longest running institution, observes 60th anniversary
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

A radiation safety center started by Alvin Weinberg is still going strong -- 60 years later.

Newswise: Fusion Q&A: The Path Forward
Released: 22-May-2023 11:15 AM EDT
Fusion Q&A: The Path Forward
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Fusion energy could address pollution, climate change, and high energy prices. Berkeley Lab’s Cameron Geddes and Reed Teyber explain how researchers are trying to make it a reality.

Newswise:Video Embedded live-event-for-april-21-sleeping-pill-reduces-levels-of-alzheimer-s-proteins
Released: 21-Apr-2023 3:10 PM EDT
TRANSCRIPT AND VIDEO AVAILABLE Live Event for April 21: Sleeping pill reduces levels of Alzheimer’s proteins

Researcher will discuss the study which involved a sleeping aid known as suvorexant that is already approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for insomnia, hints at the potential of sleep medications to slow or stop the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

Newswise: The Latest From The American Astronomical Society Meeting And Other Space News
9-Jan-2023 4:20 PM EST
The Latest From The American Astronomical Society Meeting And Other Space News

Below are some of the latest articles that have been added to the Space and Astronomy channel on Newswise, a free source for journalists.

Newswise: Cooling 100 million degree plasma with a hydrogen-neon mixture ice pellet
Released: 6-Jan-2023 12:05 PM EST
Cooling 100 million degree plasma with a hydrogen-neon mixture ice pellet
National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS)

At ITER – the world’s largest experimental fusion reactor, currently under construction in France through international cooperation – the abrupt termination of magnetic confinement of a high temperature plasma through a so-called “disruption” poses a major open issue.

Newswise: What the breakthrough in nuclear fusion energy means
Released: 13-Dec-2022 11:05 AM EST
What the breakthrough in nuclear fusion energy means
University of Miami

Scientists have reportedly achieved a key milestone in nuclear fusion energy. University of Miami College of Engineering researcher Giacomo Po addresses queries about the process of nuclear fusion and what it could mean for the future.

Newswise: PPPL awarded more than $12 million to speed development of a fusion pilot plant
Released: 15-Nov-2022 11:05 AM EST
PPPL awarded more than $12 million to speed development of a fusion pilot plant
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

The U.S. Department of Energy has awarded PPPL funding of more than $12 million to work with laboratories around the world to accelerate the development of a pilot plant powered by the carbon-free fusion energy that drives the sun and stars and can counter climate change.

Newswise: PPPL physicist wins awards for two fusion projects
Released: 19-Oct-2022 10:05 AM EDT
PPPL physicist wins awards for two fusion projects
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Physicist Stefano Munaretto of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) has received leadership roles in two DOE three-year awards.

Newswise: 4 science advances coming in the exascale era
Released: 18-Oct-2022 2:05 PM EDT
4 science advances coming in the exascale era
Argonne National Laboratory

To celebrate Exascale Day, Argonne highlights some of the projects poised to make scientific breakthroughs on the upcoming Aurora exascale computer. Their research explores the spread of cancer, fusion energy, brain mapping, particle physics and more.

Released: 13-Oct-2022 1:40 PM EDT
Department of Energy Announces $47 Million for Research at Tokamak and Spherical Tokamak Facilities
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) awarded $47 million to U.S. scientists conducting experimental research in fusion energy science at tokamak and spherical tokamak facilities in the U.S. and around the globe. The awards support research that aims to close gaps in the science and technology basis for the tokamak approach to fusion energy. These awards will help support the Biden Administration’s decadal vision to accelerate fusion as a clean energy technology.

Newswise: A new high-temperature plasma operating mode for fusion energy discovered at the Korean Artificial Sun, KSTAR
Released: 5-Oct-2022 8:55 AM EDT
A new high-temperature plasma operating mode for fusion energy discovered at the Korean Artificial Sun, KSTAR
National Research Council of Science and Technology

KFE and SNU research team announced that they have discovered a new plasma operating mode that can improve plasma performance for fusion energy based on an analysis of plasma operations with ultra-high temperatures over 100 million degrees (Celsius) at the Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR).

Newswise: Scientists bring the fusion energy that lights the sun and stars closer to reality on Earth
Released: 27-Sep-2022 4:05 PM EDT
Scientists bring the fusion energy that lights the sun and stars closer to reality on Earth
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

PPPL scientists propose an explanation for the thermal quench, the sudden heat loss that precedes disruptions in doughnut-shaped tokamak fusion facilities.

Released: 22-Sep-2022 2:05 PM EDT
Department of Energy Announces $50 Million for a Milestone-Based Fusion Development Program
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced up to $50 million to launch a new milestone-based fusion development program as authorized in the Energy Act of 2020. This program will support for-profit entities, who may team with national laboratories, universities, and others to meet major technical and commercialization milestones toward the successful design of a fusion pilot plant (FPP) that will help bring fusion toward technical and commercial viability. The program is informed by recent reports from the Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee; the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; community workshops; and input from private industry.

Newswise: Elemental research: Scientists apply boron to tungsten components in fusion facilities
Released: 30-Aug-2022 1:30 PM EDT
Elemental research: Scientists apply boron to tungsten components in fusion facilities
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Scientists at have conducted research showing that a PPPL-developed powder dropper can successfully drop boron powder into high-temperature plasma within tokamaks that have parts made of a heat-resistant material known as tungsten.

Newswise: The surprising attractiveness of a hurdle to developing safe, clean and carbon-free energy
Released: 19-Aug-2022 2:40 PM EDT
The surprising attractiveness of a hurdle to developing safe, clean and carbon-free energy
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Close-up look at a counter-intuitive way to speed the arrival of carbon-free fusion energy.

Released: 8-Aug-2022 3:15 PM EDT
Department of Energy Announces $8.3 Million for Research on High Energy Density Plasmas
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Today, the Department of Energy’s Office of Science (SC) and DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) announced $8.3 million for 20 research projects in High-Energy Density Laboratory Plasmas (HEDLP).
