Feature Channels: In the Workplace

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Released: 23-Mar-2021 1:35 PM EDT
Union-friendly states enjoy higher economic growth, individual earnings
Cornell University

New research from Mildred Warner, professor of city and regional planning at Cornell University, shows that state laws designed to hinder union activity and indulge corporate entities do not enhance economic productivity.

Released: 23-Mar-2021 1:10 PM EDT
Measuring Success: Women in 2020 Legislative Elections
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Measuring women’s electoral success means placing 2020 outcomes into historical and contemporary context. That is the work done in a new report released today by the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP), a unit of the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers University. In Measuring Success: Women in 2020 Legislative Elections, CAWP breaks down 2020 congressional and state legislative data by gender, race, and party; puts this data into historical context, with specific comparisons to the 2018 election; analyzes women candidates’ paths to office and strategies for success; and looks ahead to what 2020 election outcomes mean for the future of women in American politics.

Released: 23-Mar-2021 9:25 AM EDT
Twenty-four States Have Implemented Temporary, Emergency Policies Expanding the COVID-19 Vaccinator Workforce Beyond Traditional Clinical Personnel
George Washington University

The vaccinator workforce is an essential component of the COVID-19 response and recovery. However, since administration of the two FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccines began in December 2020, the rollout has encountered several challenges and failed to meet initial targets for total vaccinations provided. The current health workforce has been identified as one possible bottleneck for distributing the vaccine, prompting a general call to authorize as many healthcare professionals to administer the vaccine as possible. To track this fast-moving issue at the state level, researchers at the Fitzhugh Mullan Institute for Health Workforce Equity have created an interactive tool that displays temporary, emergency state policies authorizing specific professions to provide the COVID-19 vaccine.

18-Mar-2021 2:40 PM EDT
Journal of Neurosurgery Features the “One Neurosurgery Summit Professionalism and Harassment Model Policy”
Journal of Neurosurgery

The Journal of Neurosurgery Publishing Group (JNSPG) and the American Association of Neurological Surgeons are pleased to announce publication of the “One Neurosurgery Summit Professionalism and Harassment Model Policy” today in the Journal of Neurosurgery.

Released: 22-Mar-2021 5:50 PM EDT
Income drives the economy, not prices
Dartmouth College

Politicians and business leaders often make claims about why certain sectors in the economy are shrinking, such as the decline in U.S. manufacturing is due to robotics or trade with China.

Released: 22-Mar-2021 5:40 PM EDT
#YearofCOVID Tip Sheet

One year has passed since stay-at-home orders went into effect across the U.S. and the COVID-19 pandemic changed our lives in profound ways. During this dark year, we've witnessed overwhelming loss of life and livelihood, and separation from those we love. But we have also seen courageous patients and heroic healthcare workers battling the disease, as swift breakthroughs have brought us vaccines and hope.

Released: 22-Mar-2021 5:30 PM EDT
Women missing out on workplace mentoring post #MeToo
RMIT University

It's well known that mentoring opportunities are critical for development and career advancement, and are associated with greater job satisfaction and increased earnings and promotions.

Released: 22-Mar-2021 12:45 PM EDT
Women Know Global: Closing the Gender Gap in the Global Economy
University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business

Panel discussion to draw insights from women leaders of global organizations noted for driving change, influencing policy, and creating programs to close the gender gap and support women in the workforce.

18-Mar-2021 3:15 PM EDT
United States Ranks Lowest in Overall Policies Aimed at Helping Parents Support Children, Study of 20 Developed Nations Finds
Baylor University

The United States ranks lowest in overall policies to help support children in lower-income families. A study of 20 developed nations found that more flexible work hours and paid leave are more effective for children’s psychological health than cash transfers.

Released: 19-Mar-2021 2:50 PM EDT
Foreign-born run greater risk of workplace bullying
Linkoping University

The risk of being bullied at work is twice as high if you were born abroad. And if you come from a culture that is culturally dissimilar to Sweden's, the risk is even higher.

Released: 19-Mar-2021 1:30 PM EDT
It Costs to be an “Angry Black Woman” for Black Women in Business
Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona

A new study by Aleks Ellis, professor of management and organizations in the Eller College of Business at the University of Arizona, has found evidence of heightened awareness to anger by black women — reinforcing the existence of the “angry black woman” stereotype. In two specific experiments, he found that when a black woman displays anger, it actually activates that stereotype in observers and causes her co-workers to view her as less able to lead.

Released: 18-Mar-2021 4:05 PM EDT
Self-compassion can alleviate feelings of loneliness due to remote work, study finds
Indiana University

A new study led by a psychology researcher at IUPUI has found evidence that feelings of 'work loneliness' during the pandemic are associated with greater depression -- and also that self-compassion seems to mitigate these negative effects.

Released: 17-Mar-2021 12:40 PM EDT
Cedars-Sinai Doctor Celebrates 100th Birthday on the Job

As a young man during the Holocaust, George Berci, MD, was conscripted into forced labor in his native Hungary, narrowly escaping death at the hands of the Nazis even as members of his family perished. Over the decades that followed, Berci forged a legendary career in medicine, pioneering endoscopic and laparoscopic techniques that provide the basis of virtually all minimally invasive surgeries performed today.

Released: 17-Mar-2021 11:45 AM EDT
An Inside Look at Healthcare Worker Burnout and Compassion Fatigue
Palo Alto University

A physician who has recovered from burnout and is now working to help other physicians develop resiliency, the Co-Director of the Early Trama Intervention Research Lab and a counseling psychologist with expertise in Compassion Fatigue take an inside look at the complex issue of health care worker burnout, the culture in which it exists and potential solutions.

Released: 17-Mar-2021 10:40 AM EDT
Nurse Work Environment Influences Stroke Outcomes
University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing

Stroke remains a leading cause of death worldwide and one of the most common reasons for disability. While a wide variety of factors influence stroke outcomes, data show that avoiding readmissions and long lengths of stay among ischemic stroke patients has benefits for patients and health care systems alike. Although reduced readmission rates among various medical patients have been associated with better nurse work environments, it is unknown how the work environment might influence readmissions and length of stay for ischemic stroke patients.

Released: 16-Mar-2021 6:05 PM EDT
#YearofCOVID: Is Working From Home Bad For Your Health?

Many office-based employees find themselves still working from home a full year after the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic forced work as we knew it to change dramatically.

Released: 16-Mar-2021 4:05 PM EDT
She Votes: Women, the Workplace, and Pandemic Politics
American University

New Survey of Women Voters Shows That the Covid-19 Pandemic Has Widely Shifted Perceptions of American Politics, Work Norms, and Gender Roles.

Released: 16-Mar-2021 3:35 PM EDT
Return to Work and the Path to Recovery after Serious Injury in Black Men
University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing

After a traumatic injury, returning to work (RTW) can be a strong indication of healing and rehabilitation and may play a pivotal role in promoting physical and functional recovery. But how does RTW after a traumatic injury affect mental health recovery, particularly in individuals who experience social and economic marginalization?
