Feature Channels: Kidney Disease

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Released: 25-Oct-2022 3:10 PM EDT
New Drug Is Found Effective for Treating Complicated Urinary Tract Infections
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

An international study led by a Rutgers scientist comparing new and older treatments against complicated urinary tract infections has found a new drug combination to be more effective, especially against stubborn, drug-resistant infections.

Released: 24-Oct-2022 2:05 PM EDT
Study Sheds Light on the Development of Inflammation, High Blood Pressure and Resulting Kidney Damage
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center have found that the change in a single letter of the genetic code promotes, in a mouse model, the development of inflammation, high blood pressure and resulting kidney damage.

Newswise: Alcoholic Pancreatitis Patients with Continued Alcohol Intake May Finally Have Therapeutic Options
Released: 21-Oct-2022 2:50 PM EDT
Alcoholic Pancreatitis Patients with Continued Alcohol Intake May Finally Have Therapeutic Options
University of Miami Health System, Miller School of Medicine

Researchers at the Miller School are looking for solutions to the continued effects of alcohol use, its harmful impact, and treatment. Understanding the mechanisms of alcohol abuse has gained importance, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Higher alcohol consumption led to an increased burden of pancreatic diseases in society.

Released: 21-Oct-2022 2:25 PM EDT
Researchers Examine What Happens When Patients Can Choose Concurrent Dialysis and Hospice Care
Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Today, patients utilizing their Medicare Hospice Benefits with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) are forced to make the traumatic choice between continuing dialysis or enrolling in hospice.

Released: 20-Oct-2022 10:35 AM EDT
Single-Port Robotic Surgery Improves Patient Ratings of Scarring After Urologic Procedures
Wolters Kluwer Health: Lippincott

The use of next-generation, single-port surgical robots leads to improved cosmetic outcomes and patient perceptions of scarring after robotic kidney, bladder, or prostate surgery, reports a study in Urology Practice®, an Official Journal of the American Urological Association (AUA).

Newswise: New Treatment for Urinary Tract Cancer Could Prevent Kidney Dialysis, Transplant
Released: 19-Oct-2022 1:20 PM EDT
New Treatment for Urinary Tract Cancer Could Prevent Kidney Dialysis, Transplant
UC San Diego Health

UC San Diego Health is now offering a new treatment for patients with low-grade upper tract urothelial cancer that could safely avoid removal of the entire kidney, which may prevent the need for dialysis or kidney transplant in the future.

Released: 18-Oct-2022 11:05 AM EDT
Psoriasis does not appear to increase heart attack risk in people with significant kidney disease
Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University

Studies have suggested that psoriasis is an independent risk factor for heart attack in the general population, but investigators have made the surprising finding that in people who also have end-stage renal disease, which shares many risk factors with heart disease, it is not.

Newswise: Awake Patients Can Have Kidney Stones Moved, Blasted
Released: 7-Oct-2022 1:15 PM EDT
Awake Patients Can Have Kidney Stones Moved, Blasted
University of Washington School of Medicine and UW Medicine

In the procedure, the physician uses a handheld transducer placed on the skin to direct ultrasound waves towards the stone. The ultrasound can then be used to move and reposition the stones to promote their passage, a process called ultrasound propulsion, or the break up the stone, a technique called burst wave lithotripsy (BWL).

Released: 7-Oct-2022 11:45 AM EDT
Combined ultrasound technique can reposition and break up urinary stones in awake patients
Wolters Kluwer Health: Lippincott

A new technique combining two types of focused ultrasound waves offers a promising approach for treatment of urinary stones located in the ureter, according to a feasibility study in The Journal of Urology®, an Official Journal of the American Urological Association (AUA). The journal is published in the Lippincott portfolio by Wolters Kluwer.

Released: 5-Oct-2022 12:05 PM EDT
Hackensack Meridian Long Term Acute Care Hospital Officially Opens To The Public
Hackensack Meridian Health

“We are excited to open our 18th hospital in the Hackensack Meridian Health network. This new LTACH will provide numerous benefits to our patients, their families and our community, which will lead to optimizing patient outcomes,” said Robert Garrett, chief executive officer, Hackensack Meridian Health.

28-Sep-2022 11:25 AM EDT
First Ever in Pediatrics: World Experts Set Agenda to Improve Care of Acute Kidney Injury in Kids
Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago

First pediatric international conference on acute kidney injury (AKI) resulted in an expert consensus statement published in the journal JAMA Network Open. In this milestone publication, 46 global experts identify key issues in pediatric AKI and set a focused research agenda for the next five to 10 years.

Released: 28-Sep-2022 8:05 AM EDT
American Society of Nephrology and 21 Kidney Community Organizations Call on Congress to Protect Living Donors
American Society of Nephrology (ASN)

Today, advocates of the American Society of Nephrology (ASN) and 21 other kidney health professional and patient organizations are meeting with their congressional delegations, calling on them to protect living donors and improve access to transplantation

20-Sep-2022 2:10 PM EDT
New research provides employment figures of kidney transplant recipients
American Society of Nephrology (ASN)

In an analysis from The Netherlands, the proportion of employed stable kidney transplant recipients was 56%.

Newswise:Video Embedded heat-stress-prompts-kidneys-to-tap-into-their-reserves
Released: 22-Sep-2022 4:05 PM EDT
Heat Stress Prompts Kidneys to Tap into Their Reserves
American Physiological Society (APS)

Acute kidney injury is among the top causes of hospitalization during a heat wave. New research sheds light on why kidney injury increases during heat waves and why certain populations are at greater risk. The study was chosen as an APSselect article for September.

Newswise: National Cancer Institute renews $11.5 million program of excellence award in kidney cancer
Released: 22-Sep-2022 8:05 AM EDT
National Cancer Institute renews $11.5 million program of excellence award in kidney cancer
UT Southwestern Medical Center

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has renewed UT Southwestern’s Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center Kidney Cancer Program (KCP) Specialized Program of Research Excellence (SPORE) award. First awarded in 2016, the KCP SPORE is focused on translating discoveries and innovation at UT Southwestern into advances in patient care.

Released: 20-Sep-2022 2:25 PM EDT
Dietas ricas em cálcio e potássio podem ajudar a prevenir cálculos renais recorrentes
Mayo Clinic

Cálculos renais podem causar dores lancinantes e estão relacionados à doença renal crônica, osteoporose e doença cardiovascular. Pessoas que tiveram cálculo renal uma vez têm 30 por cento de chance de ter outra incidência dentro de cinco anos. Incluir alimentos ricos em cálcio e potássio pode prevenir cálculos renais recorrentes, conforme descoberto pelo estudo da Mayo Clinic.

Released: 20-Sep-2022 2:25 PM EDT
Mayo Clinic

肾结石可导致剧烈疼痛,并与慢性肾病、骨质疏松症和心血管疾病相关。对于曾患过肾结石的人来说,在五年内复发的几率为30%。妙佑医疗国际(Mayo Clinic) 的研究发现,食用富含钙和钾的食物可预防肾结石复发。

Released: 20-Sep-2022 2:20 PM EDT
الأنظمة الغذائية الغنية بالكالسيوم والبوتاسيوم قد تساعد في منع تكرار حصوات الكلى
Mayo Clinic

مدينة روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا- قد تسبب حصوات الكلى ألمًا مبرحًا وترتبط بأمراض الكلى المزمنة وهشاشة العظام والمرض القلبي الوعائي. ومن يُصاب بحصوات الكلى مرةً لديه فرصة بنسبة 30% للإصابة بحصوة أخرى في غضون خمس سنوات. كما وجدت دراسة أجرتها مايو كلينك أن تناول الأطعمة الغنية بالكالسيوم والبوتاسيوم قد يمنع تكرار حصوات الكلى.
