Curated News: Staff Picks

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Released: 4-May-2022 12:05 PM EDT
MD Anderson Research Highlights for May 4, 2022
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Featured studies include clinical advances with a new combination therapy targeting angiogenesis in platinum-resistant ovarian cancer and a promising immunotherapy combination for kidney cancer, plus laboratory studies that focus on targeting ferroptosis in specific lung cancers, developing chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapies for blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasms, and characterizing racial and ethnic disparities in breast cancer early detection.

Released: 3-May-2022 3:05 PM EDT
Children Without Diapers Sleep Poorly
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Children whose parents cannot afford diapers do not get quality sleep, according to a study by the Rutgers School of Nursing.

Newswise: Scientists, Students Set Deepwater Coring Record for Atlantic Ocean
Released: 3-May-2022 2:45 PM EDT
Scientists, Students Set Deepwater Coring Record for Atlantic Ocean
University of Rhode Island

A URI-led expedition to the Puerto Rico Trench took what researchers believe to be the deepest water core samples ever taken in the Atlantic. They’re also the deepest water cores taken anywhere in the oceans since 1962.

Released: 2-May-2022 2:25 PM EDT
Study finds children with vegetarian diet have similar growth and nutrition compared to children who eat meat
St. Michael's Hospital

A study of nearly 9,000 children found those who eat a vegetarian diet had similar measures of growth and nutrition compared to children who eat meat.

Newswise: New Study Shows Hybrid Learning Led to Significant Reduction in Covid-19 Spread
Released: 28-Apr-2022 4:50 PM EDT
New Study Shows Hybrid Learning Led to Significant Reduction in Covid-19 Spread
Georgia Institute of Technology

A new study published in BMC Public Health shows that hybrid learning utilizing alternating school days for children offers a significant reduction in community disease spread. Total closure in favor of remote learning, however, offers little additional advantage over that hybrid option.

Newswise: Clues into a Sleep Mystery
Released: 28-Apr-2022 4:15 PM EDT
Clues into a Sleep Mystery
Harvard Medical School

Scientists pinpoint the molecular epicenter of deep-sleep regulation. The findings, based on research in mice, identify a gene that makes a protein that regulates delta waves—electrical signals between neurons that occur during the deepest phases of relaxation and are a hallmark of restorative sleep.

Newswise: Dolphin Bycatch From Fishing Practices Unsustainable, Study Finds
28-Apr-2022 5:05 AM EDT
Dolphin Bycatch From Fishing Practices Unsustainable, Study Finds
University of Bristol

An international team of researchers have developed a method to assess sustainable levels of human-caused wildlife mortality, which when applied to a trawl fishery shows that dolphin capture is not sustainable.

Released: 28-Apr-2022 3:45 PM EDT
Study: Diminishing Arctic Sea Ice Has Lasting Impacts on Global Climate
University at Albany, State University of New York

As the impacts of climate change are felt around the world, no area is experiencing more drastic changes than the northern polar region.

Released: 28-Apr-2022 11:05 AM EDT
Childhood Obesity Increases Risk of Type 1 Diabetes
University of Bristol

Being overweight in childhood increases the risk of developing type 1 diabetes in later life, according to the findings of a new study that analysed genetic data on over 400,000 individuals. The study, co-led by researchers from the Universities of Bristol and Oxford and published today in Nature Communications, also provides evidence that being overweight over many years from childhood influences the risk of other diseases including asthma, eczema and hypothyroidism.

Newswise: New Regional Bird Guides Simplify Identification
Released: 28-Apr-2022 10:50 AM EDT
New Regional Bird Guides Simplify Identification
Cornell University

There’s a brand-new series of seven field guides to help people learn about the birds found in their region of the United States and Canada.

Newswise: New study finds climate change could spark the next pandemic
Released: 28-Apr-2022 9:55 AM EDT
New study finds climate change could spark the next pandemic
Georgetown University Medical Center

As the earth’s climate continues to warm, researchers predict wild animals will be forced to relocate their habitats – likely to regions with large human populations – dramatically increasing the risk of a viral jump to humans that could lead to the next pandemic.

Newswise: Before Stonehenge monuments, hunter-gatherers made use of open habitats
21-Apr-2022 11:05 AM EDT
Before Stonehenge monuments, hunter-gatherers made use of open habitats

Study investigates habitat conditions encountered by first farmers and monument-builders.

Released: 27-Apr-2022 11:05 AM EDT
More and More Young Children Are Accidentally Ingesting Cannabis Edibles
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

For the fourth year in a row the NJ Poison Control Center has seen an increase in calls concerning children who accidentally consumed cannabis (marijuana, THC) edibles. Last year (2021), the NJ Poison Control Center assisted in the medical treatment of more than 150 children who were accidentally exposed to cannabis edibles — nearly 100 children 5-years-old and younger; more than 55 children between the ages of 6 and 12.

Released: 25-Apr-2022 1:05 PM EDT
Study suggests Black, Hispanic women with low vitamin D more likely to develop breast cancer

Among women who identified as Black/African American or Hispanic/Latina, those with low blood levels of vitamin D were more likely to develop breast cancer than those with adequate levels.

Newswise: Pterosaur discovery solves ancient feather mystery
Released: 21-Apr-2022 2:45 PM EDT
Pterosaur discovery solves ancient feather mystery
University College Cork

Flying reptiles could change the colour of their feathers, research finds.

Released: 21-Apr-2022 12:05 PM EDT
MSU Research Finds Math Textbooks Don’t Work for Students Worldwide
Michigan State University

An international study led by Michigan State University scholars has provided a "dismal picture" of mathematics textbooks across the globe—and it has serious implications for the next generation of learners.

14-Apr-2022 5:00 PM EDT
Faster Accumulation of Cardiovascular Risk Factors Linked to Increased Dementia Risk
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Cardiovascular disease risk factors, like high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and smoking, are believed to play key roles in the likelihood of developing cognitive decline, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease. A new study suggests that people who accumulate these risk factors over time, at a faster pace, have an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease dementia or vascular dementia, compared to people whose risk factors remain stable throughout life. The research is published in the April 20, 2022, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

Newswise: Explanation for formation of abundant features on Europa bodes well for search for extraterrestrial life
Released: 20-Apr-2022 1:55 PM EDT
Explanation for formation of abundant features on Europa bodes well for search for extraterrestrial life
Stanford University

Europa is a prime candidate for life in our solar system, and its deep saltwater ocean has captivated scientists for decades. But it’s enclosed by an icy shell that could be miles to tens of miles thick, making sampling it a daunting prospect. Now, increasing evidence reveals the ice shell may be less of a barrier and more of a dynamic system – and site of potential habitability in its own right.

Newswise: Robot Performs Soft Tissue Surgery with Minimal Human Help
Released: 20-Apr-2022 1:05 PM EDT
Robot Performs Soft Tissue Surgery with Minimal Human Help
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering

NIBIB-funded researchers are developing an autonomous robot that can perform bowel surgery with minimal assistance from a surgeon. In preclinical models, the robot outperformed expert surgeons when compared head-to-head.

Released: 20-Apr-2022 1:05 PM EDT
Women’s Earnings Drop After Childbirth
Cornell University

When U.S. couples have their first child, mothers’ earnings still drop substantially relative to fathers’, and new Cornell University research demonstrates the stubborn, decades-old pattern isn’t changing despite broad increases in other aspects of gender equality.

