Feature Channels: Story Ideas: Life

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Released: 13-Mar-2009 1:10 PM EDT
Young Children Prefer Majority Opinion
Association for Psychological Science

When we are faced with a decision, and we're not sure what to do, usually we'll just go with the majority opinion. When do we begin adopting this strategy of "following the crowd"? A new report in Psychological Science suggests that this tendency starts very early on, around preschool age.

Released: 12-Mar-2009 7:10 PM EDT
Experts Available to Speak on St. Patrick's Life, Celtic Music and Genealogy
Texas Tech University

Believe it or not, there's more to St. Patrick's Day than green beer and bar specials.

Released: 11-Mar-2009 2:05 PM EDT
Who Watches the Watchmen?
Dalhousie University

Two Dalhousie University professors examine the impact of the new Watchmen movie.

Released: 11-Mar-2009 11:10 AM EDT
Spiritual Kids Are Healthier, Researcher Says
Dick Jones Communications

Like adults, kids who are more spiritual or religious tend to be healthier, says Dr. Barry Nierenberg, Ph.D., ABPP, associate professor of psychology at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, who has been studying the relationship between faith and health.

Released: 11-Mar-2009 9:00 AM EDT
Drawing Enhances Verbalization in Children of Drug-Addicts
University of Haifa

Drawing enhances emotional verbalization among children who live under the shadow of drug-addicted fathers. "The use of art seems to help with verbalizing trauma. It is usually difficult to express the trauma through speech, yet the body remembers it," said Prof. Rachel Lev-Wiesel, Head of the Graduate School of Creative Arts Therapies who carried out the study.

Released: 11-Mar-2009 7:00 AM EDT
The Economic Crisis' Toll: Experts Available to Discuss Sociological Factors and Implications
American Sociological Association (ASA)

As the economy continues to toll heavily on the minds of the general public and the federal government works to provide relief, sociologists are examining the causes, consequences and long-term implications of the current economic crisis for Americans, corporations and government institutions.

Released: 10-Mar-2009 4:30 PM EDT
Cleaning Products: Think Twice Before Mixing Once
American Cleaning Institute

A new survey from The Soap and Detergent Association (SDA "“ www.cleaning101.com) reveals that 28 percent of Americans say they have mixed their own cleaning product at home. SDA says that consumers should think twice and keep safety considerations in mind before they create their home-made concoctions.

Released: 10-Mar-2009 2:00 PM EDT
Play Over There, Girls
University of Southern California (USC)

New book by Michael Messner of the University of Southern California finds persistent gender divisions in youth sports, especially at the coaching level. He finds kids' organized sports allow even liberal communities to have it both ways "“ embracing aspects of gender progress while clutching comfortable stereotypes.

Released: 10-Mar-2009 12:50 PM EDT
Study Reveals Method For Improving Individual Decisions
Association for Psychological Science

The findings indicate that the dialectical bootstrapping method (that is, thinking about why your own answer might be incorrect and then averaging across estimates) resulted in more accurate answers compared to simply making a second guess without considering why the first answer may be wrong.

Released: 10-Mar-2009 12:20 PM EDT
The Perils of Ageism
Association for Psychological Science

The researchers discovered that there was a link between ageism early in life and poor heart health later on. That is, study volunteers who viewed old age in negative terms were much more likely to experience some kind of cardiovascular disorder over the next four decades.

Released: 9-Mar-2009 3:20 PM EDT
Health & Wellness: Research and Insights from Indiana University
Indiana University

Indiana University researchers discuss studies involving hatha yoga practice and fear of falling in older adults, gender differences -- or absence of -- in condom problems related to pleasure, and smokeless tobacco use by youth.

Released: 9-Mar-2009 12:20 PM EDT
When It Comes to Drinking, College Men Not Looking for a 'Girl Gone Wild'
American Psychological Association (APA)

College women may be drinking to excess to impress their male counterparts on campuses across the country, but a new study suggests most college men are not looking for a woman to match them drink for drink.

Released: 9-Mar-2009 11:05 AM EDT
Making a New Beginning in the Face of Global Recession: Researcher Creates Scientific 'Joyful' Approach
Baylor University

A Baylor University researcher has come up with a new approach to counseling and coaching for everyday people who need a scientific roadmap to making their dreams come true.

Released: 9-Mar-2009 10:40 AM EDT
Growth in Military Contracting Blurs Lines of Accountability
American Sociological Association (ASA)

The thriving use of private military contractors in place of citizen-soldiers allows nations to externalize the costs of war and outsource accountability during wartime, according to sociologist Katherine McCoy, writing in the winter 2009 issue of Contexts magazine.

Released: 9-Mar-2009 8:00 AM EDT
Compulsive Hoarding Poses Safety and Psychological Risks
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Most of us save things "“ memorabilia, collectibles, items from our childhood or from our children. But for more than an estimated million Americans, the saving may get out of hand and cross over to a psychiatric condition known as compulsive hoarding.

Released: 6-Mar-2009 8:40 AM EST
Economy, Energy Among Topics of Latest Arizona State-Southwest Poll
Arizona State University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Economic forecasts are dismal, yet many Southwesterners in Arizona, Nevada, Texas and New Mexico are optimistic that conditions in the U.S. will improve over the next year, according to the most recent Arizona State University-Southwest Poll.

Released: 5-Mar-2009 4:25 PM EST
College Student Is Passionate About Dancing with the Bulls
Iowa State University

When Lucas Moore talks about nimble footwork and all the right moves, he's not talking tango. He's talking bull. The Iowa State freshman is a bullfighter"”a type of rodeo clown that protects bull riders who dismount or are bucked off. This summer, he will earn cash for college in rodeos around the Midwest.

Released: 5-Mar-2009 11:10 AM EST
College Students Will Spend Spring Break Living in a Homeless Shelter in the Nation's Capital
Ithaca College

Instead of lounging on sunny beaches or enjoying the familiarity of home, six students from Central New York's Ithaca College will travel 250 miles to spend spring break (March 9 to 13) sleeping on open-bay bunks and volunteering at the Community for Creative Non-Violence.

4-Mar-2009 12:25 PM EST
Staying Cool Under Stress: Researchers Investigate Strategies
Arizona State University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Researchers at Arizona State University show that having a more flexible approach to resolving an acute conflict interaction results in more frustration and anger.

Released: 4-Mar-2009 4:20 PM EST
How Do Culture and Sexuality Affect Athletes, Fans, and Coaches?
Ithaca College

Christine Brennan, sports columnist for "USA Today," and John Amaechi, whose 2007 book "Man in the Middle" revealed his life and career as a closeted gay man in the NBA, will join 125 scholars at Ithaca College on Wednesday and Thursday, March 18 and 19, for a conference on Sport, Sexuality, and Culture. Satellite uplink on campus.
