Feature Channels: Surgery

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Released: 18-Feb-2020 3:05 PM EST
University Hospitals recruits Alejandro Rivas, MD, as the New Division Chief of Otology/Neurotology
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center

University Hospitals (UH) has appointed Alejandro Rivas, M.D., to be Division Chief of Otology/Neurotology in the UH Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. He joins UH on June 1, 2020 from Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tenn., where he is Director of Endoscopic Ear Surgery Dr. Rivas is one of the foremost pioneers of endoscopic ear surgery in the world. He has performed and taught endoscopic ear surgery and cochlear implant surgical approaches across the globe, including Colombia, Italy, Argentina, Japan, and Australia. This type of surgery results in less invasive procedures for patients with chronic ear disease.

Released: 18-Feb-2020 11:50 AM EST
GI societies issue updated colorectal cancer screening recommendations
American Gastroenterological Association (AGA)

Patients at average risk of colorectal cancer who have a normal colonoscopy do not need to repeat screening for 10 years.

Released: 18-Feb-2020 11:15 AM EST
From breast cupcakes to breast surgery
Corewell Health

Angela used her experience with breast cancer treatment at Beaumont to help her family, friends and surgeons see the benefits of infusing treatment with humor.

Released: 17-Feb-2020 10:15 AM EST
Dental School Surgeon Explores Link Between WWI Facial Trauma and Modern Plastic Surgery
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Shahid Aziz, a professor of oral and maxillofacial surgeon at the Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, who treats many facial trauma patients, shows how facial trauma in WWI contributed to the rise of modern plastic surgery.

Released: 17-Feb-2020 9:00 AM EST
Michigan Medicine Pediatric Surgeon Performs Incision-Less Hernia Repairs for Kids
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

A unique procedure, created by a Michigan Medicine pediatric surgeon, is repairing inguinal hernias in children using an ultrasound and a needle, with no incision needed.

Released: 14-Feb-2020 5:10 PM EST
Novel Surgery Relieves Pain and Restores Function in Patients with Common Wrist Injury
Hospital for Special Surgery

A new surgical procedure to repair a common wrist wrist injury is showing promise in relieving pain and restoring function, and in lowering the risk of progressive arthritis. The surgery is performed to repair a torn repair torn scapholunate ligament.

Released: 14-Feb-2020 3:20 PM EST
Study shows new surgical protective gear does not reduce surgical site infections
University of Alabama at Birmingham

A study from UAB published in JAMA Surgery on Feb. 12 indicates that use of surgical jackets and head covers known as bouffants in operating rooms does not reduce the incidence of surgical site infections.

Released: 14-Feb-2020 12:55 PM EST
Valentine’s Day heartbreak turns to healing
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

A broken heart for Valentine’s Day sounds like the plot of a romantic comedy. But for Rebekah Holl, a literal broken heart was her reality on Feb. 14, 2019. Born with a rare defect called d-Transposition of the Great Arteries, she underwent open-heart surgery as an infant to correct the way blood circulates throughout her body. Though rare, congenital heart defects are the most common form of birth defects – affecting about 1% or 40,000 births per year in the U.S.

Released: 14-Feb-2020 12:05 PM EST
Loyola Medicine's Cardiovascular Experts Provide Screening and Treatment for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
Loyola Medicine

Loyola Medicine's Cardiovascular Experts Provide Screening and Treatment for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms

11-Feb-2020 1:40 PM EST
Mayo Clinic study looks at changes in patient characteristics, outcomes for coronary revascularization over 14-year period
Mayo Clinic

The most common type of heart disease ― coronary artery disease ― affects 6.7% of adults and accounts for 20% of 2 in 10 deaths of adults under age 65. The condition builds over time as inflammation and cholesterol-containing plaques settle in the heart's arteries, where they can eventually cause narrowing and blockages that lead to a heart attack.

Released: 14-Feb-2020 10:05 AM EST
The Thoracic Surgery Foundation Announces $1.1 million in New Funding for Cardiothoracic Surgery Grants
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons

The Thoracic Surgery Foundation (TSF)—the charitable arm of The Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS)—has awarded 29 new grants totaling $1,047,500 in support of research and education programs in cardiothoracic surgery.

Released: 12-Feb-2020 8:55 AM EST
Um estudo descobriu que certas células hepáticas podem ajudar a prevenir a rejeição de órgãos depois de um transplante e outras doenças
Mayo Clinic

As células-tronco mesenquimais do tecido adiposo e da medula óssea são amplamente utilizadas em ensaios terapêuticos por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias, mas uma nova pesquisa da Mayo Clinic descobriu que as células hepáticas podem ser de maior valor.

Released: 12-Feb-2020 8:55 AM EST
خلايا كَبِديَّة قد تساعد على الوقاية من رفض العضو بعد زراعته وعلاج حالات أخرى، نتائج الدراسة
Mayo Clinic

ينتشر استخدام الخلايا السَّدَويَّة اللحمية المتوسطية من النسيج الدهني والنخاع العظمي في التجارب العلاجية، وذلك بسبب مزاياها المُضادة للالتهابات، ولكن البحث الحديث في Mayo Clinic اكتشف أن خلايا الكَبِد قد تكون ذات قيمة أكبر.

Released: 12-Feb-2020 8:55 AM EST
Laut einer Studie können bestimmte Leberzellen der Organabstoßung nach einer Transplantation und anderen Erkrankungen vorbeugen
Mayo Clinic

Mesenchymale Stromazellen aus Fettgewebe und Knochenmark werden wegen ihrer entzündungshemmenden Eigenschaften häufig in therapeutischen Studien eingesetzt, doch neue Forschungsergebnisse von Mayo Clinic zeigen, dass Leberzellen möglicherweise von größerem Nutzen sind.

Released: 12-Feb-2020 8:50 AM EST
Selon une étude, certaines cellules du foie pourraient contribuer à prévenir le rejet d'organe après une greffe ainsi que d'autres pathologies
Mayo Clinic

Les cellules mésenchymateuses stromales provenant du tissu adipeux et de la moelle osseuse sont largement utilisées dans les essais thérapeutiques pour leurs qualités anti-inflammatoires. Mais de nouvelles recherches menées par Mayo Clinic montrent que les cellules du foie pourraient représenter une valeur plus importante.

Released: 12-Feb-2020 8:50 AM EST
Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic的研究人员发现,活体捐献者的肾脏中有一些用显微镜才能观察到的细微结构特征,从这些结构特征中或许可以预测肾脏在接受者体内移植失败的风险。这一发现发表于在线版的Journal of the American Society of Nephrology《美国肾脏学会期刊》上。

Released: 11-Feb-2020 12:10 PM EST
BIDMC Marks International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Beth Israel Lahey Health

February 11 is International Day of Women and Girls in Science, designated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and UN-Women to promote the critical role women and girls play in science and technology communities. BIDMC has a long history of women researchers in medicine and science. Below is a brief list of only a few of our distinguished women leaders.

6-Feb-2020 2:50 PM EST
1 in 5 operations may lead to surprise bills, even when surgeon & hospital are in-network
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

As if recovering from surgery wasn’t hard enough, a new study shows that one in five operations could result in an unwelcome surprise: a bill for hundreds or thousands of dollars that the patient didn’t know they might owe. On average, that potential surprise bill added up to $2,011. That’s on top of the nearly $1,800 the average privately insured patient would already owe after it paid for most of the costs of their operation.

Released: 10-Feb-2020 10:05 AM EST
Most Men Do Not Regret their Choices for Prostate Cancer Surgery
Wolters Kluwer Health: Lippincott

Men with localized prostate cancer are faced with deciding among a range of options for treatment – including a choice between robot-assisted versus conventional prostatectomy. A new follow-up study in The Journal of Urology® finds that most patients choosing surgery for prostate cancer don’t regret their decisions. The Journal of Urology®, Official Journal of the American Urological Association (AUA), is published in the Lippincott portfolio by Wolters Kluwer.

Released: 7-Feb-2020 4:40 PM EST
Brain Tumor Surgery that Pushes Boundaries Boosts Patients Survival
UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center

Survival may more than double for adults with glioblastoma, the most common and deadly type of brain tumor, if neurosurgeons remove the surrounding tissue as aggressively as they remove the cancerous core of the tumor.  This discovery, reported in a retrospective study headed by researchers at UC San Francisco, is welcome news for those in the glioblastoma community, which celebrated its last breakthrough in 2005 with the introduction of the chemotherapy drug temozolomide.
