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Newswise: Study: Collapse of Ancient Mayan Capital Linked to Drought
Released: 18-Aug-2022 11:45 AM EDT
Study: Collapse of Ancient Mayan Capital Linked to Drought
University at Albany, State University of New York

Prolonged drought likely helped to fuel civil conflict and the eventual political collapse of Mayapan, the ancient capital city of the Maya on the Yucatán Peninsula, suggests a new study that was published with the help of a University at Albany archeologist.

Newswise: Sleeping Giant Could End Deep Ocean Life
Released: 17-Aug-2022 5:15 PM EDT
Sleeping Giant Could End Deep Ocean Life
University of California, Riverside

A previously overlooked factor — the position of continents — helps fill Earth’s oceans with life-supporting oxygen. Continental movement could ultimately have the opposite effect, killing most deep ocean creatures.

Newswise:Video Embedded new-3d-model-shows-megalodon-could-eat-prey-the-size-of-entire-killer-whales
Released: 17-Aug-2022 4:15 PM EDT
New 3D Model Shows: Megalodon Could Eat Prey the Size of Entire Killer Whales
University of Zurich

The reconstructed megadolon (Otodus megalodon) was 16 meters long and weighed over 61 tons. It was estimated that it could swim at around 1.4 meters per second, require over 98,000 kilo calories every day and have stomach volume of almost 10,000 liters.

Newswise: Lungless Salamanders Develop Lungs as Embryos Despite Lung Loss in Adults for Millions of Years
Released: 17-Aug-2022 3:05 PM EDT
Lungless Salamanders Develop Lungs as Embryos Despite Lung Loss in Adults for Millions of Years
Harvard University, Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology

Lungs are essential to many vertebrates including humans. However, four living amphibian clades have independently eliminated pulmonary respiration and lack lungs, breathing primarily through their wet skin. Little is known of the developmental basis of lung loss in these clades.

Released: 17-Aug-2022 1:15 PM EDT
Preschoolers with Larger Vocabulary Before They Begin Education, Perform Better in Class – Study Shows
Taylor & Francis

Children who enter preschool with good vocabulary and attention skills do better in class, according to a study published in the peer-reviewed journal Early Education and Development. The findings based on 900 four-year-olds from eight US states show how a child’s ability to engage with teachers and peers is affected by the range of words they know.

Newswise: Research Method Predicts a Region’s Likelihood of Having Fish with Toxic Levels of Methylmercury
Released: 17-Aug-2022 12:50 PM EDT
Research Method Predicts a Region’s Likelihood of Having Fish with Toxic Levels of Methylmercury

Consuming methylmercury-contaminated fish poses a hazard to human health. New research published in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry may help environmental resource management officials predict which regions are likely to have fish with high concentrations of this toxin, without the need for extensive testing.

Newswise: How Young Chickens Play Can Indicate How They Feel
Released: 17-Aug-2022 12:45 PM EDT
How Young Chickens Play Can Indicate How They Feel
Linkoping University

It is common for young animals, in particular mammals, to play. Researchers at Linköping University (LiU), Sweden, have for the first time mapped the development of play in young chickens. The results show that the young chickens spend lots of time playing in different ways – just like puppies and kittens.

Released: 17-Aug-2022 11:10 AM EDT
Misophonia Is More Than Just Hating the Sound of Chewing
Ohio State University

Researchers for the first time have identified the parts of the brain involved in a less-commonly studied trigger of misophonia, a condition associated with an extreme aversion to certain sounds.

Released: 17-Aug-2022 10:20 AM EDT
First-in-Human Trial Shows Promise for Hard-to-Treat Ventricular Tachycardia Heart Rhythms
Mayo Clinic

A first-in-human multicenter trial involving Mayo Clinic used a new ablation technique for patients with ventricular tachycardia, an abnormally rapid heart rhythm that is a leading cause of sudden cardiac death worldwide.

Newswise: Having a Partner More Important Than Children to Staving Off Loneliness During Pandemic, New Study Finds
Released: 16-Aug-2022 11:45 AM EDT
Having a Partner More Important Than Children to Staving Off Loneliness During Pandemic, New Study Finds
University of Rhode Island

A new study released in the European Journal of Ageing found that having a partner had a greater impact than having children in helping to stave off loneliness among older adults during the pandemic’s first wave. Researchers at the University of Rhode Island, University of Florence, University of Maryland Baltimore County and the SGH Warsaw School of Economics analyzed data on more than 35,000 adults aged 50 and older from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe to examine if unpartnered and childless older adults reported more loneliness and how that changed over the course of the pandemic.

Newswise: Harvesting Resources on Mars with Plasmas
10-Aug-2022 2:05 PM EDT
Harvesting Resources on Mars with Plasmas
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

Researchers have devised a plasma-based way to produce and separate oxygen within the Martian environment. It's a complementary approach to NASA's Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment and may deliver high rates of molecule production per kilogram of instrumentation sent to space. In the Journal of Applied Physics, the team presents the method for harnessing and processing local resources to generate products on Mars.

Newswise: NSU Researchers Use First-of-its-Kind Tracking Sensors to Study Billfish
Released: 11-Aug-2022 10:40 AM EDT
NSU Researchers Use First-of-its-Kind Tracking Sensors to Study Billfish
Nova Southeastern University

Researchers at NSU’s Guy Harvey Research Institute (GHRI) used high-tech sensors to track billfish – and now we now have, for the first time, a detailed view of exactly how these fish behave after they are caught and released.

Newswise: Bird behavior influenced by human activity during COVID-19 lockdowns
10-Aug-2022 3:15 PM EDT
Bird behavior influenced by human activity during COVID-19 lockdowns
University of Washington

For birds that inhabit developed areas of the Pacific Northwest, the reduction in noise and commotion from COVID-19 lockdowns may have allowed them to use a wider range of habitats in cities, a new study finds.

Newswise: Simultaneous climate events risk damaging entire socioeconomic systems
3-Aug-2022 10:05 AM EDT
Simultaneous climate events risk damaging entire socioeconomic systems
PLOS Climate

In heatwaves where heat and drought combine, effects can destabilize interlinked sectors, including health, energy and food production systems.

Released: 9-Aug-2022 3:50 PM EDT
Scientists issue plan for rewilding the American West
American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS)

As the effects of climate change mount, ecosystem restoration in the US West has garnered significant public attention, bolstered by President Joe Biden's America the Beautiful plan to conserve 30% of US land and water by 2030. Writing in BioScience, William J. Ripple and 19 colleagues follow up on the Biden plan with a proposal for a "Western Rewilding Network," comprising 11 large reserve areas already owned by the federal government.

Newswise: Study shows why ‘aromatic’ blueberries taste better
Released: 8-Aug-2022 1:05 PM EDT
Study shows why ‘aromatic’ blueberries taste better
University of Florida

So-called "aromatic" blueberries taste better. With new research, University of Florida scientists now know why, and their findings will help future plant breeding efforts.

Newswise:Video Embedded stars-shed-light-on-why-stellar-populations-are-so-similar-in-milky-way
5-Aug-2022 10:15 AM EDT
Stars Shed Light on Why Stellar Populations Are So Similar in Milky Way
Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences

Using highly detailed simulations, a collaborative team led by researchers from the University of Texas at Austin has made a breakthrough discovery that star formation is a self-regulatory process, knowledge that may allow researchers to understand star formation within our own and far away galaxies.
