Curated News: Staff Picks

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26-May-2022 8:00 AM EDT
Zapping Orange Peel Oil Into New, Pleasant Aroma Compounds
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Limonene – a compound in orange peels – is used in flavorings, perfumes and cleaners. Researchers reporting in ACS’ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry have treated limonene with electricity and ethanol, resulting in a mixture of fragrant aroma compounds, some of which haven’t been identified before.

26-May-2022 9:00 AM EDT
Very high doses of CBD, a cannabis component, don’t affect driving
University of Sydney

Millions of consumers and patients around the world will be heartened by the results of the latest study on cannabis and driving. The University of Sydney-led research finds that 1500mg, the highest daily medicinal dose of cannabidiol (CBD), has no impact on people’s driving or cognitive abilities.

Released: 26-May-2022 2:05 PM EDT
Extraterrestrial civilizations may colonize the Galaxy even if they don’t have starships
Independent Expert

Astronomers have searched for extraterrestrial civilizations in planetary systems for sixty years, to no avail. In the paper published by International Journal of Astrobiology, Cambridge University Press, and titled “Migrating extraterrestrial civilizations and interstellar colonization: Implications for SETI and SETA,” Irina K. Romanovskaya proposes that the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) may have more chances to become successful when including the search for migrating extraterrestrial civilizations.

Released: 24-May-2022 6:35 PM EDT
How Eating Eggs Can Boost Heart Health

Researchers have shown how moderate egg consumption can increase the amount of heart-healthy metabolites in the blood, publishing their results today in eLife.

18-May-2022 2:15 PM EDT
Data contradict fears of COVID-19 vaccine effects on pregnancy and fertility

Study adds further evidence that vaccination is protective and safer than COVID-19 infection.

Newswise: Planets of Binary Stars as Possible Homes for Alien Life
Released: 23-May-2022 4:30 PM EDT
Planets of Binary Stars as Possible Homes for Alien Life
University of Copenhagen

Nearly half of Sun-size stars are binary. According to University of Copenhagen research, planetary systems around binary stars may be very different from those around single stars. This points to new targets in the search for extraterrestrial life forms.

Released: 23-May-2022 4:15 PM EDT
During general anaesthesia, 1 in 10 people may be ‘conscious’ following intubation
University of Alberta

An international study has found around 1 in 10 participants under planned general anaesthesia were able to respond to commands. Importantly no subjects remembered the commands after surgery. Researchers say the study sheds light on a medical phenomena known as ‘connected consciousness’.

Newswise: Gene-edited tomatoes could be a new source of vitamin D
Released: 23-May-2022 4:10 PM EDT
Gene-edited tomatoes could be a new source of vitamin D
John Innes Centre

Tomatoes gene-edited to produce vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, could be a simple and sustainable innovation to address a global health problem.

Released: 23-May-2022 3:05 PM EDT
Living with dogs (but not cats) as a toddler might protect against Crohn’s disease
American Gastroenterological Association (AGA)

Young children who grow up with a dog or in a large family may have some protection later in life from a common inflammatory bowel disease known as Crohn’s disease, according to a study to be presented at Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) 2022.

Released: 23-May-2022 1:05 PM EDT
Men with Obesity Can Double Their Sperm Count
University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Men all over the world are suffering from deteriorating semen quality – often referred to as an outright fertility crisis.

Newswise: California Shellfish Farmers Adapt to Climate Change
Released: 23-May-2022 12:35 PM EDT
California Shellfish Farmers Adapt to Climate Change
San Diego State University

Because of their proximity to the ocean, Californians get to enjoy locally-sourced oysters, mussels, abalone and clams.

Newswise: A family of termites has been traversing the world’s oceans for millions of years
Released: 23-May-2022 12:25 PM EDT
A family of termites has been traversing the world’s oceans for millions of years
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University - OIST

A new study has mapped out the natural history of drywood termites—the second largest family of termites.

18-May-2022 4:05 PM EDT
Denial of structural racism linked to anti-Black prejudice
American Psychological Association (APA)

People who deny the existence of structural racism are more likely to exhibit anti-Black prejudice and less likely to show racial empathy or openness to diversity, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

Newswise: California Condor Chick Hatches on Live “Condor Cam”
Released: 19-May-2022 3:50 PM EDT
California Condor Chick Hatches on Live “Condor Cam”
Cornell University

A brand-new endangered California Condor chick hatched on May 14, and viewers can watch live as the little one grows up to become a majestic denizen of the skies.

Newswise: Facebook Posts May Reveal Individuals at Risk for Excessive Drinking
Released: 19-May-2022 3:25 PM EDT
Facebook Posts May Reveal Individuals at Risk for Excessive Drinking
Stony Brook University

In a newly published study, co-author H. Andrew Schwartz, PhD, of the Department of Computer Science at Stony Brook University, and colleagues determined that the language people used in Facebook posts can identify those at risk for hazardous drinking habits and alcohol use disorders.

Newswise: Avian influenza: How It’s Spreading and What to Know About This Outbreak
18-May-2022 4:20 PM EDT
Avian influenza: How It’s Spreading and What to Know About This Outbreak
Tufts University

A new study from Tufts University and other collaborators takes a data-driven look at influenza viruses circulating among different groups of birds and characterizes which types of birds are involved in spreading the virus. This paper publishes at a time when a highly pathogenic strain of avian influenza has been spreading across North America.

Newswise:Video Embedded study-finds-why-baby-leatherback-marine-turtles-can-t-see-the-sea
Released: 19-May-2022 8:30 AM EDT
Study Finds Why Baby Leatherback Marine Turtles Can’t ‘See the Sea’
Florida Atlantic University

For most sea turtles, the journey to find the ocean from their nests is pretty straightforward. However, leatherback hatchlings more often crawl around in circles trying to find the ocean. Circling delays their entry into the ocean, wastes energy, and places them at greater danger from natural predators. Under different moon phases: bright light during full moon and only starlight under new moon, researchers have a better understanding of why this circling behavior happens and why it is most commonly observed in leatherbacks.

Newswise: Conservationists Find High DDT and PCB Contamination Risk for Critically Endangered California Coastal Condors
Released: 18-May-2022 2:55 PM EDT
Conservationists Find High DDT and PCB Contamination Risk for Critically Endangered California Coastal Condors
San Diego State University

A new study has found contaminants that were banned decades ago are still imperiling critically endangered California condors.

Newswise: NBA sees rise in acts of symbolic violence
12-May-2022 9:25 AM EDT
NBA sees rise in acts of symbolic violence

Basketball commentators also often voice support for physical violence and frame symbolic violence as harmless.

Newswise:Video Embedded study-finds-parrots-use-their-heads-as-a-third-limb
Released: 18-May-2022 11:05 AM EDT
Study Finds Parrots Use Their Heads as a “Third Limb”
New York Institute of Technology, New York Tech

For the first time, researchers find that parrots climb by using their head as a third “limb.”
