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Newswise: AI Can Help Doctors Make Better Decisions and Save Lives
Released: 13-Jun-2024 2:05 PM EDT
AI Can Help Doctors Make Better Decisions and Save Lives
Mount Sinai Health System

Deploying and evaluating a machine learning intervention to improve clinical care and patient outcomes is a key step in moving clinical deterioration models from byte to bedside, according to a June 13 editorial in Critical Care Medicine that comments on a Mount Sinai study published in the same issue. The main study found that hospitalized patients were 43 percent more likely to have their care escalated and significantly less likely to die if their care team received AI-generated alerts signaling adverse changes in their health.

Newswise: Argonne training series gives students hands-on experience using AI for science
Released: 13-Jun-2024 12:05 PM EDT
Argonne training series gives students hands-on experience using AI for science
Argonne National Laboratory

Aimed at undergraduate and graduate students, Argonne’s annual “Intro to AI-Driven Science on Supercomputers” training series is helping to grow a new generation of AI-ready researchers.

Released: 13-Jun-2024 11:15 AM EDT
Wren Laboratories Unveils Dynamic Executive Leadership Team and 2024 Commercial Strategy Overhaul
Wren Laboratories

Wren Laboratories announced executive leadership for commercial operations and market expansion. Dr. Abdel Halim is appointed CEO and CSO. Troy Tremaine Appointed to CCO, Dr. Eva Szarek Head of Marketing, and Melissa Ferone director of quality. Expansion includes AI-driven mRNA liquid biopsy genomic assays for biopharma and diagnostics.

Released: 13-Jun-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Researchers to Develop Predictive Model for Opioid Addiction in High-Risk Patients
UC San Diego Health

UC San Diego School of Medicine part of $50M initiative to use predictive AI to help fight opioid abuse.

Newswise: AI's Transformative Power in Scientific Exploration
Released: 13-Jun-2024 12:05 AM EDT
AI's Transformative Power in Scientific Exploration
Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study, City University of Hong Kong

Professor Wei-Ying Ma, Huiyan Chair Professor and Chief Scientist of the Institute for AI Industry Research (AIR) at Tsinghua University, delivered a HKIAS Distinguished lecture titled "Generative AI for Scientific Discovery" on 11 June 2024.

Newswise: AI approach elevates plasma performance and stability across fusion devices
Released: 12-Jun-2024 4:00 PM EDT
AI approach elevates plasma performance and stability across fusion devices
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

A team of fusion researchers led by engineers at Princeton University and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) have successfully deployed machine learning methods to suppress harmful edge instabilities — without sacrificing plasma performance. The research team demonstrated the highest fusion performance without the presence of edge bursts at two different fusion facilities — each with its own set of operating parameters.

Newswise: Overcoming the Volatility of Renewable Energy, Green Hydrogen is 'the Best'.
Released: 12-Jun-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Overcoming the Volatility of Renewable Energy, Green Hydrogen is 'the Best'.
National Research Council of Science and Technology

A research team in Korea Institute of Energy Research has successfully demonstrated the effectiveness of a green hydrogen system used to supplement the volatility of renewable energy.

Released: 11-Jun-2024 3:05 PM EDT
Precision Medicine for Sepsis in Children Within Reach
Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago

Sepsis – the leading cause of mortality in children around the world – can present with a wide range of signs and symptoms, making a one-size-fits-all treatment strategy ineffective. Pursuing a precision medicine approach for pediatric sepsis, researchers used artificial intelligence to analyze a large set of clinical data and find a distinct group of patients who might respond better to targeted treatments.

Released: 11-Jun-2024 2:05 PM EDT
Virtual reality as a reliable shooting performance-tracking tool
Ohio State University

Virtual reality technology can do more than teach weaponry skills in law enforcement and military personnel, a new study suggests: It can accurately record shooting performance and reliably track individuals’ progress over time.

Released: 11-Jun-2024 12:00 PM EDT
Media Tip Sheet: Apple and OpenAI join Forces
George Washington University

Apple and ChatGPT-maker OpenAI are now partners. With this new partnership, Apple ...

Newswise: New Technique Could Help Build Quantum Computers of the Future
Released: 11-Jun-2024 11:00 AM EDT
New Technique Could Help Build Quantum Computers of the Future
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Researchers have demonstrated a new method that could enable the large-scale manufacturing of optical qubits. The work is a major advancement that could bring us closer to a scalable quantum computer.

Newswise: Researchers harness AI for autonomous discovery and optimization of materials
Released: 11-Jun-2024 9:50 AM EDT
Researchers harness AI for autonomous discovery and optimization of materials
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Today, researchers are developing ways to accelerate discovery by combining automated experiments, artificial intelligence and high-performance computing. A novel tool developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory that leverages those technologies has demonstrated that AI can influence materials synthesis and conduct associated experiments without human supervision.

Released: 11-Jun-2024 9:05 AM EDT
AI model may yield better outcomes for prostate cancer
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

By using AI to assist with cancer contouring, the researchers found predicting the cancer size was 45 times more accurate and consistent than when physicians used only conventional clinical imaging and blood tests to predict the cancer extent.

Newswise: Researchers harness AI for autonomous discovery and optimization of materials
Released: 11-Jun-2024 8:05 AM EDT
Researchers harness AI for autonomous discovery and optimization of materials
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Today, researchers are developing ways to accelerate discovery by combining automated experiments, artificial intelligence and high-performance computing. A novel tool developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory that leverages those technologies has demonstrated that AI can influence materials synthesis and conduct associated experiments without human supervision.

Newswise: New AI Tool Finds Rare Variants Linked to Heart Disease in 17 Genes
10-Jun-2024 5:00 AM EDT
New AI Tool Finds Rare Variants Linked to Heart Disease in 17 Genes
Mount Sinai Health System

Using an advanced artificial intelligence tool, researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai have identified rare coding variants in 17 genes that shed light on the molecular basis of coronary artery disease (CAD), the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The discoveries, detailed in the June 11 online issue of Nature Genetics, reveal genetic factors impacting heart disease that open new avenues for targeted treatments and personalized approaches to cardiovascular care. The investigators used an in silico, or computer-derived, score for coronary artery disease (ISCAD) that holistically represents CAD, as described in a previous paper by the team in The Lancet. The ISCAD score incorporates hundreds of different clinical features from the electronic health record, including vital signs, laboratory test results, medications, symptoms, and diagnoses. To build the score, they trained machine learning models on the electronic health records of 604,914 individuals

Released: 10-Jun-2024 3:05 PM EDT
Advanced AI-Based Techniques Scale-up Solving Complex Combinatorial Optimization Problems
University of California San Diego

A framework based on advanced AI techniques can solve complex, computationally intensive problems faster and in a more more scalable way than state-of-the-art methods, according to a study led by engineers at the University of California San Diego. In the paper, which was published May 30 in Nature Machine Intelligence, researchers present HypOp, a framework that uses unsupervised learning and hypergraph neural networks.

Newswise: Specialist scanning needed to help endo patients
Released: 7-Jun-2024 12:05 AM EDT
Specialist scanning needed to help endo patients
University of Adelaide

A review of existing research shows there is a growing benefit to using specialist scanning to diagnose endometriosis. Endometriosis affects 1 in 9 women and those assigned female at birth. However, it takes 6.4 years to diagnose using the conventional standard of surgical laparoscopy.

Released: 6-Jun-2024 12:30 PM EDT
The Ethical Matrix: It's Not Just Smart; It's The Smart Thing To Do
NYU Tandon School of Engineering

The NYC Media Lab (NYCML) at NYU Tandon School of Engineering and Bertelsmann launched their 4th challenge this month, this time aimed at mentoring teams with projects that use AI to responsibly advance their fields.
