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Released: 15-Jan-2009 4:20 PM EST
Obama’s Influence on the Courts
Vanderbilt University

When Barack Obama becomes president, not only will the political landscape shift in this country, but the judicial landscape will as well. Empirical research from Vanderbilt professor of law and political science Tracey George shows how the United States court system, especially the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals, could dramatically change soon after Obama takes office.

Released: 15-Jan-2009 4:00 PM EST
Black Star Line: A Study in Black Politics, Economics
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)

A new book, Black Star: African American Activism in the International Political Economy" studies the Black Star shipping line as an example of the political and economical ties among African-descended populations living in the Americas, the Caribbean and West Africa in the early 1920s.

Released: 15-Jan-2009 3:50 PM EST
Graduate Students Teach in DC Over Inauguration
Virginia Tech

Eleven graduate students from the history and social science education program at Virginia Tech will be partnering with high school and middle school students from across the country to witness the historic inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama.

Released: 15-Jan-2009 1:45 PM EST
Tip Sheet: Emergency Preparedness During the Inauguration
George Washington University

Expert to comment on topics regarding disaster preparedness and how the general public can prepare for and respond to an emergency during the Inauguration in Washington, D.C.

Released: 15-Jan-2009 12:40 PM EST
High-Tech Solutions Ease Inaugural Challenges
University of Maryland, College Park

Transportation and security officials on Inauguration Day will have a centralized, consolidated stream of traffic information and other data displayed on a single screen using software developed by the University of Maryland. The system gives officials a single real-time view far more comprehensive than previously available.

Released: 15-Jan-2009 11:15 AM EST
Great Expectations for Obama’s Inaugural Speech
Rowan University

On a precedent-setting day, can Barack Obama's inaugural speech live up to the hype and become one for the ages? It's possible, says Rowan University's Daniel Schowalter, a communication studies professor.

Released: 14-Jan-2009 9:30 PM EST
Students Celebrate King by Attending Inauguration
University of Arkansas at Little Rock

UALR students organize bus trip to Washington to celebrate Martin Luther King by attending the presidential inauguration of America's first black president.

Released: 14-Jan-2009 2:00 PM EST
Why Obama Won't Wear a Robe to the Inauguration
University of Iowa

Law professor Todd Pettys says that Americans have a need to believe law comes from an exalted source, not the grubby world of politics, and so we demand our judges set themselves apart from the rest of us and wear robes. Which is why nobody will notice that John Roberts will administer the oath of office while wearing a robe, while Barack Obama wears a suit and tie.

Released: 12-Jan-2009 11:25 AM EST
Presidents and Prayer
Wake Forest University

The choice of Rick Warren and Joseph Lowery to pray at the inaugural ceremony reflects important dynamics in public religion past and present, says Bill Leonard, dean and professor of church history at the Wake Forest University School of Divinity. Leonard is available to talk about prayer and public piety at presidential inaugurations, and implications of the absence of a non-Christian voice at this year's event.

Released: 12-Jan-2009 11:25 AM EST
Historical Significance of Obama Presidency
Wake Forest University

For African-Americans, the election of a black president is not only a historic milestone but may represent a psychological catharsis akin to South Africa's election of Nelson Mandela in 1994, says Anthony Parent, professor of history at Wake Forest University.

Released: 12-Jan-2009 11:15 AM EST
Memorable Inaugural Addresses
Wake Forest University

Presidents can put their personal stamp on a number of different Inauguration Day events, but this is especially true during the inaugural address, according to John Dinan, associate professor of political science at Wake Forest University. Dinan is available to comment on Inauguration Day events, including the inaugural address.

Released: 12-Jan-2009 7:00 AM EST
Fashion Expert: Expect More Ethnic and Class Diversity From New First Lady
University of New Hampshire

Americans will see more ethnic and class diversity in the fashions of First Lady Michelle Obama, whose fashion choices often reflect an awareness and interest in internationally inspired designs, according to a University of New Hampshire sociologist who studies fashion.

Released: 10-Jan-2009 11:00 AM EST
Response to President-Elect Obama’s Economic Stimulus Plan
Rowan University

Will the President-elect's costly stimulus plan work? Here are some ideas from a finance professor.

Released: 9-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
Sociologists Available to Discuss the Social Significance of Barack Obama
American Sociological Association (ASA)

Prominent sociologists are available for media interviews surrounding race, politics, social movements and other issues related to Barack Obama's inauguration.

Released: 9-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
Experts Can Address Challenges Facing Obama, New Congress
North Carolina State University

President-elect Barack Obama and a new Congress face challenges ranging from the economy to a tangled foreign policy picture in Europe and the Middle East. Experts at North Carolina State University can place these challenges in their proper context and offer insight into what we can expect from our nation's new leaders.

Released: 9-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
Theology Faculty Member Source for Presidential Inauguration
College of Saint Benedict / Saint John's University

Faculty member Miguel Diaz at the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University in central Minnesota is a member of President-elect Obama's Catholic Advisory Council and has been invited to attend the presidential inauguration and traditional inauguration prayer service.

Released: 9-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
Historical Perspective on American Presidential Inaugural Addresses
University of Illinois Chicago

University of Illinois at Chicago historian available to provide historical perspective on U.S. presidential inaugural addresses.

Released: 9-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
Faculty Experts Available to Provide Analysis and Perspective on Presidential Inauguration and Transition
University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin)

Faculty members from The University of Texas at Austin are available to provide expert perspectives on presidential inaugural and transition issues, including policies, economics, and defense and foreign policy issues.

Released: 9-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
Expert Available to Discuss Parallels Between the Obama Inauguration and the FDR Inauguration
Binghamton University, State University of New York

Binghamton University professor David Louis Cingranelli is available to discuss the parallels between the Obama inauguration and the inauguration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1933. Topics include rising political tensions, the economic crisis, and rampant anti-Americanism abroad.

Released: 9-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
Politics, History, Int'l Affairs, Terrorism, and Security
George Washington University

The following are GW experts available to discuss Presidential history, American politics, African-American history, first ladies, international affairs, terrorism, homeland security, and emergency preparedness.

Released: 9-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
Retired Ambassador Offers Insight on Foreign Relations
University of Kentucky

Ambassador (ret.) Carey Cavanaugh, who worked under Clinton and Bush, is available to discuss diplomacy under the Obama administration.

Released: 9-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
Higher Gas Taxes Should Be Administration Priority, Energy Expert Says
University of Delaware

Americans' bad energy consumption habits are an epidemic. Founder of University of Delaware's Energy Institute suggests best way to curb the habits is taxation.

Released: 9-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
Experts Available to Discuss Topics Related to Presidential Inauguration
Syracuse University

Syracuse University faculty experts are available to discuss topics related to the Jan. 20 presidential inauguration. Satellite broadcast interviews can be arranged from campus.

Released: 9-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
Will Obama be a Great President?
Boston College

Boston College Political Science Professor Marc Landy has studied the greatness of America's presidents.

Released: 9-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
Stylistic Changes Predicted for Obama Administration
Texas Tech University

Change may be Obama's mantra, but one Texas Tech political scientist says don't expect the Roosevelt administration.

Released: 9-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
Obama Signals New Era in Nation’s Struggle with Self-Identity
Vanderbilt University

America's struggle over competing visions of nationhood involving race is a giant step closer to resolution with Obama's inauguration, says historian Gary Gerstle. He's the author of American Crucible: Race and Nation in the Twentieth Century, recently recommended on NPR as one of the best books for understanding the nation's new civic movement.

Released: 9-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
What’s for Lunch on Inauguration Day? Ask Liz Goldsmith
Florida State University

After being sworn in as the 44th president, Barack Obama will head inside to the U.S. Capitol's Statuary Hall to join family members, guests and Congressional leaders for the inauguration luncheon, in keeping with a tradition introduced by Harry S. Truman and embraced by every subsequent president except Jimmy Carter.

Released: 9-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
Will Obama Close Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp?
Tulane University

Jana K. Lipman, an assistant professor of history at Tulane University, is the author of a revealing, in-depth history of the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Released: 9-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
Tulane University Alumna Selected to Lead Environmental Protection Agency
Tulane University

Lisa Jackson, President-elect Barack Obama's choice to head the Environmental Protection Agency, is a graduate of Tulane University in New Orleans, where she graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering.

Released: 9-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
As Historic Inauguration Approaches, Historic Problems Loom
Tulane University

If one had to pick a single word to describe the 2009 Presidential Inauguration, "historic" would definitely have to be the front-runner. The Inauguration offers a momentous first"”the swearing-in of the first African American president, Barack Obama.

Released: 9-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
Comparing New President Barack Obama to FDR: Is it Fair?
Middle Tennessee State University

The Nov. 24, 2008, edition of TIME Magazine featured President-elect Barack Obama's face juxtaposed on Franklin D. Roosevelt's body, complete with confident beaming smile and cigarette holder. With experts describing the current national economy as the worst economic climate since the Great Depression, how valid are comparisons to the challenges faced by FDR then and the challenges facing Obama now? One MTSU professor says comparisons are not only tempting, but even somewhat warranted.

Released: 9-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
Faculty Experts Offer Perspectives on Bush and Obama
Tufts University

President-elect Obama's inauguration marks a transition and historic moment. America will reflect on the outgoing Bush Administration but will also look ahead. Numerous issues will demand immediate attention during Obama's critical, first weeks in office. Tufts University political experts have insight and perspective on Bush and also on the challenges that lie ahead for Obama.

Released: 9-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
Inauguration to Broadcast Live Through Terry Allen 'Trees'
University of California San Diego

At UC San Diego, "Trees" by multidisciplinary artist Terry Allen will for the first time broadcast live on January 20 -- recognizing the historic significance of the inauguration of Barack Obama as President of the United States.

Released: 9-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
Wake Forest Debate Team Featured in Inauguration Event
Wake Forest University

Two members of the Wake Forest University debate team will join students from five other universities to debate the priorities of the Obama administration at a Smithsonian Institution event the day before the presidential inauguration.

Released: 9-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
Translating Promises into Programs: Obama and Public Policy
Southwestern University

Barack Obama ran a spectacular presidential campaign, but how will he do when it comes to actually implementing public policy? Visiting professor Gilbert St. Clair of Southwestern University weighs in.

Released: 9-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
Resources and Experts on the American Presidency and Inauguration
University of Virginia

The University of Virginia's Miller Center of Public Affairs offers online resources related to the American presidency that are an inauguration reporter's dream come true.

Released: 5-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
Obama’s Inauguration May be Most Spirited Since Jackson’s
Temple University

Temple historian predicts monumental significance for 44th presidential inaugural.

Released: 5-Jan-2009 12:00 PM EST
A Post-Racial Era? Think Again, Temple Experts Say
Temple University

On the eve of Obama's inauguration, Temple experts weigh in on Michelle Obama, race relations, Camelot, hate crimes, media images, and white privilege.

Released: 23-Dec-2008 3:20 PM EST
Electronic Methods Potentially Secure for Sending Blank Ballots Overseas; Serious Issues Remain for Receiving Votes
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Electronic technologies could be deployed immediately and reliably to augment slower postal mail for distributing ballots to U.S. citizens living abroad, but using telephone, e-mail, and the Web to transmit completed ballots still faces significant, unresolved issues, according to a new report* released today.

Released: 21-Dec-2008 5:00 PM EST
Church-State Studies Expert on Obama Choice of Warren
Baylor University

Obama's choice of Warren to lead prayer not surprising, says Baylor University history/church-state studies professor; the decision to include Warren in inauguration is "natural exercise in tolerance."

Released: 19-Dec-2008 9:00 AM EST
How President-elect Obama and CEOs Can Deliver Change Via the Internet
Washington University in St. Louis

Weekly YouTube videos posted by President-elect Obama are missing their mark if change is the goal according to Jackson Nickerson, a professor at Washington University in St. Louis. Nickerson, a professor of organization and strategy at the Olin Business School, has developed a set of web-based techniques that allow executives to lead and accelerate change within their organizations.

Released: 19-Dec-2008 9:00 AM EST
Presidential Scholar Can Discuss Bush Legacy, Obama Transition, Appointments
Virginia Tech

Charles E. Walcott, Virginia Tech professor of political science, can provide background on the presidential transition process, presidential appointments, George W. Bush's legacy, and the organization and operation of the presidency.

Released: 17-Dec-2008 1:40 PM EST
Educated Guesses: Experts Offer Predictions for 2009
University of Alabama

What's ahead for 2009? Anxiety and depression will threaten Americans' mental health, the U.S. will pull out of Iraq, 100 more banks will fail and healthy eating will fall by the wayside, according to the 28th edition of "Educated Guesses," a series of annual predictions offered by University of Alabama faculty.

Released: 16-Dec-2008 8:30 PM EST
Source Alert: Experts Weigh in on Education Secretary Appointment
University of Southern California (USC)

President-elect Barack Obama's naming of Arne Duncan - chief executive officer of Chicago Public Schools - as the nation's next Education Secretary appears to signify a shift towards more innovative methods to improve the nation's urban education districts, according to several education experts at the University of Southern California.

Released: 16-Dec-2008 11:40 AM EST
Education Dean Pianta Can Comment on Obama Education Secretary Pick, to be Announced Today
University of Virginia

Robert Pianta, dean of the University of Virginia's Curry School of Education and an adviser to President-elect Barack Obama's transition team, is available to comment on Obama's nomination today of Chicago schools executive Arne Duncan as Secretary of Education.

Released: 16-Dec-2008 10:00 AM EST
NWF Welcomes Obama Energy and Environment Team
National Wildlife Federation (NWF)

President-elect Barack Obama introduced his energy and environment team, naming Carol Browner to lead a new council on climate, environment and energy issues; Steven Chu as energy secretary; Lisa Jackson as EPA administrator; and Nancy Sutley as head of the White House Council on Environmental Quality. Larry Schweiger, president and CEO of the National Wildlife Federation reacts.

Released: 15-Dec-2008 3:45 PM EST
Republicans Need to Find Their Clinton, Says Expert
Ithaca College

Republicans need to find candidates more acceptable to middle America. "The question for a defeated party is "˜what, if anything should we change?...It often takes two or three elections for a party to figure out a new strategy," says Donald Beachler, associate professor of politics at Ithaca College. ReadyCam Satellite Uplink available.

Released: 8-Dec-2008 4:30 PM EST
DC Think Tanks Too Predictable on Public Issues, Suggests New Book
Washington University in St. Louis

As President-elect Barack Obama continues to fill key cabinet positions from the ranks of Washington, D.C.-based public policy think tanks, a new book by longtime policy adviser Murray Weidenbaum examines how the nation's top think tanks came to play such critical roles in U.S. politics.

Released: 2-Dec-2008 3:50 PM EST
Expert Available to Provide Historical Background on American Presidential Inaugural Addresses
University of Illinois Chicago

University of Illinois at Chicago historian available to provide historical perspective on U.S. presidential inaugural addresses.

Released: 2-Dec-2008 3:15 PM EST
Obama's Cabinet Picks Have Tough Road Ahead, Experts Say
University of Delaware

The new treasury secretary should expect a difficult year no matter what is done. The incoming secretary of energy has to cut through a lot of ignorance and wrong-thinking to get to solutions. And, the transportation secretary faces a country full of infrastructure issues. That's all according to professors at the University of Delaware.
