Dr. James Gibeaut, Bureau of Economic Geology

Gibeaut researches coastal processes, using data obtained by airborne light detection and ranging (LIDAR) equipment. His recent work includes: shoreline change analysis of the Texas Gulf Coast; LIDAR studies of selected areas of Honduras after by Hurricane Mitch (1998); and LIDAR studies of Texas Gulf Coast.

Troy Kimmel, Department of Geography & The Environment

Kimmel is chief meteorologist, KVET/KASE/KFMK Radio in Austin and can speak about hurricane preparedness and the meteorology of Hurricane Katrina.

Dr. Charles G. Groat, Department of Geological Sciences

Groat was director of the U.S. Geological Survey until June 2005 and is a past director of the Louisiana Geological Survey. He is an expert on Louisiana geologic issues including erosion and wetlands issues relevant to Louisiana, and he is a national expert on environmental policy.

Tiffany Hepner, Bureau of Economic Geology

Hepner's research includes severe storm effects and beach recovery.

Dr. Krishan A. Malik, Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering

Krishan can discuss reservoir and economic evaluation, energy economics and policy, oil and gas finance, and petroleum and structural geology

Dr. Danny David Reible, Department of Civil, Architecturaland Environmental Engineering

Reible is director of the Hazardous Substance Research Center/South & Southwest, a consortium of Louisiana State University, Rice University, Texas A&M University, Georgia Tech and the University of Texas at Austin. He specializes in contaminant processes in the environment and assessment and remediation of contaminated sediments. Prior to his arrival at the university, Reible was a chemical engineering professor at Louisiana State University from 1981 to 2004.