Experts Available to Comment on Medicare Reform

Contact: Erik Cole of the Institute for America's Future,
202-955-5665; [email protected]

News Advisory:

President Clinton will announce his Medicare reform plan on Tuesday, June 29. The Breaux-Thomas "premium support" proposal is also being turned into legislation. The following experts from academia, advocacy groups, and the medical profession are available to comment on the policy and politics of these proposals for reforming Medicare:

-- Roger Hickey, Institute for America's Future, Organizer of the New Century Alliance for Social Security & Medicare. Contact: Erik Cole at 202-955-5665 or [email protected].

-- Theodore Marmor, Yale University, author, "The Politics of Medicare" (revised, 1999). Contact: Camille Costelli at 203-432-2811 or [email protected].

-- Edith Rasell, Economic Policy Institute. Contact: 202-331-5519 or [email protected].

-- Thomas Bodenheimer, M.D., San Francisco, Calif. Contact: 415-550-4710, ext. 501 or [email protected].

-- Mark Goldberg, Yale University. Contact: 203-432-5976 or [email protected].

-- Jacob Hacker, New America Foundation. Contact: 202-986-2700 ext. 320 or [email protected].

-- Jonathan B. Oberlander, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Contact: 919-962-1136 or [email protected].

The Institute for America's Future is a center of progressive research and education, founded by more than 100 prominent Americans to make the economy work for working people. The Institute is directed by Robert Borosage and Roger Hickey.


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06/28 15:54

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