A groundbreaking study demonstrating the most advanced form of in vitro gametogenesis (making eggs from stem cells, IVG) was published Thursday in Science. See STAT's coverage of the study. 

Regarding the study and breakthrough, Dr. Kevin Doxzen offers the below comments in quotes. Dr. Doxzen recently wrote a piece for the World Economic Forum on mRNA vaccines. Doxzen is currently doing post-doctoral research with Arizona State University’s Thunderbird School of Global Management and Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law. He is not associated with the IVG study published in Science.

Independent comments attributable to Dr. Doxzen with his ASU affiliation:

“This study marks an important milestone in recreating the complex cadence of reproduction. Generating functional eggs requires a balanced environment, where physical and chemical cues direct how cells should develop. This team found a way to create this environment without the help of cells taken from ovaries, using only stem cells instead.

While keeping in mind that this study was in mice, IVG is moving closer to being a viable technology for humans. Creating eggs in the lab would offer a chance for same-sex couples to have genetically related children and provide a reproductive option for some women who have infertility.

If successful, IVG would have global implications. Now is the time to deliberate on how, when, and why such a technology would be used. We can look to the recent recommendations released by a WHO advisory committee on genome editing as an example for how to regulate powerful biotechnologies while considering diverse cultures and laws around the world.” 


Kevin Doxzen, PhD

Research Fellow

Thunderbird School of Global Management

Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law

Arizona State University


Kevin is a CRISPR expert who’s also happy to comment on the release of a report by a World Health Organization committee on the global governance of genome editing. 

WSJ: A World Health Organization panel has recommended standards aimed at preventing unfair and potentially dangerous applications of experimental gene-editing techniques, including altering DNA to enhance athletic ability.

Dr. Doxzen is available to comment on this or any news involving biotechnology or precision medicine.