Newswise — The International Baccalaureate (IB) and the Council of International Schools (CIS) today announced a joint understanding, formalized in a signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), that enables the IB to synchronize its school evaluation processes with the CIS accreditation protocol for schools served by both. Leaders of both organizations provided an overview of their MOU and its corresponding joint manual of procedures at the IB’s Annual Regional Conference that opened today in Madrid. The conference is one of three regional conferences held by the IB worldwide each year; the Madrid event is attended by nearly 1,000 IB teachers, heads of schools, IB coordinators and other IB-related educators representing IB World Schools in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. “The IB is eager to ensure that the processes that support continuous improvement of learning in our schools focus on deep reflection,” said IB Chief Operating Officer Siva Kumari. “Wherever possible, we want to streamline IB processes, so that educators can focus on delivery of rigorous, high-quality educational programmes. We heard from IB World Schools that the evaluation process needed attention and we responded.”

Coordination of the IB and CIS evaluation processes and protocols ensures efficient, consistent analysis, while maintaining each organization’s objectives and requirements. Joint visits verify that a school community is taking all necessary actions and is continuously improving and evolving both as an IB World School and as a CIS accredited school.

“With this agreement,” said CIS Executive Director Jane Larsson, “the IB and CIS will collaborate—-at the request of our schools—-to provide an effective process and cohesive report for school improvement, informed by the collective knowledge and expertise of both organizations.”

The IB and CIS are committed to developing jointly trained educators who are knowledgeable about the philosophical and practical aspects of both organizations and who also can bring a wealth of experience in effective international education practices as they participate in school visits. Visiting teams will include both CIS and IB representatives.

Ms. Larsson added, “Incorporating IB evaluations as part of the CIS school accreditation protocol enables schools and visiting educators to work together to evaluate the school’s mission, curriculum, the quality of teaching and learning, and ultimately its international character and perspective.”

About the IB:The International Baccalaureate, a non-profit education foundation, offers four challenging education programmes for a worldwide community of primary and secondary students and schools. Since 1968, IB programmes have prepared students to live productive lives in a globalized and interdependent society, and to assert leadership roles in the creation of a more peaceful and harmonious world. The IB currently operates learning programmes in more than 3,340 schools in 140 countries.

Schools interested in IB education programs should contact their respective IB regional office: Africa, Europe, and the Middle East [email protected]; Asia Pacific [email protected]; or the Americas [email protected]

About CIS:CIS supports more than 1,100 School and Higher Education Member Institutions with an integrated portfolio of services, including international accreditation, recruitment of school leaders and teachers and networking between the university admission and school guidance communities. CIS Accredited Schools have demonstrated their commitment to international education and continuous improvement, meeting international standards. CIS currently serves 660 schools and 480 universities in 105 countries. Schools interested in CIS accreditation may contact [email protected]

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