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Released: 4-Nov-2009 9:00 PM EST
Anthony Sowell: Why Did He Kill? Why Did He Keep the Bodies?
Alliant International University

The death toll at Anthony Sowell’s home rose to an astonishing eleven bodies today (including one skull), making this the most gruesome and deadliest crime scene in Cleveland history. Why would someone rape and kill eleven people, and keep their bodies so close? Reports of a horrific stench are now coming from neighbors, a terrible smell they had endured for years. How can someone live in that type of environment, and allegedly continue to rape and kill seemingly without remorse?

Released: 13-May-2009 9:00 AM EDT
California Same-Sex Marriage—Expert Sources
Alliant International University

Experts available on same-sex marriage and relationships to comment on California Supreme Court ruling on Proposition 8.

Released: 4-Nov-2008 1:00 PM EST
Proposition 8: Marriage Equality in California – Sources for Follow-up Stories
Alliant International University

Experts available on the psychological effects of legal status on same-sex relationships and on the people in those relationships.

Released: 14-Sep-2008 8:30 PM EDT
While Violence, Abuse and Trauma Tear Communities Apart, IVAT Brings Leading Experts Together
Alliant International University

International Conference Asks: How Can We Prevent Violence, Abuse and Trauma? Speakers provide research and answers to problems of domestic violence, rape child abuse, elder abuse and traumatic stress following violence, war, disasters and crises.

Released: 15-May-2008 1:30 PM EDT
Same-sex Marriage Experts Available
Alliant International University

Marriage Equality in California "“ Sources for follow-up stories.

Released: 14-Apr-2008 3:00 PM EDT
Different Storks for Different Folks - LGBT Parenting Through Insemination and Surrogacy
Alliant International University

Gay and lesbian couples never become pregnant by accident. However, their methods of achieving pregnancy are many and varied. A growing number of lesbian couples are choosing alternative insemination of one partner; and a growing number of gay male couples are choosing gestational surrogacy (fertilizing an egg contributed by one woman and arranging with a different woman to carry the fetus until birth).

Released: 27-Mar-2008 8:45 AM EDT
Expert Available: How Parents Can Help Teens Combat “Cyber-Bullying”
Alliant International University

"War of Words": Social Media as a Psychological "Tool of Terror" Spreading Ridicule and Fear Among Teens: As the trend to use social media sites such as MySpace, FaceBook, YouTube, increases among adolescents, parents are advised to educate themselves on how to help their teens handle the consequences of "cyber-bullying" "“ which can affect their teen's self-esteem much more seriously than parents think.

Released: 27-Mar-2008 8:35 AM EDT
Expert Available Regarding Underlying Reasons, Warning Signs of School Violence in Adolescents
Alliant International University

Columbine Remembered: April 20th marks the ninth anniversary of the shooting rampage. How Far Have We Come? Despite the widespread adoption of school security technology and screening measures, school violence is still a major issue facing today's adolescents and young adults, as evidenced by the more recent shootings including: Northern Illinois University on February 14, 2008, E.O. Green Junior High School in Oxnard, CA on February 12, 2008 and Virginia Tech on April 16, 2007. Statistics show that one in 12 high school students are threatened or injured with a weapon each year.
