Latest News from: Florida Atlantic University

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Newswise: ‘U-Ride:’ Transforming Transit for College Students in Southeast Florida
Released: 27-Jun-2024 8:30 AM EDT
‘U-Ride:’ Transforming Transit for College Students in Southeast Florida
Florida Atlantic University

U-Ride is the first app that allows users to easily compare and track the environmental and health impacts of their trip. They can see their carbon savings in pounds of CO2 and calories burned as an individual and as a community. Data collected from U-Ride will help improve the transit system over time and ensure that major transportation investments made by universities as well as government agencies are benefitting the greatest number of students.

Newswise: Balancing Act: Novel Wearable Sensors and AI Transform Balance Assessment
Released: 26-Jun-2024 8:30 AM EDT
Balancing Act: Novel Wearable Sensors and AI Transform Balance Assessment
Florida Atlantic University

Traditional methods to assess balance often suffer from subjectivity, aren’t comprehensive enough and can’t be administered remotely. They also are expensive and require specialized equipment and clinical expertise.

Newswise: Study Challenges ED Protocols for Geriatric Head Injuries and Blood Thinners
Released: 25-Jun-2024 8:30 AM EDT
Study Challenges ED Protocols for Geriatric Head Injuries and Blood Thinners
Florida Atlantic University

Out of 3,425 patients enrolled in the study, 0.4% (13 patients) experienced a delayed intracranial hemorrhage, a significantly lower rate than previously reported (7.2%).

Newswise: ‘Fit2Drive’ Transforms Assessing Older Drivers with Cognitive Decline
Released: 24-Jun-2024 8:30 AM EDT
‘Fit2Drive’ Transforms Assessing Older Drivers with Cognitive Decline
Florida Atlantic University

With the help of an evidence-based calculator called “Fit2Drive,” researchers have made it easy to administer and evaluate an in-office test to predict an older individual’s probability of passing an on-road driving test. Based upon brief, easily administered cognitive tests, Fit2Drive provides an objective estimation of the ability to drive for those with cognitive concerns. Results show that the Fit2Drive algorithm demonstrated a strong 91.5% predictive accuracy.

Newswise: FAU CA-AI Research Highlighted in ‘Nature Reviews’
Released: 20-Jun-2024 11:00 AM EDT
FAU CA-AI Research Highlighted in ‘Nature Reviews’
Florida Atlantic University

Equipped with a breakthrough algorithmic solution, researchers have “cracked the code” on interference when machines need to talk with each other – and people. Their method, which is a first, dynamically fine-tunes multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) links, a cornerstone of modern-day wireless systems such as Wi-Fi and cellular networks.

Newswise: FAU Sea Turtle Experts Provide ‘Best Practices’ During Nesting Season
Released: 17-Jun-2024 8:30 AM EDT
FAU Sea Turtle Experts Provide ‘Best Practices’ During Nesting Season
Florida Atlantic University

Three internationally renowned FAU researchers provide “best practices” and answer some of the most frequently asked questions to help protect Florida’s nesting sea turtles and their hatchlings.

Newswise: FAU/Mainstreet Poll Shows Trump’s Lead Over Biden Shrinks 
in Florida’s Election Battle
Released: 12-Jun-2024 12:00 PM EDT
FAU/Mainstreet Poll Shows Trump’s Lead Over Biden Shrinks in Florida’s Election Battle
Florida Atlantic University

Former U.S. President Donald Trump continues to hold an advantage over incumbent U.S. President Joe Biden among Florida voters who seem divided on culture war issues but united on economic concerns.

Newswise: FAU Harbor Branch Launches ‘eConch’ to Grow and Conserve the Queen Conch
Released: 11-Jun-2024 8:30 AM EDT
FAU Harbor Branch Launches ‘eConch’ to Grow and Conserve the Queen Conch
Florida Atlantic University

Intensive fishing and habitat degradation from urbanization and climate change have caused queen conch populations to significantly dwindle. “eConch,” a free online training program to grow queen conch, is easy to follow, allows users to move at their own pace, includes high-quality video and provides access to expert advice.

Newswise:Video Embedded how-do-you-know-where-a-fish-goes
Released: 6-Jun-2024 10:00 AM EDT
How Do You Know Where a Fish Goes?
Florida Atlantic University

An acoustic transmitter – or tag – emits unique signals or “pings” when scientists want to study the long-distance movement of marine animals. However, this method has limitations. Using a pioneering movement model, researchers reconstructed animal tracks and leveraged an iterative process to measure the accuracy and precision of these reconstructions from acoustic telemetry data.

Newswise: FAU and Mainstreet Research Poll of Battleground States
Highlights Partisan Divide on Top Issues, Trump Conviction
Released: 4-Jun-2024 1:00 PM EDT
FAU and Mainstreet Research Poll of Battleground States Highlights Partisan Divide on Top Issues, Trump Conviction
Florida Atlantic University

A new poll of voters in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, often considered battleground states, highlights the partisan divide on important issues and on the legal case against former U.S. President Donald Trump.

Newswise: U.S. Drug-related Infant Deaths More than Doubled from 2018 to 2022
Released: 4-Jun-2024 8:30 AM EDT
U.S. Drug-related Infant Deaths More than Doubled from 2018 to 2022
Florida Atlantic University

Drug-involved infant deaths more than doubled (120% increase) from 2018 to 2022, with the greatest proportion of deaths in 2021 (25.8%). The most prevalent underlying causes of death included assault (homicide) by drugs, medicaments and biological substances (35.6%).

Newswise: Tiny Worm Helps Uncover Long-lasting Prenatal Effects from Amphetamines
Released: 30-May-2024 12:00 PM EDT
Tiny Worm Helps Uncover Long-lasting Prenatal Effects from Amphetamines
Florida Atlantic University

During pregnancy, the effects of therapeutical doses of amphetamine have been investigated on birth outcomes in humans. However, a thorough investigation of the mechanisms underlying the long-term effects of embryonal exposure to addictive doses of amphetamine remains largely unexplored.

Newswise: New FAU and Mainstreet Poll Shows Battleground States Nevada and Arizona Too Close to Call
Released: 23-May-2024 1:30 PM EDT
New FAU and Mainstreet Poll Shows Battleground States Nevada and Arizona Too Close to Call
Florida Atlantic University

With the 2024 election cycle fast approaching, new polling data from Nevada and Arizona reveal a deeply engaged and starkly divided electorate in these pivotal battleground states.

Newswise: FAU Experts for the 2024 Hurricane Season
Released: 23-May-2024 8:30 AM EDT
FAU Experts for the 2024 Hurricane Season
Florida Atlantic University

The 2024 Atlantic hurricane season begins on June 1, and forecasts indicate a highly active season. Several Florida Atlantic University faculty experts are available to discuss various issues surrounding hurricane preparedness, evacuation and aftermath.

Newswise: After Hundreds of Years, Study Confirms Bermuda Now Home to Cownose Rays
Released: 20-May-2024 8:45 AM EDT
After Hundreds of Years, Study Confirms Bermuda Now Home to Cownose Rays
Florida Atlantic University

Using citizen science, photographs, on-water observations and the combination of morphological and genetic data, researchers are the first to provide evidence that the Atlantic cownose ray has recently made a new home in Bermuda. Results show that after hundreds of years of natural history records, this is a novel migration of Atlantic cownose rays to Bermuda. Findings suggest that cownose rays have been in Bermuda for more than a decade since 2012 and observations of the species continue to be sustained today.

Newswise: FAU Researcher Receives Grant for ‘Somaesthetics of Atmosphere’ Project
Released: 16-May-2024 8:30 AM EDT
FAU Researcher Receives Grant for ‘Somaesthetics of Atmosphere’ Project
Florida Atlantic University

The new project will explore a relatively recent topic in the humanities and arts that commands growing attention – “atmosphere.” “Somaesthetics of Atmosphere,” will investigate atmosphere as a transactional, transformational connecting force that works both outside and inside the individual’s body.

Newswise:Video Embedded biohybrid-robotic-hand-will-help-unravel-complex-sensation-of-touch
Released: 15-May-2024 8:30 AM EDT
Biohybrid Robotic Hand Will Help Unravel Complex Sensation of Touch
Florida Atlantic University

Restoring motor control and sensation from an artificial hand in a natural way remains a scientific “holy grail.” Researchers have developed a novel biohybrid neuro-prosthetic research platform comprised of a dexterous artificial hand electrically interfaced with biological neural networks. Ultimately, this could lead to a better understanding of the complex sensation of touch, which is necessary for refined control of the hand.

Newswise: 90% of Floridians Believe Climate Change is Happening
Released: 14-May-2024 8:30 AM EDT
90% of Floridians Believe Climate Change is Happening
Florida Atlantic University

FAU’s latest “Florida Climate Resilience Survey” found that 90% of Floridians believe that climate change is happening. Belief in human-caused climate change has surged among Florida Independents while slipping among Republicans. Despite these changes, the survey found enduring support among Floridians for increased government action to address the consequences of a warming planet.

Newswise: Alarming Rise of Electronic Vaping Use in U.S. Adolescents
Released: 13-May-2024 8:30 AM EDT
Alarming Rise of Electronic Vaping Use in U.S. Adolescents
Florida Atlantic University

A study among 57,006 adolescents shows daily electronic vapor use has significantly increased by more than three-and-one-half times from 2015 to 2019. In 2015, daily use was significantly higher in boys (2.8%) than girls (1.1%). By 2021, it was higher in girls (5.6%) than boys (4.5%).

Newswise: FAU Researchers Receive $1M in FDOH Grants to Fight Alzheimer’s Disease
Released: 8-May-2024 8:30 AM EDT
FAU Researchers Receive $1M in FDOH Grants to Fight Alzheimer’s Disease
Florida Atlantic University

With this funding, FAU researchers will shed light on the biological functions of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) by taking advantage of synthetic chemistry strategies; provide an innovative online screening tool for older drivers with cognitive decline; and gain a deeper understanding of the role of brain cholesterol in AD.
