Latest News from: Boston University College of Arts and Sciences

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Released: 18-Mar-2014 3:30 PM EDT
Bu Sargent Receives $2.75m NIH Grant to Develop Visually Guided Hearing Aid
Boston University College of Arts and Sciences

Boston University (BU) College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College was recently awarded a five-year, $2.75M grant from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) to test and refine a prototype Visually Guided Hearing Aid (VGHA).

Released: 17-Mar-2014 4:00 PM EDT
Boston University to Host Symposium on the Legacy of the Women’s Liberation Movement
Boston University College of Arts and Sciences

An ambitious, 3-day symposium March 27-29, 2014, at Boston University will gather women's movement veterans and scholars of the era to reflect on and put into context the impact “women’s lib” had on our culture, politics, art, law, media and attitudes.

Released: 11-Mar-2014 10:00 AM EDT
Research Reveals Surprising Results About Kids’ Capacity for Scientific Literacy
Boston University College of Arts and Sciences

Innovative approach introduces five-to-eight year-olds to the concept of natural selection using a story book, and the children show remarkable comprehension

Released: 28-Feb-2014 8:55 AM EST
Study Shows Less Snowpack Will Harm Ecosystem
Boston University College of Arts and Sciences

A new Boston University study shows that the consequences of milder winters – a smaller snowpack leaving the ground to freeze harder and longer – can have a negative impact on trees and water quality of nearby aquatic ecosystems far into the warmer growing season.

Released: 21-Feb-2014 9:00 AM EST
BU Sargent Physical Therapy Intervention Reduces Injury in Custodial Workers
Boston University College of Arts and Sciences

A Boston University College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College doctoral student in physical therapy, with mentorship from BU faculty and practitioners, has developed an intervention to help minimize workplace injury and decrease this cost.

Released: 4-Feb-2014 2:00 PM EST
Boston University to Host Symposium Marking 150 Years of National Banking
Boston University College of Arts and Sciences

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) commemorates its 150th anniversary at a symposium – “Building on 150 Years: The Future of National Banking” – hosted by the Boston University Center for Finance, Law & Policy on March 31, 2014, at Boston’s Hynes Convention Center.

Released: 28-Jan-2014 1:00 PM EST
Study Examines the Development of Children’s Prelife Reasoning
Boston University College of Arts and Sciences

A new Boston University study led by postdoctoral fellow Natalie Emmons and published in the January 16, 2014 online edition of Child Development suggests that our bias toward immortality is a part of human intuition that naturally emerges early in life.

Released: 16-Jan-2014 2:30 PM EST
Boston University Arthritis Center to Host 2014 State of the Science Meeting
Boston University College of Arts and Sciences

The Center for Enhancing Activity and Participation among Persons with Arthritis (ENACT) at Boston University College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College is hosting the State of the Science meeting, “Promoting Activity and Participation among Persons with Arthritis.”

Released: 13-Jan-2014 10:00 AM EST
Walden Trees Leafing Out Far Earlier Than in Thoreau’s Time
Boston University College of Arts and Sciences

Climate-change studies by Boston University biologists show leaf-out times of trees and shrubs at Walden Pond are an average of 18 days earlier than when Henry David Thoreau made his observations there in the 1850s.

Released: 16-Dec-2013 10:55 AM EST
BU Prof. Helps Solve Foreign Science-Textbook Need
Boston University College of Arts and Sciences

In too many developing nations, native-language students struggle to read English-language scientific textbooks which typically don’t even include examples from the reader’s area of the world. A Boston University biologist has created a solution that can help: Recruit professors as co-authors in the foreign country to translate the English text and insert local examples.

Released: 21-Nov-2013 11:00 AM EST
BU Scientist, Collaborators Get $10.5 Million Grant to Develop Software for un-Curated Data
Boston University College of Arts and Sciences

A team of researchers, including Boston University Assistant Professor of Earth & Environment Michael Dietze, has been awarded more than $10 million over the next five years from the National Science Foundation to develop software to manage and make sense of vast amounts of digital scientific data.

Released: 15-Nov-2013 4:55 PM EST
As Mars Goes, So Goes Earth?
Boston University College of Arts and Sciences

On Monday, November 18, NASA is set to launch MAVEN, a small scientific satellite, to do some chemical meter-reading in the Martian atmosphere.

Released: 13-Nov-2013 8:00 PM EST
Study Finds Toddlers Can Learn Verbs Even in Non-Social Contexts
Boston University College of Arts and Sciences

Language acquisition has traditionally been considered a social, interactive process, however new research from Boston University College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College reveals that toddlers are able to acquire the meanings of words even in “socially impoverished contexts” where social or visual information is absent.

Released: 6-Nov-2013 10:45 AM EST
Two BU Researchers Are Named Inaugural Winners in GSK-Sponsored Competition for Academic Drug Hunters
Boston University College of Arts and Sciences

Boston University researchers Scott Schaus, associate professor of chemistry, and Lauren Brown, research assistant professor of chemistry, are among the inaugural winners in GlaxoSmithKlein’s (GSK) innovative “Discovery Fast Track” competition. Schaus and Brown, in collaboration with Jim McKerrow, professor of pathology at UCSF School of Medicine, were among eight academic scientists in North America chosen for a collaborative partnership with GSK focused on the discovery of new medicines.

18-Oct-2013 1:30 PM EDT
New Study Indicates Risk of Amazon Rainforest Dieback Due to Global Warming is Higher than Previously Projected
Boston University College of Arts and Sciences

A new study co-authored by Boston University Professor of Earth & Environment Ranga Myneni suggests the southern portion of the Amazon rainforest is at a much higher risk of dieback due to climate change than projections made in the latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). If severe enough, the loss of rainforest could cause the release of large volumes of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It could also disrupt plant and animal communities in one of the regions of highest biodiversity in the world.

Released: 8-Oct-2013 11:00 AM EDT
Boston University Center for Finance, Law & Policy Study Spotlights Global Reliance on Remittances
Boston University College of Arts and Sciences

Boston University’s Center for Finance, Law, and Policy and BU’s Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future today released a groundbreaking report on remittances to the world’s most unstable countries -- post-conflict states that have experienced widespread population displacement and/or endemic institutional breakdown.

12-Sep-2013 12:00 PM EDT
NASA Declares Voyager 1 Now in Interstellar Space, Confirming Assessment Made Earlier This Year by BU Astronomer
Boston University College of Arts and Sciences

NASA today announced that the Voyager 1 spacecraft has transited the heliopause (the theoretical boundary where the Sun's solar wind is separated by the interstellar wind) and has entered interstellar space. The NASA announcement is based on a new study published today in the journal Science.

Released: 15-Aug-2013 9:00 AM EDT
New Study Suggests Early Humans May Have Acquired Tool Making Technology from Neandertals
Boston University College of Arts and Sciences

New research suggests that Neandertals in Paleolithic Europe made specialized tools from animal bones before the arrival of modern humans, and that modern humans may have acquired knowledge of this early technology from Neandertals.

Released: 8-Aug-2013 10:00 AM EDT
Maya Temples and Tombs Give New Insights Into Maya History
Boston University College of Arts and Sciences

A Maya pyramid beautifully decorated with a rare polychrome- painted stucco frieze was unearthed in July 2013 at the site of Holmul, a Classic Maya city in northeastern Peten region of Guatemala.

Released: 18-Jul-2013 10:35 AM EDT
New Study Predicts Slow Bow Shock Ahead of the Sun’s Heliosphere
Boston University College of Arts and Sciences

A new study co-authored by Boston University astronomers indicates that a bow shock (a dynamic boundary between sun’s heliosphere and the interstellar medium) is highly likely. These findings challenge recent predictions that no such bow shock would be encountered.
