Latest News from: Case Western Reserve University

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Released: 26-Oct-2017 3:05 PM EDT
Case Western Reserve Research Advance May Prevent a Form of Hereditary Hearing Loss
Case Western Reserve University

A research advance co-led by Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine’s Kumar Alagramam, PhD, may stop the progression of hearing loss and lead to significant preservation of hearing in people with Usher syndrome type III, a form of hereditary hearing loss linked to defects in the sensory “hair” cells in the inner ear. USH3 is caused by a mutation in the clarin-1 gene.

Released: 25-Oct-2017 4:50 PM EDT
Researchers Find Immune Cells Help Rebuild Damaged Nerves
Case Western Reserve University

Immune cells are normally associated with fighting infection but in a new study, scientists have discovered how they also help the nervous system clear debris, clearing the way for nerve regeneration after injury. In a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience, researchers from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine showed certain immune cells—neutrophils—can clean up nerve debris, while previous models have attributed nerve cell damage control to other cells entirely.

Released: 23-Oct-2017 1:05 PM EDT
Protein Regulates Vitamin A Metabolic Pathways, Prevents Inflammation
Case Western Reserve University

A team of researchers from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine have discovered how uncontrolled vitamin A metabolism in the gut can cause harmful inflammation. The discovery links diet to inflammatory diseases, like Crohn’s disease and inflammatory bowel syndromes, and could inform nutritional interventions.

Released: 20-Oct-2017 11:05 AM EDT
Youth Enjoy Science (YES) Grant Brings Diversity to Cancer Research
Case Western Reserve University

Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, in partnership with the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center, was awarded a five-year grant, totaling $2.5 million to engage underrepresented minorities in Cleveland-area schools in cancer research.

17-Oct-2017 12:00 PM EDT
New Neural Network Can Restore Diaphragm Function after Spinal Cord Injury
Case Western Reserve University

A team of neuroscientists has uncovered a neural network that can restore diaphragm function after spinal cord injury. The network allows the diaphragm to contract without input from the brain, which could help paralyzed spinal cord injury patients breathe without a respirator.

Released: 13-Oct-2017 11:05 AM EDT
Worms Reveal Secrets of Aging
Case Western Reserve University

Investigators at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and University Hospitals Health System have identified a new molecular pathway that controls lifespan and healthspan in worms and mammals. In a Nature Communications study published today, researchers showed that worms with excess levels of certain proteins lived longer and healthier than normal worms. In addition, mice with excess levels of these proteins demonstrated a delay in blood vessel dysfunction associated with aging. The study has major implications for our understanding of aging and age-associated disorders.

Released: 13-Oct-2017 10:05 AM EDT
Case Center for Synchrotron Biosciences Wins AAMC Award for Resource Sharing
Case Western Reserve University

The Case Center for Synchrotron Biosciences has been awarded second prize in the 2017 Sharing Research Resources Award by the American Association of Medical Colleges. According to the AAMC, “award winners demonstrate successful sharing of research resources between institutions and campuses, including medical schools, teaching hospitals, and other academic institutions.”

Released: 6-Oct-2017 1:05 PM EDT
Fatal Opioid Traffickers Targeted by Nearly $1 Million Federal Grant
Case Western Reserve University

Streamlining investigations and prosecutions of opiate dealers is goal of three-year U.S. Department of Justice-funded research

Released: 4-Oct-2017 4:20 PM EDT
Antifungals and Probiotics May Play a Key Role in the Development of Treatment for Crohn’s Disease
Case Western Reserve University

Scientists have determined that fungus may play a key role in chronic intestinal inflammation disorders. They found that patients with Crohn’s disease tend to have much higher levels of the fungus Candida tropicalis compared to their healthy family members. A new review published in Digestive and Liver Disease looks at these findings and provides insights into potential new therapeutic approaches using antifungals and probiotics in the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) such as Crohn’s disease (CD).

Released: 28-Sep-2017 7:45 AM EDT
Creation of New Financial Product Aims to Solve "Valley of Death" for Promising Energy Technologies
Case Western Reserve University

With a DOE grant, two professors will create a new investment tool to manage risk and catalyze funding at critical stages for energy companies

26-Sep-2017 11:55 AM EDT
Case Western Reserve University Researchers Design Soft, Flexible Origami-Inspired Robot
Case Western Reserve University

A Case Western Reserve University researcher has turned the origami she enjoyed as a child into a patent-pending soft robot that may one day be used on an assembly line, in surgery or even outer space.

Released: 25-Sep-2017 8:15 AM EDT
Walmart, as Channeled Through the Egyptian Book of the Dead, Proves Fertile Ground for Fiction
Case Western Reserve University

Like its Egyptian namesake, The Walmart Book of the Dead contains spells and illustrations (albeit as descriptive passages), using them to craft a loose narrative in short chapters centered around a different character; there's a shoplifter, circuit court judge, hustler and, of course, a greeter.

25-Sep-2017 5:00 AM EDT
MRI Contrast Agent Locates and Distinguishes Aggressive From Slow-Growing Breast Cancer
Case Western Reserve University

A new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agent being tested by researchers at Case Western Reserve University not only pinpoints breast cancers at early stages but differentiates between aggressive and slow-growing types.

21-Sep-2017 9:30 AM EDT
Spider Silk, Sea Cucumber Skin, Squid Beak and Pine Cones as Models For "Soft-Sided" Robots?
Case Western Reserve University

With a new $5.5 million, five-year federal grant, a Case Western Reserve University researcher is leading an international team to develop functional materials inspired by some of the most desirable substances found in nature. The bioinspired materials produced in the project will be tested in soft-sided robots, but are expected to have a wide range of practical uses.

Released: 18-Sep-2017 8:05 AM EDT
Testing the Digital Delivery of Ways to Reduce MS-Related Fatigue Nets $4.9 Million Award
Case Western Reserve University

With geographic barriers limiting treatment options for many people with multiple sclerosis (MS) , a Case Western Reserve University researcher will use a new $4.9 million award to test online- and teleconference-based adaptations of methods that reduce fatigue and improve quality of life when delivered in person.

Released: 7-Sep-2017 3:55 PM EDT
CWRU’s Kurt Lu, MD Receives $3.9 Million NIH Grant to Expand Countermeasures against Chemical Threats, Including Mustard Gas
Case Western Reserve University

Kurt Lu, MD, assistant professor of dermatology at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, has received a five year, $3.9 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to expand countermeasures against chemical threats, including mustard gas and mustard-related compounds. The molecular action of mustard on DNA leads to strand breaks and eventual cell death. The goal of the grant is to augment the body’s immune system after exposure, reducing skin swelling and pain as well as enhancing tissue repair.

Released: 7-Sep-2017 9:00 AM EDT
$1.8 Million in Funding Will Support New Research and Approaches to Mixed-Income Community-Building
Case Western Reserve University

With $1.8 million in new funding, Case Western Reserve Professor Mark Joseph, and his colleagues are leading an effort to learn how mixed-income development might more effectively promote social equity and inclusion—as initially intended.

Released: 6-Sep-2017 10:05 AM EDT
CWRU & University Hospitals physician-researcher Martha Sajatovic, MD Receives International Brain Health Grant, Joins Team in New Diabetes Research Project
Case Western Reserve University

Martha Sajatovic, MD, Professor of Psychiatry and of Neurology at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Willard Brown Chair in Neurological Outcomes Research and Director of the Neurological and Behavioral Outcomes Research Center at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, is the recent recipient of two major research grants.

Released: 30-Aug-2017 12:05 PM EDT
Electrical Nerve-Block Research Used in Pain Management Takes Aim at Asthma, Heart Failure
Case Western Reserve University

Biomedical engineering researchers at Case Western Reserve University are refining more than 15 years of work on an electrical nerve-block implant, focusing their next step on new applications related to treating asthma and heart failure.

25-Aug-2017 11:45 AM EDT
Study: After Hurricane Katrina, Personal Debt Fell for Those Worst Hit—but at a Cost
Case Western Reserve University

After Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans a dozen years ago, there was a sharp and immediate drop in personal debt among residents living in city’s most flooded blocks, according to a new analysis.

Released: 25-Aug-2017 3:05 PM EDT
CWRU Awarded Funding to Understand How A Virus-Like Particle from Plants Stimulates Potent Anti-Tumor Response
Case Western Reserve University

Nicole Steinmetz, PhD, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Radiology, member of the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center and the Center for RNA Science and Therapeutics in the Division of General Medical Sciences at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and the holder of the George J. Picha Designated Professor in Biomaterials, has received a major grant from the National Institutes of Health to help understand how a virus-like particle from plants stimulates potent anti-tumor responses. Under the grant, Steinmetz and colleagues will further test a tiny nanoparticle-based therapeutic that her team developed which targets the body’s own cancer immunity cycle.

Released: 24-Aug-2017 3:15 PM EDT
Long, Mysterious Strips of RNA Contribute to Low Sperm Count
Case Western Reserve University

Scientists have found distinctive portions of genetic material—known as lncRNAs—that help sperm develop. Male mice lacking a particular lncRNA have low sperm count, suggesting lncRNAs could represent novel infertility drug targets.

Released: 23-Aug-2017 10:05 AM EDT
New Guidelines Point the Way Toward More Effectively Addressing Hypertension in Kids, Teens
Case Western Reserve University

The first new national guidelines since 2004 on identifying and treating high blood pressure in children and adolescents (aged 3-18 years old) have been published by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), which convened a panel of experts to produce the new recommendations. The AAP report, Clinical Practice Guideline for Screening and Management of High Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents, offers a series of evidence-based recommendations for pediatricians derived from a comprehensive review of nearly 15,000 medical studies published since 2004.

Released: 23-Aug-2017 8:15 AM EDT
So-Called “Bright Girl Effect” Does Not Last Into Adulthood, Study Finds
Case Western Reserve University

The notion that young females limit their own progress based on what they believe about their intelligence—called the “bright girl effect”—does not persist into adulthood, according to new research from Case Western Reserve University.

Released: 16-Aug-2017 10:05 AM EDT
Multicolor MRIs Could Aid Disease Detection
Case Western Reserve University

Researchers at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine have developed a method that could make magnetic resonance imaging—MRI—multicolor. Current MRI techniques rely on a single contrast agent injected into a patient’s veins to vivify images. The new method uses two at once, which could allow doctors to map multiple characteristics of a patient’s internal organs in a single MRI. The strategy could serve as a research tool and even aid disease diagnosis.

Released: 7-Aug-2017 3:05 PM EDT
Case Western Reserve University Researchers Develop Therapeutic to Enhance Tissue Repair and Regeneration
Case Western Reserve University

Rodeo Therapeutics, a new drug development company created by two highly regarded Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine researchers, has raised $5.9 million to develop small-molecule drugs that promote the body’s repair of diseased or damaged tissues.

Released: 7-Aug-2017 11:15 AM EDT
MRI Contrast Agents Accumulate in the Brain
Case Western Reserve University

The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) has provided new guidance in the use of contrast agents during MRI scans. Emerging research suggests gadolinium-based contrast agents, injected in a patient’s veins to brighten tissues in MRI images, accumulate in the brain. More than 300 million doses of such drugs have been administered since their introduction in 1987.

Released: 1-Aug-2017 10:05 AM EDT
Missing Signals Lead to Diabetic Nerve Injury
Case Western Reserve University

Cytokines might be the key to repairing diabetic nerve damage. Diabetes devastates nerve cells, which can lead to poor circulation, muscle weakness, blindness, and other side effects. The study showed diabetic mice can’t repair nerve cells after damage due to low levels of specific cytokines.

Released: 31-Jul-2017 8:10 AM EDT
Exercise Incentives Do Little to Spur Gym-Going, Study Shows
Case Western Reserve University

Even among people who had just joined a gym and expected to visit regularly, getting paid to exercise did little to make their commitment stick, according to a new study from Case Western Reserve University.

Released: 27-Jul-2017 2:10 PM EDT
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine Faculty Receives Funding for Pediatric Cancer Research
Case Western Reserve University

Alex Huang has been awarded a $150,000 St. Baldrick’s Foundation Innovation Award.

Released: 10-Jul-2017 4:05 PM EDT
Single Protein Controls Genetic Network Essential for Sperm Development
Case Western Reserve University

Scientists have found a single protein—Ptbp2—controls a network of over 200 genes central to how developing sperm move and communicate. The protein works by regulating how RNA is processed during each stage of sperm development.

Released: 6-Jul-2017 12:05 PM EDT
Vitamin D May Improve Sunburn, According to New Clinical Trial
Case Western Reserve University

High doses of vitamin D taken one hour after sunburn significantly reduce skin redness, swelling, and inflammation, according to double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial out of Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center.

Released: 5-Jul-2017 2:05 PM EDT
New Brain Cancer Drug Targets Revealed
Case Western Reserve University

Researchers from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and The Cleveland Clinic designed a way to screen brain tumor cells and identify potential drug targets missed by other methods.

Released: 29-Jun-2017 6:00 AM EDT
CWRU Researcher Awarded Over $4.7 Million to Develop Drug-Delivery Nanotechnology
Case Western Reserve University

Nicole F. Steinmetz, PhD, director of the Center for Bio-Nanotechnology at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine, has received two major grants from the National Institutes of Health to develop microscopic drug-delivery systems for patients living with breast cancer, and patients at risk for serious blood clots.

Released: 28-Jun-2017 6:00 AM EDT
Injectable Plant-based Nanoparticles Delay Tumor Progression
Case Western Reserve University

The researchers discovered injecting potato virus particles into melanoma tumor sites activates an anti-tumor immune system response. And simultaneously injecting the nanoscale plant virus particles and a chemotherapy drug—doxorubicin—into tumor sites further helps halt tumor progression in mice.

Released: 22-Jun-2017 10:05 AM EDT
High Fat Diet Reduces Gut Bacteria, Crohn’s Disease Symptoms
Case Western Reserve University

Researchers at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine have shown a high fat diet may lead to specific changes in gut bacteria that could fight harmful inflammation.

Released: 21-Jun-2017 3:05 PM EDT
Single Fungus Amplifies Crohn’s Disease Symptoms
Case Western Reserve University

A microscopic fungus called Candida tropicalis triggered gut inflammation and exacerbated symptoms of Crohn’s disease, in a recent study conducted at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.

Released: 20-Jun-2017 2:05 PM EDT
Researchers Call for Paradigm Shift in Type 2 Diabetes Treatment
Case Western Reserve University

Results from four recent randomized clinical trials suggest that using medications that offer glucose control while reducing the risk for cardiovascular disease could improve patient outcomes.

Released: 20-Jun-2017 7:50 AM EDT
Boyhood Victims of Violence Are More Likely to Commit Similar Acts Against Intimate Partners as Young Adults, Study Finds
Case Western Reserve University

The majority of college-aged male aggressors of physical, sexual and emotional violence also reported being victims of violence themselves, both in childhood and as young adults

Released: 31-May-2017 12:05 PM EDT
Case Western Reserve University Receives $6 Million to Study Barrett’s Esophagus
Case Western Reserve University

The National Cancer Institute recently awarded a $6 million grant to the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center and Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine to continue research on Barrett’s Esophagus, a potentially fatal condition caused by long-term acid reflux.

Released: 30-May-2017 5:30 PM EDT
Small Molecule Prevents Blood Clots Without Increasing Bleeding Risk
Case Western Reserve University

It may be possible to disrupt harmful blood clots in people at risk for heart attack or stroke without increasing their risk of bleeding, according to a new study published in Nature Communications.

Released: 17-May-2017 3:20 PM EDT
Early MRI May Lower Costs for Prostate Cancer Treatment
Case Western Reserve University

A diagnostic MRI followed by one of three MRI-guided biopsy strategies is a cost-effective method to detect prostate cancer, according to a new study out of Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center.

15-May-2017 4:05 PM EDT
Prototype Drug Uses Novel Mechanism to treat Lung Cancers
Case Western Reserve University

Lung cancer tumors were prevented in mice by a novel small molecule that directly activates a tumor suppressor protein.

Released: 12-May-2017 4:05 PM EDT
Engineering Researchers Apply Data Science to Better Predict Effect of Weather and Other Conditions on Solar Panels
Case Western Reserve University

In a new study, a team of researchers from Case Western Reserve University and Gebze Technical University (GTU) in Turkey used data science to determine and predict the effects of exposure to weather and other conditions on materials in solar panels.

Released: 10-May-2017 4:05 PM EDT
Stroke, MS Patients Walk Significantly Better with Neural Stimulation
Case Western Reserve University

A research volunteer with multiple sclerosis and another who had suffered stroke walked significantly better and faster with the aid of neural stimulation systems, potentially laying the foundation for implanted systems that restore some independence to people in these populations.

Released: 3-May-2017 8:05 AM EDT
Prenatal Cocaine Exposure Increases Risk of Higher Teen Drug Use, Trouble Coping with Stress and Likelihood of Addiction
Case Western Reserve University

Mothers smoking crack cocaine during pregnancy—and its lingering effects on their children—are the focus of 20-plus years of ongoing research by Case Western Reserve University

Released: 1-May-2017 11:05 AM EDT
Inaugural “Flourish Prizes” to Be Awarded at Fourth Global Forum for Business as an Agent of World Benefit
Case Western Reserve University

17 business innovations to be honored for contributions to the 17 U.N. Sustainable Development Goals.
