Latest News from: Newswise

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Released: 22-Sep-2016 1:30 PM EDT
Find Me An Expert: Expert Query Request for Reporters on Newswise

Need an expert on a story you're working on? Send your queries directly to our experts via our Expert Query Form by clicking here.

Released: 22-Mar-2016 2:05 PM EDT
Suicide Bomber Attacks in Brussels Kills Dozens. ISIS Claims Responsibility. Experts Needed For Media

Suicide bomber attack in brussels kills dozens. ISS claims responsibility. Cities around the world ramp up security. Experts needed for media.

18-Apr-2014 3:00 PM EDT
Aging and Genes: Meet and Question Researchers Live on Newswise

Newswise is offering reporters a behind-the-scenes look at the state of the research and the impact it might have on global public health by interacting with two leading scientists in the field and an author who has investigated the research for over a decade. With all the elements of a great story, the search for healthful human longevity sheds light on discoveries that could fundamentally reshape human life.

