Latest News from: University of Florida

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Released: 22-Jun-2023 9:45 AM EDT
Longer ballots reduce voter participation, study shows
University of Florida

New research reveals when the candidate field is crowded, voters are more likely to sit out than turnout.

Released: 6-Jun-2023 11:45 AM EDT
One-third of galaxy’s most common planets could be in habitable zone
University of Florida

Our familiar, warm, yellow sun is a relative rarity in the Milky Way. By far the most common stars are considerably smaller and cooler, sporting just half the mass of our sun at most. Billions of planets orbit these common dwarf stars in our galaxy.

Released: 23-May-2023 1:15 PM EDT
The laws of physics have not always been symmetric. And it may explain why you exist.
University of Florida

The universe once preferred one set of shapes over their mirror images, a violation of parity symmetry that helps explain the abundance of matter over antimatter.

Newswise: University of Florida Online Announces Partnership with Nicklaus Children’s Health System
Released: 23-May-2023 9:50 AM EDT
University of Florida Online Announces Partnership with Nicklaus Children’s Health System
University of Florida

UF Online, the University of Florida’s top-ranked online bachelor’s degree program, announced an education partnership with Nicklaus Children’s Health System, as part of a commitment to empower Florida healthcare workers in achieving their education goals today. The partnership supports eligible employees of the Miami-based healthcare provider starting with the spring 2024 semester.

Released: 22-May-2023 12:50 PM EDT
Communities should reconsider walking away from curbside recycling, study shows
University of Florida

Curbside recycling provides a return on investment similar to or better than environmentally friendly strategies like transitioning to electric vehicles or purchasing green power, study shows

Released: 10-May-2023 8:10 AM EDT
AI helps create better, simpler hepatitis, COVID-19 tests
University of Florida

Going beyond pregnancy and COVID-19, the world could someday soon come to rely on at-home tests for many diseases thanks in part to AI-fueled improvements.

Released: 26-Apr-2023 9:30 AM EDT
Retail investors play a losing game with complex options, according to research
University of Florida

Retail investors typically lose with zero-commission complex or multi-leg options, especially around earnings announcements.

Newswise: Scientists discover cause of sea urchin die-offs in the Caribbean: a protozoan parasite
18-Apr-2023 9:20 AM EDT
Scientists discover cause of sea urchin die-offs in the Caribbean: a protozoan parasite
University of Florida

In early 2022, long-spined sea urchins in St. Thomas began to quickly die in large numbers. Scientists rushed in to find the cause and have discovered that a microscopic parasite swarms the body and spines of the urchins, eating them alive.

Released: 12-Apr-2023 10:05 AM EDT
Improving your work-life balance can make you a more effective leader at work
University of Florida

Managers who disconnect from work are rated as stronger leaders the next day

Released: 29-Mar-2023 4:10 PM EDT
Scientists discover hidden crab diversity among coral reefs
University of Florida

The Indo-West Pacific is the largest, most biodiverse marine ecosystem on Earth, and many of the species it supports have comparably wide ranges. Writing in “The Origin of Species,” Charles Darwin noted that “… many fish range from the Pacific into the Indian Ocean, and many shells are common to the eastern islands of the Pacific and the eastern shores of Africa, on almost exactly opposite meridians of latitude.”

Released: 22-Mar-2023 9:55 AM EDT
Cleveland Browns fans keep crashing their cars. The data can help cities become safer.
University of Florida

Sports venues are a magnet for car crashes, which means cities can target safety measures in these areas to maximize their impact.

Released: 20-Feb-2023 10:55 AM EST
The best way to close gender pay gaps is to find the source of unfair pay
University of Florida

New research shows that identifying the drivers of unequal pay is the fastest and fairest way to close gender pay gaps.

Newswise:Video Embedded scientists-lure-burmese-pythons-using-radio-telemetry-during-matingbreeding-season
Released: 20-Feb-2023 9:40 AM EST
Scientists lure Burmese pythons using radio telemetry during mating/breeding season
University of Florida

The University of Florida has partnered with several federal and state agencies on a large-scale python removal project to protect the Everglades. The project combines Burmese python ecology with removal efforts to maximize opportunities to expand knowledge of their biology and habitat use and estimate their abundance and ultimately reduce the population in the Everglades.

Newswise: Scientists urge Florida residents to report nonnative lizards as early detection prevents invasive spread
Released: 15-Feb-2023 11:05 AM EST
Scientists urge Florida residents to report nonnative lizards as early detection prevents invasive spread
University of Florida

The brown basilisk, a nonnative lizard, is gaining ground across South and Central Florida, and University of Florida scientists need more data to determine its status and potential impacts

Newswise: Mistaken fossil rewrites history of Indian subcontinent for second time
Released: 1-Feb-2023 4:20 PM EST
Mistaken fossil rewrites history of Indian subcontinent for second time
University of Florida

Scientists discovered the first-ever Dickinsonia fossil in India two years ago, changing our understanding of how the continent came to be. Now, new research shows the "fossil" was just a beehive all along, changing our understanding for a second time, and the original scientists now support the new findings.

Newswise: Small, convenient mosquito repellent device passes test to protect military personnel
Released: 30-Jan-2023 8:30 AM EST
Small, convenient mosquito repellent device passes test to protect military personnel
University of Florida

A device developed at the University of Florida for the U.S. military provides protection from mosquitos for an extended period and requires no heat, electricity or skin contact.

Newswise: Ag engineer to use AI to assess crop damage after tropical storms, hurricanes
Released: 19-Jan-2023 12:00 PM EST
Ag engineer to use AI to assess crop damage after tropical storms, hurricanes
University of Florida

A University of Florida scientist receives a national Institute of Food and Agriculture grant to develop a computer model using his existing technology to more quickly and accurately count damaged or dead crops.

10-Jan-2023 9:35 AM EST
Scientists find more evidence that breast milk of those vaccinated against COVID-19 may protect infants
University of Florida

Findings from a newly published study provide further evidence suggesting that the breast milk of those vaccinated against COVID-19 may help protect babies from the illness
